00;00;00;30 - 00;00;02;02 Unknown The meeting will come to 00;00;02;02 - 00;00;11;10 Unknown here. 00;00;11;15 - 00;00;58;23 Unknown David Eby and Shelley. And. Okay. All right, so we do. I pledge allegiance to the flag, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you. Thank you for coming to this special call. 00;00;58;27 - 00;01;09;06 Unknown We're here to discuss the county general plan and and I will have to come up to the phone. 00;01;09;51 - 00;01;45;19 Unknown Good evening. Thank you. This is super exciting. You are the first group of our local area plan update community meetings. I want to thank everybody for taking the time to come down here. I know it's dinner time and we have better things to do, but this process that we're starting of our community visioning and talking about what is important for us in our local communities and what we want to retain and where we want to grow or change in the future is a vital, vital process. 00;01;45;24 - 00;02;14;45 Unknown And so that's why it's so wonderful that you are taking this time out to help us with this community vision. Without your input and without the input of the communities, our plans will not be relevant. And these are very important plans that we use in community development, because every project that we do that is discretionary has to be in line with and consistent with the community's vision as well as the general plan. 00;02;14;50 - 00;02;43;40 Unknown So thank you so much for tonight. I also want to extend thanks to the Western Regional Town Hall, who is holding a special meeting to host us tonight and I also wanted to extend thanks and appreciation to our mayor, Gord. It's going out to all of our awesome AmeriCorps ladies. They're here. They're they're part of our community and they're there. 00;02;43;40 - 00;03;09;36 Unknown Their time and their efforts are really helping us out a lot. These these community visioning processes are very ambitious, very time consuming, very high demand on staff, because as you can probably figure, it takes a lot of time to make sure you're talking to as many people as who will talk to you and talk back. And so bringing the AmeriCorps team on board with us is a huge help. 00;03;09;41 - 00;03;32;25 Unknown Lastly, I also want to thank the works planning firm. They are a very professional experience and extremely productive team of consultants that have joined with Lake County staff to help support this effort as well. 00;03;32;30 - 00;03;56;40 Unknown We had an icebreaker exercise, which actually is we didn't want you know, we're not going to take you over anything like those baby shower games. But but you should have received a Post-it note. And we have a place on the back wall where we'd like to kind of get your initial thought on what you see as the future of this area. 00;03;56;44 - 00;04;26;29 Unknown So some people have asked, well, what kind of answer are you guys looking for? Something like, I want to see us retain our agricultural, um, sort of feel or I'd like to see our neighborhoods go in this area or I'd like to see increased commercial. I'd like to see decreased commercial. The things that you have thought of that would make up in this state a good community and change for the better is exactly what we'd love to hear. 00;04;26;34 - 00;04;51;54 Unknown So we don't expect you to write a five paragraph essay. You've only got a little post it. Just your top three thoughts would be extremely helpful. We're going to collect that later. We'll move on then to the next part of our agenda. And also at the end, before we close out, I'm going to give a plug for the local area plan advisory committees, which have just been established by the Board of Supervisors. 00;04;51;59 - 00;05;17;17 Unknown We have a general Plan advisory committee which has 15 members from all around the lake of various areas of expertise, and that's great to oversee the general plan and the related documents, as well as the environmental Impact report. However, there are a lot of really good things I told you I was going to look at later. I'm going to save it. 00;05;17;22 - 00;05;43;28 Unknown I'll tell you some of the really cool stuff that the local area plan advisory committees work on that is a vital part of each local area plan. Update But instead of talking all night, I'm going to hand it over to Tanya, Michelle and oh, here's Tanya for our overview and introduction of the 2015 general update. 00;05;43;28 - 00;05;51;14 Unknown Thank you. 00;05;51;17 - 00;06;18;56 Unknown Yeah, we can pull up the PowerPoint and we're going to start on slide four, correct, where we have the overview of the project. So as Maria said, my name is Tanya Sandberg. I'm with Place Works. We're the county's consultant for Lake County 2050, and I just want to echo her. Thank you to all of you for sharing your time with us tonight, that your input is very valuable and really critical to this project. 00;06;18;56 - 00;06;46;52 Unknown So thank you again. I think we want to go sorry, go back one slide this way. You know, okay, Go back to this idea. We'll go there. Okay. So I have just a relatively brief presentation to get everybody oriented to this project. And also what we're going to be doing tonight. So just to start really broadly, what is this project? 