Byron Community Meeting #2

August 20th, 6:30-8:30 PM

Thank you to all who attended the second Byron community meeting for Envision Contra Costa 2040! We had an informative group of 17 community members that shared their thoughts about the draft Guiding Principles, which articulate the values, priorities, and aspirations for Byron’s future. Some of the main comments we heard included:

  • Re-establish Byron as an independent, full-service community with water service, while retaining its unique character.
  • Support re-use of Byron Hot Springs and a wide range of agritourism, including wineries, fruit stands, and farm-to-table restaurants, to market Byron as a tourist destination.
  • Make it easier for community groups to host special events through reduced permitting fees and streamlined permitting processes.
  • Add more flexibility to zoning standards, in particular to relax parking requirements and allow a broader range of uses in the downtown area, including light manufacturing and mixed use, while retaining responsible development standards.
  • Support commuter services at the Byron Airport.
  • Develop local and regional bike, pedestrian, and equestrian trails to promote alternative transportation within Byron and to Brentwood and Clayton, as well as outdoor recreation.
  • Construct planned roadway improvements and an overpass at Camino Diablo and Vasco Road.
  • Improve governmental communication to engage Byron residents.

Be sure to check back into the website often for upcoming meetings and more feedback opportunities!

Link to presentation

Link to Draft Guiding Principles for Byron

Link to detailed meeting summary

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