00:00:00:04 - 00:00:25:18 Unknown Welcome, everybody. I'm Craig Scott. I'm the chair of the Scott Value Advisory Community Advisory Committee. And I called this meeting to order for this. I'm going to take roll call. Cornelia is here. Jody's here. And who's that guy next to you? He's here to our vice chair, Jarrett. And of course, Joel, are your members here? And I'm here, so we have a complete board. 00:00:25:21 - 00:00:56:00 Unknown At this time, I'm going to ask for any input from citizens concerns about Scott Pelley. Agenda. Anybody out there have anything not seeing any? I will now turn this meeting over to the general plan meeting. Maria Turner, thank you and welcome. Thank you. I'm going to jump very as time here real quickly. I'm Supervisor Michael Green. If you don't know, you're representing district four, including those areas included in the Lakeport area plan. 00:00:56:02 - 00:01:15:03 Unknown This is part of a larger countywide effort. There's going to be several area plan rollouts. This is a hybrid meeting because we did want the Scotts Valley community Advisory Council to be present and to be able to give input. The actual maps of the Lake port area plan that you'll be seeing obviously incorporate a wider area than just Scotts Valley. 00:01:15:05 - 00:01:37:07 Unknown So we appreciate your patience. It's a little bit of a hybrid meeting. Our heavy lifting is done and Chair Scott is here and the rest of the council and there's only one agenda item on our agenda, and that's to hear this Lake Port area plan kick off. And here we have Maria Turner, our community development director. Thank you. 00:01:37:09 - 00:02:04:18 Unknown I want to welcome everybody tonight. This is a pretty good showing. A number of members from the community for the Lakeport planning area. And I thank you for taking time out of your evening when you know you'd rather be having dinner. But we appreciate that you're willing to give this time because this community visioning process is essential in guiding our development for the next 20 years. 00:02:04:20 - 00:02:33:15 Unknown I want to extend thanks to the people who are making this meeting happen. Tonight, they're wearing Navy. So you'll see over here we have a group of AmeriCorps volunteers. These are women from our community that have become experts now in the past seven meetings of facilitating our small group tables. And so when we get to that part of our agenda, they will spread out and help us to capture all of the input that you're ready to share with us. 00:02:33:18 - 00:03:00:17 Unknown I also want to thank Sam Houston for operating the tech for this meeting. The staff that we have here tonight is our principal planner, Michelle Iris. And we also have a couple staff in the back that are also help also here to help either facilitate or get things if we need them or answer planning questions that typically will come up during the small group session. 00:03:00:19 - 00:03:32:23 Unknown I also want to thank Supervisor Green and Supervisor elect Rasmussen for for being here tonight. When you're a policymaker, an elected policymaker, it's very valuable for us to hear people's ideas right here at our very grassroots level. So I thank you for making the time to be here. Also, our principal planner will moderate the Zoom Room. So we do have a few people attending virtually. 00:03:32:24 - 00:03:54:20 Unknown We're really excited that we actually have the Internet capacity, the bandwidth to have both an in-person and a Zoom meeting. I think this might be the first one where it's hopefully going to work. So it's not surprising that most of the challenges that have been described from meeting to meeting include Internet access. So this is going to be great. 00:03:54:22 - 00:04:20:19 Unknown We will handle in input and questions and answers, starting with people who are physically in the chambers tonight. And then we'll also then turn to Zoom to make sure we don't miss anybody who's attending virtually. So let's see. Would you please start the slide show? Sam? 00:04:20:22 - 00:04:41:20 Unknown All right. Next slide, please. 00:04:41:23 - 00:05:12:29 Unknown We really learn to roll with things in this series. So let me tell you what the slide is going to be. It'll be a let's just sketch out this evening. I'll give you an overview of the Lake County 2050 General Plan and Lake Local Area Plan update process. Then we will have a question and answer period. If you have any questions about what I would have just told you, we will then get into what I consider the most important part of the evening, and that is our small group sessions. 00:05:13:01 - 00:05:46:01 Unknown We have about 6 to 8 chairs per table and the members of the Scotts Valley Advisory Council. If you could just make sure you don't have a quorum at any one particular table, just sort of spread yourselves out or if you notice. Oh, good point. Yes. Okay. Sit wherever you like. Thank you. We will then go over a 45 hour over a 45 minute period with facilitator scribbling notes madly to capture everything you're saying. 