00;06;46;52 - 00;07;18;10 Unknown This is called Lake County 2015. It's a comprehensive update to the county's general plan, including all eight of the local area plans. It also includes environmental review, which is a process required by state law through the preparation of Environmental Impact report. I'll talk about that a little bit later. And then it includes concurrent preparation of a document called the Climate Adaptation Plan, and that's a county wide plan that will set up a framework for the county to adapt to the effects of climate change. 00;07;18;15 - 00;07;48;34 Unknown Thank you. All right. The next slide I want to start out with a preview of this document. We're updating the general plan. What is a general plan? A general plan is a long range plan. In this case. We're looking out to the year 2050, a long ways away, and it guides the county's decisions on a pretty broad variety of topics for decisions they make that affect the unincorporated county. 00;07;48;38 - 00;08;27;48 Unknown The general plan is often called a constitution for the development and conservation of a jurisdiction, and it's called a constitution because it sets up this broad, overarching framework for all of the more detailed regulations and guidelines and other plans that affect the future of the jurisdiction. So typically, a general plan will start with a community identified vision for the future, what you want to be in the year 2050, and then it includes a set of goals, policies and actions that the county will follow in order to make decisions that will support that vision for the future. 00;08;27;53 - 00;08;58;33 Unknown An important function of the general plan is that it provides consistent direction so that everybody in the community has some certainty about what the future of the community is. And also because the general plan covers such a broad variety of topics, it really takes some careful thinking and it really requires community direction, like we're getting here tonight to make sure that we set up these policies in a way that balances growth, conservation and quality of life in a way that supports the community's vision for the future. 00;08;58;38 - 00;09;21;48 Unknown And finally, another aspect of the general plan is that it documents the baseline environmental conditions so that we all have a shared understanding of the kind of starting point for for this work that we're doing in the plan. Next slide, please. So there are eight topics that state law requires general plans to address. You can see them here on this slide. 00;09;21;48 - 00;09;47;53 Unknown But the counties and cities are not limited to only addressing those eight topics. You can have some leeway to address other topics that are really more specific to the needs of your community. So your current Lake County General plan covers the required topics as well as some optional topics. So it covers the topics that are required of land use, open space circulation, housing, conservation, safety and noise. 00;09;47;58 - 00;10;14;26 Unknown It does not cover environmental justice. That's a new topic that I'll highlight later in the presentation. And then your current plan also covers these optional elements, including the Aggregate Resources Management plan, agricultural resources, geothermal resources, public facilities and services and water resources. I do want to point out housing element is part of your general plan, but it is required to be updated on a more frequent basis than the rest of the general plan. 00;10;14;26 - 00;10;43;44 Unknown So that will be updated separately. And then similarly, the Aggregate Resources Management plan that's currently an appendix to your general plan that will also be updated separately from the rest of this effort. Next slide, please. So moving on to local area plans. Local area plans are also long range plans and they cover some of the general plan topics that I just presented, but it covers them at a more localized scale. 00;10;43;44 - 00;11;16;00 Unknown So they're really attuned to the issues and conditions in that local area. So your current shoreline communities, local area plan is is carries equal weight as the county wide elements in the general plan. But again, it provides policy guidance that's really specific just to the Shoreline communities area. The Shoreline Communities area plan also includes identifies areas that are called special study areas. 00;11;16;05 - 00;11;43;06 Unknown And these areas it provides policy and design guidance that's even more specific just for those areas. So the current local area plan has a special study area policy and design guidance for the promenade in Lucerne. That's the Strand and Lucerne, the Plaza and Three Oaks and East Clearlake Oaks. So those are the current areas that are kind of highlighted and treated with a little bit more detail in your current local area plan. 00;11;43;11 - 00;12;21;52 Unknown Next slide, please. So as part of this project, a project that Lake County 2050, we are planning to reorganize the contents in your general plan to streamline the content and also avoid redundancy. So most many of these topics that we were just talking about, I was just presenting on our best planned at a localized scale. And so those will be covered in your local area plan that includes land use, circulation, open space conservation and recreation, environmental justice, public facilities and services, economic development and these special study areas. 