Crockett Community Meeting #3

November 14th, 6:30-8:30 PM

We would like to thank all who attended the third Crockett community meeting for Envision Contra Costa 2040! There were 13 participants who attended to share their feedback on the draft community profile for Crockett.

The profile provides context about the community, an overview of planned land uses, and guiding principles, policies, and actions to guide growth and development over the next twenty years. Participants shared additional feedback that we will use in refining the profile to ensure it reflects what community members want for the future of Crockett. The following are some of the major themes that emerged from the small group discussions:

  • Consider a variety of creative, alternative solutions to improve parking in Downtown Crockett and the residential neighborhoods.
  • Study the feasibility of a ferry terminal and transit service expansion.
  • Reassess the community’s emergency preparedness for natural and industrial hazards.
  • Explore additional ways to involve community members in decisions and planning opportunities.
  • Emphasize shoreline access and commerce opportunities along the waterfront.
  • Highlight the importance of preservation and access to open space and agricultural land.
  • Promote local, independent businesses to enhance the economy while preserving the friendly, neighborly character.
  • Revise land use and zoning maps to be consistent with existing uses on the ground, while considering preservation of some land for potential residential development near Rose Street.

Be sure to check back into the website often for upcoming meetings and more feedback opportunities!

Link to Draft Community Profile for Crockett

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