00:05:46:04 - 00:06:10:23 Unknown We will then cover four different questions that I'm going to get to in just a moment. How's it going, Sam? Okay. Those questions, we do have a slide for it, but we you may never see it tonight. So the four questions are what? What do you consider an asset? What do you cherish about the lake port planning area? 00:06:10:25 - 00:06:33:29 Unknown What are the challenges that you might see, you might want to see changed? Where are areas of improvement over the next 20 years? Then we take a look at land use designation. The land use designation dictates how that property can be developed in the future, whether it be residential, commercial, industrial. We will ask for your input on if you see any needed changes in the land. 00:06:33:29 - 00:07:09:05 Unknown Use designations that you can anticipate over the next 20 years. Some of those answers could be I think we need a secondary commercial hub or we don't have enough industrial or I want to change all our Single-Family residential to high density residential. I don't anticipate that coming in tonight, but I just thought I'd throw it in. And then the last part is we take a look at the boundaries of the Lakeport planning area itself and ask you if you consider that those overall boundaries for the whole Lakeport area still reflect the community today. 00:07:09:07 - 00:07:34:08 Unknown So just so you know, the Lakeport planning area excludes the city limits because as a as its own jurisdiction, the city does its own community visioning process. So this so when we talk about the Lakeport area, it's for North Lakeport and then it goes to the west of the city all the way to the county line. So it includes things like BENMORE Valley and then it goes to the south part of the city. 00:07:34:11 - 00:07:53:07 Unknown So it kind of just circles around here. Yeah, Yeah. 00:07:53:10 - 00:08:41:16 Unknown Okay. So while they're still working. Oh, look at that. Yeah. What is that? I don't even recognize that slide. That's number two. Oh, there it is. Oh, great. Okay, so we've already covered that. Next slide. Awesome. Thank you. So you'll see by that map that the entire county, excluding the cities, is divvied up into eight planning areas. We are updating the local area plans as well as the general plan simultaneously in the Lake County 2050 project, because all of our area plans are pretty outdated and you can't really do a county wide community visioning process without having an updated and relevant community specific or local area plan. 00:08:41:18 - 00:09:08:27 Unknown So we're doing it all the updating of these plans qualifies under state law as a project, and anything that qualifies under state law as a project has to go through environmental review. So this will be a very rigorous environmental review resulting in an environmental impact report. And then also we obtained grant funding to prepare a climate adaptation plan. 00:09:08:29 - 00:09:35:06 Unknown So we're like, Hey, why not? We'll just throw that in there too. So we're doing a climate adaptation plan as well. And the point of that plan is to take a look at climate related impacts in our communities and offer suggestions, action plans, implementation plans on ways to build more resilience for the communities. Next slide, please. What is a general plan? 00:09:35:08 - 00:09:59:06 Unknown It is a community wide visioning document. It must be updated according to state law. No, no more than every 20 years. It's called the Constitution sometimes because it actually talks about development. It provides guidelines. 00:09:59:08 - 00:10:31:07 Unknown Doke. And keep going. Sure. So it's a document that, as it dictates, development is also concerned with protecting resources. So this general plan serves to preserve what we cherish county wide as well as address challenges that are on a county wide basis for improvement in the future. It gives the government, it gives the local county government sort of a to do list on things that we need to work on. 00:10:31:14 - 00:10:53:24 Unknown It also supports funding for grant applications because at the state level and the federal level, when they're allotted all of our grant applications now want to make sure that we're not just making stuff up as we go along and doing something we feel is fun. They want to know that what we're trying to do is consistent with the community's vision. 00:10:53:26 - 00:11:21:05 Unknown Revisiting one really good thing about updating our local area plans and our general plans is because you have to maintain consistency between the two. When we do in planning, when we work on use permits, things that come before the Planning Commission or the Board of Supervisors for approval, part of our staff report requires us to show how that project is consistent with both the general plan and the local area plans. 00:11:21:07 - 00:11:45:00 Unknown And so we never want to have a situation where those two visioning documents are in conflict. So that's one of the really great things. If we survive this three year project, that's one of the great things about doing it all at one time is that we can ensure that the the community specific vision is carries the exact same weight as the county wide elements. 00:11:45:03 - 00:12:13:12 Unknown So you'll see the components of the general plan. On the left hand side are all the topics that are required by law. On the right hand side, you'll see some optional elements or chapters of the general plan, and a jurisdiction has the authority. They have to do all the required topics, but they can if they did, if they determine something to be significant and unique to that jurisdiction, they can also just do optional elements. 