00;12;21;52 - 00;12;47;48 Unknown I highlighted that the specific policy and design guidance for those areas and then the remaining topics will be covered in the county wide elements. And those topics are health and safety, noise, geothermal, agricultural resources, water resources, housing and the Aggregate Resources Management Plan. Next slide, please. So one of the topics that receives a lot of attention in general plan update is land use. 00;12;47;53 - 00;13;08;03 Unknown And that's in part because of this map called the General Plan Land use map that you can see up here on the slide. This map receives a lot of attention because it has a lot of impact on the future of the community. What it does is that identifies what types of land uses can be developed on each parcel in the unincorporated county. 00;13;08;07 - 00;13;27;53 Unknown And it also identifies some basic parameters for how densely or intensely that use can be developed. This sets up the framework for the more detailed zoning map that many of you may be more familiar with. But again, this has a lot of influence on the look and feel of our community. So it does receive a lot of attention and is part of what we're going to be talking about tonight. 00;13;27;58 - 00;13;50;11 Unknown Next slide, please. So I do want to take a few minutes to talk about this new topic, Environmental justice. This is a new topic that's required by state legislation that was passed in 2016. So it's not in your current general plan. And to start, just let's talk a little bit about the definition, what we mean when we say environmental justice. 00;13;50;16 - 00;14;09;26 Unknown Lots of people have different ideas on how to find it, how to define it, and it is defined in state law. You can see that here on the slide. But I like to think of it as simply the basic right of everybody to be able to live and work, go to school, play worship in a healthy and clean environment. 00;14;09;31 - 00;14;40;23 Unknown But what this law recognizes is that low income communities, communities of color or tribal communities have faced a combination of factors over the years that have led these communities to often be facing disproportionate pollution burdens and a disproportionate social and economic disadvantages like poverty and housing instability. And so this under this law, communities in California that are facing that combination of factors are called disadvantaged communities. 00;14;40;28 - 00;15;21;52 Unknown And the law requires that if there are disadvantaged communities in the jurisdiction, the environmental justice element identified policies that work specifically to improve conditions in those communities. Next slide, please. So to comply with this new legislation for any disadvantaged communities that are identified in Lake County, the general plan will need to include policy guidance that works to reduce pollution exposure and improve air quality in those communities, also promote access to public facilities, promote access to healthy, unaffordable food, access to safe and sanitary housing and opportunities for physical activity. 00;15;21;57 - 00;15;46;31 Unknown And then we also know that the approach to developing these policies can't be a top down approach. We need to emphasize equity in this process and we need to involve the communities that are affected by these issues. And so so it needs to be a kind of ground up approach. And finally, this legislation also directs us to prioritize improvements and programs that address the needs that are in those disadvantaged communities. 00;15;46;35 - 00;16;12;35 Unknown Next slide, please. All right. So many of you may not have really interacted with the general plan much in your day to day lives, but it does have some real effects on how on how you experience your lives here in this county kind of works behind the scenes. So I just want to point out a couple of those those ways that it does it so you can keep in mind why this matters and why why it's important for you to be here. 00;16;12;40 - 00;16;32;10 Unknown So as I mentioned earlier, the General Plan land use map identifies the types of land uses that can be developed and where. And so that has real effects on how you and your neighbors can develop and use your property. And that land use map also identifies where job generating uses can be located or where new commercial services are located. 00;16;32;14 - 00;16;50;48 Unknown So that affects how easy it is for you to find a job that's close to your home or how easy it is for you to get to a grocery store reach other services. The general plan also has a policy guidance that can affect how neighborhoods are built in the first place. So that can really affect the look and feel of your neighborhood. 00;16;50;53 - 00;17;16;45 Unknown Next slide, please. The general plan also includes some policy guidance on how roadways are designed and improved. Also, whether there are parks close to you and how well they're maintained. Also has policy guidance on how to reduce risks to you and your property from hazards from natural hazards. And on how cultural and natural resources around you are conserved. 00;17;16;54 - 00;17;29;01 Unknown So these are just a few of the topics that are covered and and why and how why it's important. And how it affects your life. Next slide, please. 00;17;29;06 - 00;17;54;23 Unknown Great. There we go. So as I mentioned at the outset, part of this process also includes environmental review. So this is a process that's required by the California Environmental Quality Act or Sequoia. It requires the county to disclose the potential physical effects on the environment that can result from adoption and implementation of this new general plan. So we will do that through what's called an Environmental Impact Report, or IIR. 00;17;54;27 - 00;18;23;43 Unknown That document will both disclose the impacts and then identify ways that we could potentially mitigate or reduce or avoid those impacts through mitigation measures or project alternatives. There are some opportunities for public input and comment in this process, including commenting on the scope of the analysis and commenting on the analysis itself. Next slide, please. Okay. So this slide gives you a broad overview of the Lake County 2015 process. 