00:12:13:12 - 00:12:43:06 Unknown And so in Lake County, we've added a few the Aggregate Resources Management plan, which regulates how we extract natural resources such as gravel from our creeks and our quarries, the agricultural resources, because, you know, it's Lake County geothermal resources, which focus on the sort of the southern area of the county where we have a lot of geothermal activity, public facilities and services, and then water resources, which does focus on Clearlake. 00:12:43:08 - 00:12:48:06 Unknown Next slide, please. 00:12:48:09 - 00:13:17:19 Unknown Local area plans. Okay. So they cover some of the information that is typically in the general plan. But the whole focus of a local area plan is to be community specific, let's say. So it will reflect local characteristics. It will carry the same weight as the general plan. And actually, when we get to the end of this process and they get adopted and submitted to the state, we are submitting the local area plans as actually part of our general plan. 00:13:17:25 - 00:13:46:00 Unknown So they carry the same weight. It could also include information that the community sees regarding expansion of your community growth boundary. This is an area within your planning area where you anticipate or you'd like to see infrastructure be developed in the future. So this is a lot of our commercial in our residential areas. Go back to second. Almost done. 00:13:46:01 - 00:14:09:16 Unknown Okay. Another really interesting thing. Thank you. That that could be in a local area plan would be your community specific commercial design guidelines or residential design guidelines if you wanted. So those are those are the regulations that people wanting to develop. Let's say you want to to put a new store at a storefront in in Lakeport outside the city limits. 00:14:09:18 - 00:14:38:00 Unknown And you want to improve the facade or update the facade. The design guidelines will sort of tell you the character that that the community wants to preserve regarding the appearance of that that area. So you can think about like Middletown, have they sort of they really prized the sort of Western kind of rustic, historic sort of a feel that is rolled out through these design guidelines. 00:14:38:02 - 00:15:14:03 Unknown Okay. Next slide, please. Thank you. Because we wanted to make our local area plans the more robust of the documents. We have separated them a little differently than you'll more normally see. And jurisdictions are able to to sort of mix and match where their elements go as they see fit. So you'll see on the county wide elements, we have a lot of things that are not necessarily neighborhood specific health and safety, noise, geothermal, the agricultural resources. 00:15:14:03 - 00:15:38:05 Unknown Those are all county wide issues. Water resources, the lake, the housing element is county wide and it starts. Part of what it covers is what we call arena numbers, and that is the regional housing needs assessment numbers that have just come out from they come from Sacramento. And then they go to your local like either council of governments or in Lake County. 00:15:38:11 - 00:16:00:22 Unknown It goes to our local APC, our transportation body. And that group then divides it up, breaks it up into the different jurisdictions. So they'll have a number, they'll have arena number four, county and then each city. Now the arena number, the purpose of arena number is to make sure that we are not kicking out opportunities to develop housing. 00:16:00:25 - 00:16:27:00 Unknown So the we have to satisfy that number that it gives us of the ability to have housing. It could still be vacant land. We don't actually have to build the house. We just have to make sure that the conditions are such that it could be developed. And so that goes into the housing element, as well as listing all the obstacles to that development and ways that we can improve through our implementation plans and objectives. 00:16:27:02 - 00:16:48:07 Unknown So that one is just assuring that we have the options to continue to develop housing as well as maintain current housing so that people in Lake County can have a safe and healthy place to live. And then the aggregate resource management plan. So that's our county wide elements. Then you go over to the local and land use is a very robust part of a local area plan. 00:16:48:08 - 00:17:14:17 Unknown But we're also going to talk about how we get around in these communities. That's the circulation element, the open space, conservation and recreation. Where do we want our parks to go? How do we want to maintain our sidewalks? Are environmental justice, which we'll get to in the next slide. Public facilities and services, economic development. And then at those special study areas, again, in the teeny tiny boxes, it's got the community local policies along with the community design guidelines. 00:17:14:20 - 00:17:53:14 Unknown Next slide, please. Land use map. Okay. This is what usually gets the most attention. And because it tells us for the future what sort of development can take place on which parcel. This could include a density of residential development. It could include your your overall coverage in a commercial parcel. You know, can you can you just blanket that one acre commercial parcel like all solid buildings or is there sort of a limitation like maybe can only cover 75% of that parcel, that sort of thing? 00:17:53:17 - 00:18:30:22 Unknown These all affect the counties, how our residents feel about development in a bunch of different ways. Um, after we complete the land use map for the, the general plan, we're going to roll out a whole updated zoning map update The zoning map is what we use a lot of in planning and that we'll start talking. The zoning guidelines will start further implementing the communities vision because that's where we're really looking at like height restrictions, your minimum parcel sizes. 00:18:30:22 - 00:18:54:29 Unknown If you wanted to divide something, how many houses can you have on this, that sort of thing. So those are the, the nuts and bolts part that we deal with every day when when people want to come in for a building permit or a use permit. I think that's it's on that one. Next slide, please. Environmental justice. What does environmental justice? 00:18:54:29 - 00:19:32:27 Unknown It is basically the right of everyone to live, work, go to school, play and worship in a clean and healthy environment. The state determined that there are a number of communities, communities of color, tribal communities, low income communities that historically have been negatively affected, resulting in COVID and a combination of factors. But the result is that today these types of communities struggle with both the disproportionate burden of pollution and health impacts, as well as disproportionate social and economic disadvantages like poverty or housing instability. 00:19:32:29 - 00:20:01:20 Unknown So the state labeled these type of communities disadvantaged communities. They have a number of criteria that they evaluate to deem communities disadvantage. But they also offer jurisdictions some leeway to do its own identifications at work as well. And the goal of the environmental justice element then, is to improve the overall conditions in those communities. Next slide, please. So how do we do it? 00:20:01:22 - 00:20:33:26 Unknown Senate Bill 1000 gave us this bullet point list on what is required that we take a look at in an environmental justice. And these can be wide ranging as well. So the pollution exposure seems very self-explanatory. It could include anything from industry to cars and truck pollution, public facilities that could include something like sidewalks or street lights or larger facilities like flood control, access to food. 00:20:33:29 - 00:21:04:12 Unknown This is food that is affordable and healthy. It could it could look something like increasing zoning for community gardens or increasing the number of areas that are zoned to to attract grocery stores or offering some sort of incentive to current food stores to help them start stocking or to encourage them to start stocking healthy food, safe and sanitary homes. 00:21:04:17 - 00:21:29:01 Unknown So this will sound familiar. When you think about policies that refer to lead based paint or asbestos. Things like that. We want to make sure our homes are healthy places. It could also include pests and rodents and something that we don't always think of or that that I didn't was it situations like overcrowding? So we know how expensive it is to have housing in Lake County just like it is everywhere else. 00:21:29:03 - 00:21:52:19 Unknown And so what you find is instead of having that single family residents with 2.5 people, you've got that single family residents with like three families living in it. And when you're because they're just trying to make it affordable. So when you have a situation like that, like overcrowding, it's very difficult to maintain a healthy environment. And so that could also come into play with our safe and sanitary homes. 00:21:52:21 - 00:22:29:13 Unknown Physical activity, this could say bike lanes. We want more bike lanes. We want to connect our neighborhoods to our commercial area in a way that's safe for them to get there. We'd like to connect our communities to our local creeks so that people can have parks and creeks and places to go that promote health. As we work on the environmental justice element, it is also actually important to maintain an awareness that as we strive to improve the conditions of these communities, we want to protect against gentrification or displacement of the families who live there. 00:22:29:13 - 00:22:57:03 Unknown Now. So the goal of Lake County 2050 is actually to hear the voices of the people that are in these disadvantaged communities, bring them to the table so that we are not making rules for them, telling them what we think is going to be better for them, but rather they are participating also in this community visioning process. Next slide, please. 00:22:57:05 - 00:23:22:20 Unknown I think I've kind of covered most of this. So the general plan and local area plans as you dictate or regulate how development is done, it affects our every day. If we can increase our amount of local commercial that's close enough to residential, people aren't driving 45 minutes to go to work. They can just walk to work or the types of jobs that we attract to the county that could be part of it. 00:23:22:23 - 00:23:48:01 Unknown Our neighborhoods, more parks, move parks around, change the parks, that sort of thing, so that the character of our neighborhood stays residential and safe. Let's see what else? Oh, I put in my notes. Where can I place the Trader Joe's? So that's my own wishlist, but it could be something like that. Where do we want to encourage local or community commercial? 