00;18;23;48 - 00;18;46;28 Unknown This is a three year process. We kicked it off last fall and we expect it to go through fall of 2026. The countywide elements process is underway and that's going to happen more quickly than is local area plan updates. We do expect drafts of those countywide elements this fall, and this workshop is part of our initiation to the local area plan update process. 00;18;46;33 - 00;19;09;58 Unknown What we learned from you today will inform the key issues that we know we need to address for the Shoreline Communities Local Area plan. And based on that, we'll be developing policy and land use alternatives to respond to those key issues. And that work will be happening through this fall. And then we expect full drafts of the local area plans to be ready in spring of next year. 00;19;10;03 - 00;19;32;31 Unknown And at that point, we'll be able to start that environmental review process. I mentioned that that will result in a draft air being published in spring of 2026. Then we have more public review looking at adoption in the fall of 2026. Next slide, please. 00;19;32;35 - 00;19;57;09 Unknown So your participation here tonight, as I said at the outset, this is really critical to this effort. This this needs to be a community driven process for it to be successful. So, again, thank you so much for giving us your time tonight. And I encourage you to continue to stay involved throughout this three year process and also help us to spread the word by telling your friends and family and neighbors about the process. 00;19;57;10 - 00;20;21;21 Unknown There's a lot of materials you can pick up today and bring home with you and just help distribute, because the more people we hear from, the more reflective this will be of the overall community's vision. So there will be ongoing opportunities to participate. We will have two more rounds of these local area plan workshops this coming fall. That's when we'll talk about those policy and the ideas alternatives I mentioned for this local area plan. 00;20;21;35 - 00;20;43;54 Unknown And then we anticipate next spring having another round of workshops to present the draft local area plans and hear your feedback on what we need to change to make sure we got it right. And then there's also other other venues where you can attend meetings and comment and comment periods. There are and there are going to be some stakeholder focus group meetings on specific topics. 00;20;43;59 - 00;21;03;24 Unknown There has been a general planning advisory committee that are back that was formed. They'll be meeting at key phases and you can attend those as a member of the public. Similarly, Planning Commission Board of Supervisors will have updates and along the way. So I encourage you to attend and share your point of view. And finally, we do have a project website dedicated to this effort. 00;21;03;24 - 00;21;21;22 Unknown Lake County 2050 dot org. Please do check it out and again, spread the word. There's a survey up there right now that you can fill out. We also have hard copies of that survey here so you can find more information about the project there. And also keep tabs on what's happening by checking it regularly as well as getting on our mailing list. 00;21;21;33 - 00;21;31;47 Unknown We'll do the same. Next slide, please. Okay. So before we break into the small group discussions, I do want to just take a minute to review what we're going 00;21;31;47 - 00;21;39;56 Unknown but I'll take a minute to just give you a preview of what's next before we do Q&A and then we can start that discussion. 00;21;39;57 - 00;22;00;34 Unknown But that way you have the opportunity to ask questions about it if you would like. So next slide, please. So you have in the workshop overview. That was one of the handouts here. You have these questions on your on your overview handout. So you have those referenced there, but this is what we're going to be talking about in the next part of the workshop. 00;22;00;39 - 00;22;20;22 Unknown We're going to be covering these four questions and, you know, taking notes on what you say because everything you tell us, as I said, is going to really inform what we focus on as part of this update. So we have about 45 minutes for this discussion and we will help you get through that discussion. We do also have maps at each table. 00;22;20;37 - 00;22;36;13 Unknown We'll probably consolidate you, but we encourage you to mark up and draw on the maps as part of your comments. Let's be like we love to see that next slide. And I think we can skip the reports back because we're going to stay in one big group. So I think we're ready for Q&A. 00;22;36;13 - 00;22;37;48 Unknown right. 00;22;37;53 - 00;23;02;24 Unknown You me on a marketing album and radio direct answer this is our time now then for all of the groups to hear of the small groups in you should have a volunteer one of your members people present for you. And we'll start over here, of course. 00;23;02;24 - 00;23;23;13 Unknown promised to show you hear me? Okay. Okay. We're not saying I don't right for that. I'm. Go ahead. I want to hear you better. Yeah. Okay. So we're going to start out with what do you like us about the area 00;23;23;13 - 00;23;44;09 Unknown What we like most about the area is we like the excellent air quality and try to have an eye on the fire there. And also, we love this area, the beautiful area and recreational activities. One thing I love to do and many people do like a lot of cycling in this area, so I really 00;23;44;09 - 00;23;55;00 Unknown love the geographical area, excellent area, zero cycling and also do mountain biking and other activities. 00;23;55;04 - 00;24;24;29 Unknown All the lessons of 18 March that that is that what we like that we like to watch a lot of largemouth bass and keep the structures and I have one of the main points to life now. What are the challenges? What are the challenges? Well, we want to support one of our big passion, Sebastian. We continue to have a working healthy and come out and make the changes that are going to be talking about. 00;24;24;29 - 00;24;58;37 Unknown This is the, uh, the core, the 24 hour station. Continue to work on that also in the city itself and then down the other lake with the school pedestrian area, which we're still talking about and all our meetings and we're really doing a subcommittee on and all about this issue. But the board are supporting, trying to continue to improve that safety and are things coming out of our friends and they're going to be working on a lot. 00;24;58;39 - 00;25;40;38 Unknown And we have here comes the charter schools are it's up under the public parts. We want to look at the safety and improving those in the community and allow us to do that well, big one in our area, especially east. And I know that our area areas to a big, huge cleaning of the area being on the these and working with suppliers, getting rid of those, working with the crime, working with the drug use, these are all big issues in these restoring housing stock. 00;25;40;38 - 00;26;18;54 Unknown We're housing for the community that we're waiting for commercial delivery, restoration, working on lowering dry air and drug use. That's a huge one. Um, we want to refresh the community signage in these designs that will be area and grass and how it's fragile. And we want to get that. We want to ensure those are carried right now and increase tourism and to bring more people to our community with all these other things and presence of wildfire mitigation. 00;26;18;59 - 00;26;41;01 Unknown Expert Do you think changes are needed to the plan there? I think we said no, we didn't believe there's any changes there. And do you think changes are needed in the local area? Found out. We felt there were no changes on that. But some of the other points that we have in this group and I'm sure will be some similar to is here. 00;26;41;06 - 00;26;48;54 Unknown Thank you. That super 00;26;48;54 - 00;27;33;51 Unknown team that are in say person here. Yeah that might have some people in the and then using our service plan yeah Dan Carr I can ask our business association of guess and we have quite a lot of really good so we talked about the dangers and I will try and not be afraid of that but we really talk about the lake quality and lake ecosystems, the small town feel of the our community and to have that maybe have a successful summit. 00;27;33;51 - 00;28;02;51 Unknown We do try to come back again. We have a real problem with Internet service here. A lot of people are now that essentially and the lakes problems are really we have to do that, that they only have or we have not. We have they have satellite. So we talked about making it accessible to everybody. And CNN from Florida here on your phone is spotty. 00;28;02;56 - 00;28;36;45 Unknown People realize that. So they're calling about a loved one that is having problems. You might not be able to get through your cell phone, see? And then this minute, municipal services and information is sharing and really sweeping through the world. And with the government and maintain and improve critical landline infrastructure. A lot of people are losing our landlines essentially are senior citizens like myself. 00;28;36;49 - 00;29;13;03 Unknown I know, I know. But hey, people are losing hours and if they cannot get an answer, it's an impossible to get. A landline is usually in the area that we see. This one here was an interesting. The shoreline is so large and we would like to see more or service providing the standard service we've had using old value measures for firefighters. 00;29;13;07 - 00;29;54;30 Unknown There should be more consolidation and sharing, especially as your services. Spring Valley is super difficult to serve. No cell service. One chair has some legal branch and then we are wondering about the boundaries, how they may made. And we talk to our to come have for the service district boundaries. The rural areas is well funded whereas shoreline communities are underfunded and we'd like to see more signage for reporters. 00;29;54;34 - 00;30;28;36 Unknown Somebody came into my shop the other day and they said, Oh, we know there's a part of the call here are And I knew that that had previously been assigned as her sanctuary. So I mean, a little nice signage at our survey. Now we had this news on this thing happening in our town. I was satisfied that we might get people out to do some exercise and eat well, have to find park signs and toilets and were in the so called hiding. 