00:23:48:01 - 00:24:01:07 Unknown Do we want big box stores? Do we want little box stores? Do we want no box stores? That sort of thing? That is part of the community visioning process, though. I really want a Trader Joe's. 00:24:01:09 - 00:24:25:02 Unknown Good. Keep that part. Next slide, please. This just goes a little full a little further. How roadways are designed and improved. That is part of our community visioning process. Again, I've been already mentioning parks. So we also want to make sure that the cultural and natural resources are part of those resources from Lake County that we cherish and we preserve. 00:24:25:05 - 00:24:31:12 Unknown Next slide, please. 00:24:31:14 - 00:25:06:06 Unknown Ha. Okay. So the environmental impact report, this is an evaluation of how the project, which is this whole new community plan, impacts the environment. It identifies information where there could be significant impacts of these changes on the environment. It might also include mitigation efforts that will bring that significant impact down to a less than significant impact. Also, it has multiple periods for public review. 00:25:06:08 - 00:25:40:24 Unknown So this document, it's going to look daunting. It would make a great doorstop, but it's really helpful. If you just jump in and find the parts of it that interest you, that that you may have some comments on and make sure you send in those comments because everybody together is how we get actually a community vision. The scoping period, it mentions that first period of public review has already taken place and that was where the community came in and said, We want to make sure when you're analyzing things that you remember this, this and this or this thing over here in that community. 00:25:40:24 - 00:26:05:11 Unknown So that happened and it had the 30 day scoping period where we were asking for comments. This draft air will also have a minimum 45 day review. So that's a good point where where we really need to hear if you think we've missed something, if you think that there's something in there that's inaccurate. How do you get to it? 00:26:05:13 - 00:26:18:02 Unknown That's I don't even think that's on. Oh, this next slide, please. Here's our process. Lake County, 2050. It's a three year process. It started last fall. 00:26:18:05 - 00:26:40:13 Unknown The countywide elements excuse me, which were the ones that that weren't in the local area plans, but the column that had the county wide stuff, those drafts are already in process and we anticipate that they will be available this fall. Each local area plan has three different community workshops. This is number one for the Lakeport Area Plan, our next one. 00:26:40:15 - 00:27:08:17 Unknown So the goal of tonight is to gather an understanding of what you all think are the key issues for the Lakeport area plan. And we're going to we're going to synthesize that material and bring it back at our meeting in the fall. Along with a draft land use map. And that's when we start kind of zooming in further to see if there are any changes specifically that we want to see made. 00:27:08:19 - 00:27:35:09 Unknown Third meeting is to review and discuss the draft Lakeport area plan, and that is going to be in spring of 2025. Now once we have drafts of the of the local area plans, that's when the actual meeting part of doing the environmental analysis can actually get started because we have sort of our framework of our project. It's going to take a year to do the EIA, and that's actually pretty good compared to some areas. 00:27:35:14 - 00:28:08:03 Unknown So we do anticipate that the work for the air will start the spring of 2025 with the draft available in spring of 2026, and then it's going to go from spring of 2026 all the way to fall of 2026 for review. And during that period, it will also go to a public hearing for the planning Commission as well as finally, hopefully, our goal is to end up with board consideration and adoption by fall of 2026. 00:28:08:06 - 00:28:30:15 Unknown Next slide, please. All right. So besides tonight, how can you tell me what you want to see in Lakeport and the county? We're already at the local area playing community workshops. We're going to have three. Some of the key issues that we find out tonight are going to help inform us on stakeholder meetings. So we don't have those scheduled yet. 00:28:30:17 - 00:28:56:17 Unknown But when we do discern the the key issues, we can then start bringing members of with that type of expertise to sort of hash through those issues. General Planning Advisory Committee meetings. The board created the General Plan Advisory Committee. It is a 15 member body of a variety of expertise and residential areas and they have five meetings throughout this process. 00:28:56:18 - 00:29:20:07 Unknown They've had the first one already, but those are public meetings, planning commission meetings and Board of Supervisors. Meetings, of course, are noted notice public hearings. And the way you can keep track and just check in is to go to our website. Lake 2050 dot org. You can sign up for the email notification list there. You could also, when you think of a comment that you didn't cover here, but you want to. 00:29:20:11 - 00:29:44:11 Unknown Sure, we get captured. There's a comment area where you can click that link. Send us your comments. We won't lose it. Additionally, we have a calendar, future events as well, so you don't even have to remember anything I just told you. Just go to that website when you when you're interested and you can see what's coming up. Next slide, please. 