00;30;28;41 - 00;31;03;24 Unknown So I only saw several where this street and part of that Rob and it reminded me that the Internet connectivity for today did not allow us to stream our meeting times. However, the meeting is being recorded and will available so technically in 1928, be that or return to the next group, 00;31;03;24 - 00;31;26;00 Unknown right. Well, our group was recording session us so that's been the question when the assets Main street in Beverly Hills underutilized assets and also affiliates and these are the gateways from this new national forest, which is Partizan. 00;31;26;00 - 00;32;11;41 Unknown And so again, under the new ideas, why are we promoting this whole new sparkling area as the original Madison Action Forest and more by adding trails to connect public lands, the levee system becoming actually that recreational trail would include side. Why has there been fighting the question in the wildlife viewing and preservation and education, especially for youth? And then we want to preserve the whole town, feel that luckily in the small town, feel peace. 00;32;11;46 - 00;32;58;48 Unknown Let's do the biggest issues roads and traffic safety and not just limited to 2020 is a scenic highway. Why is that not being more utilized and more funds available because of that to improve everything and also the better stormwater drainage. We are in a water wonderful community here in Lake County and our on drainage here and I believe this is significant challenge and we have flooding and flooding happening quite often at the lake in the residential areas because that stormwater drainage systems are first to break away and later on stigma. 00;32;58;53 - 00;33;26;39 Unknown That's a big one for us at this table. We want to break away consumer and then Marina improvements and basic shoreline improvements falling apart, impacting the docks, the marina and these that really used to ride over all of them and going there those of us that did. And then also we think mixed use needs to be increased in both communities. 00;33;26;43 - 00;34;05;51 Unknown And there's not enough housing, more commercial area in both communities. And we think that the senior citizens of those communities are underutilized and talk about different programs, including a grant plan to deliver adaptive management program. Definitely emphasis on recreational and outside areas for kids to be kids. And we're missing the community center in this region. We need not only have our senior centers, yes, but we don't have a community center and a lot of unsafe building sites and there and cars. 00;34;05;56 - 00;34;38;41 Unknown And then as far as boundary lines, we actually just have one. We like our boundary line, etc.. This one area is confusing to everybody. So this has indicated look at that one edge and see if it should be like reports for children name and that I don't like in this area because it's definite more like port audience Thank you so 00;34;39;18 - 00;35;19;33 Unknown Well, I'm going to be okay. Who likes properties that is on the Western region town hall. And for those who don't know, is it blue lakes or the forgotten neglected by that are also part of what the like? Probably the but the biggest thing that we have in our little group came up with was those rural, wide open spaces, which everybody was into that but preserve the small town character of Buffer. 00;35;19;37 - 00;35;58;52 Unknown We've lost it in Blue Lakes. We don't have it anymore here. When you're walking around looking, you have Old Town feel. So we were proud to be part of that and we think that that should be maintained. The merchants are really a wonderful golf environment. Environmentalists say we're all local. A lot of people an open space. So if you have I come from a car years ago and of our heart was in built so that it's going to city limits in the field every river. 00;35;58;57 - 00;36;35;22 Unknown So if I had a vehicle I wanted of the good out this is my community and if you go to blue light you'll see that that's where a lot of people bought into because we have only three open lots left, major, a few large permitted candidates across and change. The character of blue lights is stage character of Lake Town and changes the character of the natural course because it's not some sure stop and it does affect our property values. 00;36;35;22 - 00;37;10;02 Unknown It does affect it a criminal people intent and some of them are just there to see what at night in the backyard of. Roads are not permitted, but they're allowed and they're having thieves come in. And not everybody says, well, the price falls on what happened. It's out. It's still happening. Law enforcement, we need more funding. Staff The blue Lights takes 20 to 25 minutes for an officer to arrive. 00;37;10;06 - 00;37;50;02 Unknown And for Adelphia, if you're really into an area where the homeless population is increasing, not only we like all along the 24 hour with any homeless shelter over that really way to itself some. But we actually in order for people there to be turned away in their back and there bridges that are back in our things are back with us but firewood is out there but we can't do it. 00;37;50;07 - 00;38;22;18 Unknown Small and parcels are not economically viable. So it's that we saw 20 acre blocks or 30 acre lots. It's really not advantageous for them to stay agricultural. They should be tempted to help use or something, some other type of zoning bar of separate from recreational parks. You've got over to our park over here, the the shade dogs out. 00;38;22;22 - 00;38;50;35 Unknown We don't have to shade if figure out of the park of the south. So that is the suggestions that all of us over here, possibly the general bend here, nearly so like and so what world are there for? There were lots of other places. So this is that difficult for me as we talk about this. But we're talking about one right here, right now that can be helpful. 00;38;50;40 - 00;39;29;43 Unknown The whole thing is on that whole part of the soccer field and and who picks out the land lines. So even the dogs are walking the coast track traffic is not going to order around our schools. We need somebody of property called it cross more cross for us. There's one element that we want to further up sea bass with slow down slow. 00;39;29;44 - 00;40;16;16 Unknown But there are those that don't like Steve and said finally down the street it was in front of my house I would be absolutely No, no, no it I did on the street where there's speed bumps and they do they always show the car so fast over established fire prevention protection it blue guess we have sat in water systems there none of us have fire protection phones they're getting their fire insurance canceled because we're in a wildfire area where your sidewalk is eight miles away. 00;40;16;16 - 00;40;44;17 Unknown And right out there, 100 calls now. So we have how they can bark, but it takes a 20, 20 to 5 minutes to get from the there and you can't find it in the garden hose. We lost three homes Was that is my goodness. So those are like a may 20. So we came up with one that I didn't see there that you didn't write down it. 00;40;44;17 - 00;41;11;45 Unknown As far as blue lights, we have public beaches that you didn't love or some provisions and you wanted to have a shady shop there. All of your community beach, it sold all year. One, you need a some open space so that we could see each other. You can put a picnic tables in. There are three major subdivisions that have beaches, but we can't do anything with them without a zoning change. 00;41;11;45 - 00;41;15;44 Unknown So that was one of the boys. 00;41;15;44 - 00;41;57;17 Unknown Thank you very much. So a lot of the saying this is not addressing the issue or groups. Additionally, while the words were totally is John Watson. Yeah. And he had a conversation just over 30 minutes and some of the things that I took from that conversation was the importance of agriculture, the versatile, the protection of the larger parcels for added land in his own state of smaller when they get into residential use parcels and they'll get that part of the soil back. 00;41;57;22 - 00;42;24;58 Unknown Additionally to encourage the opportunity is to combine agricultural with education in our schools, the teachers unions about where the food come from. And also lastly, one of the challenges is that the current land values make it very difficult or prohibitive to since you have a diversified agriculture resources around for us. So that and that is a really good voice in that. 00;42;24;58 - 00;43;02;47 Unknown Thank you. So thank you, everybody. One of the things I like that resonated was preservation of our small town here too. But there are ways we can improve our system and our services while still maintaining that character of the Western regional town Hall was gracious enough to have a special meeting and houses in the sector. I wanted to just take a minute or two to see if there was any commentary from the word for itself on anything that the weakness or overtones today. 00;43;02;52 - 00;43;31;38 Unknown I'm quite impressed with the turnout and the the enthusiasm of people to share their thoughts and concerns, and I hope very much that we will have more of the positive from reality to to our community. With that, thank you very much. And there's a good chance for me to mention that each screening area is going to have three community planning meetings. 00;43;31;40 - 00;44;04;19 Unknown This is just the first one. The next one beyond the work on a week in the fall as well as please. If you have an interest in having your say out of your voice for these five, live the local area plan Those three committees. We need nine people on each committee and I can handle that. I should talk to the cast list and stress in our report is that we get this with community specific input to help us to to draft a green vision for community service going forward. 00;44;04;24 - 00;44;35;58 Unknown I have one more thing that kind of important. These are for the people that write down. Today's our next board meeting is on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Wednesday is opposition economic forum here. Next was made up of seven people. This one thing they did last week if you get a chance to review the survey network page survey, they also gathered from the hood and the school pool license plate holder. 00;44;36;03 - 00;45;03;32 Unknown You will be model again later. And Tony said your website is on one side and I love the hearings on the other side. This is a great conversation starter and I know it's energetic within the adults, but this is also it really designed to build more awareness because our overall goal is to as much input as possible. And I was really worth people's reading. 00;45;03;37 - 00;45;43;18 Unknown Thank you, everybody for joining us. You know, the gap with I would like to kind of get everyone to come and I would ask the theory that I'm working through some of these. There are some. So I think all the members are all those folks, and we are