00:29:44:13 - 00:30:20:10 Unknown Good. Oh, geez. I can't believe I forgot that. Local area Plan Advisory committees, What we call lake packs. A few meetings ago, the board established eight lay packs. So one for each planning area. Please, please, please, please, please. If you have any interest at all, please apply to be a member of this local area Plan Advisory Committee. This is where the meetings for the apex and we'll keep them as few meetings as possible or as necessary, but just enough meetings to make sure that we have settled and gotten to a consensus regarding community growth. 00:30:20:10 - 00:30:43:27 Unknown Brown boundary adjustments, the planning area adjustments. Do we want can design guidelines, and if so, do we have are we gaining consensus on those? So that's where you really have a great say in guiding this visioning process. We are going to amend is doing a vanna back there. She's that is our application the standard board and commission application. 00:30:43:27 - 00:31:08:10 Unknown Please fill one out, get it back to us. Snail mail email. Drop it off with me. That'd be great. We should have a link by now on our Lake County 2050. That'll take you to that application. It's a fill will PDF that you can just apply online. It goes right to the Board of Supervisors office. We're going to collect applications through the month of May with an anticipated board appointment item in June. 00:31:08:12 - 00:31:44:27 Unknown So let's see, I already gave you an overview of the small group decision, so we'll just go on to questions and answers. Are there any questions that you have on that whirlwind tour that I just took you on? Not all at once yet. When you use the word community, you really made this. Um. Thank you. In tonight's context community. 00:31:44:27 - 00:32:12:15 Unknown Oh, yes, please. Would you? Yes. So the question is, when I'm saying community, do I mean the Lakeport area or do I mean county wide in the context for tonight's workshop? When I refer you to refer to a community I mean the Lakeport area plan planning area, excluding the city jurisdictions. My pleasure. Thank you. Good question. And what else? 00:32:12:18 - 00:32:41:26 Unknown Okay, so let's go over. Oh, any questions in Zoom? Thank you. No, I know you're doing good for no hands race. Thank you, Sam. So our next step, then, in just a moment is we'll ask that you settle yourself at one of these tables and the facilitators will position themselves, hopefully, so that they can hear you well. So like right in the middle of each table. 00:32:41:29 - 00:33:11:09 Unknown And we will start working through our four questions. All right. And I will keep it time and I'll let you know all about maybe 40 minutes. We have 45 minutes. And if you're not done, then you'll know that you can start closing things up. We're going to come back and report out as a group. So one thing when you're in the small tables, please pick a representative who's going to report back to the large group of what you all talked about in your small groups. 00:33:11:12 - 00:33:14:10 Unknown Okay, let's get going. Thank you very much. 00:33:14:10 - 00:33:17:25 Unknown you know, 00:33:17:25 - 00:33:34:21 Unknown This is some good input. We filled a lot of pages. This was very good. If there is something that you remember after leaving this meeting that you want to make sure we capture, go to the Lake County 2050 dot org website and get your comment added right there. 00:33:34:24 - 00:33:57:28 Unknown We want to make sure that that no piece of input was left behind. Oh, thank you. If you could leave those at the what was the sign in table? We want to capture all of your surveys. Please feel free to take one of our snazzy blue license plate holders to help advertise. Exactly. Thank. Kurt's doing the Vanna. Very nice. 00:33:58:00 - 00:34:24:13 Unknown Yeah, To help pass the word on throughout the county. We're going to now do the reporting back portion of the evening. Let's keep it brief. Do your highlights. You don't have to explain every single entry but definitely covered the stuff that that was that jumped out at you maybe 1 to 2 minutes per reporting out and so that we can make sure we capture it on the video. 00:34:24:21 - 00:34:51:15 Unknown We'll ask that one person. It's usually our facilitator will hold the poster for you and the report out person will let us know what you all talked about. Let's start with this table, Tammy. Christina Excellent. There you go. Hi, everyone. Hi, everyone. We for our assets in the unincorporated communities like port area, we'll just go from real brief. 00:34:51:17 - 00:35:19:17 Unknown I feel like Lakeport is, the hub of Lake County. It's kind of what people come to Lake County for. We are we have commerce. Let's see larger capacity of, commercial housing and growth if anywhere in the community has potential to grow. I feel that Lake Port is able to hold that small farms. We have a clean area, wildlife, music, art, parks, our natural resources. 00:35:19:17 - 00:35:50:14 Unknown We'll kind of just leave that as a whole. Jimmy's Deli. Jamie's deli is definitely an attraction. He'll actually feed you in line if you are waiting for your food. They have clean air on there to. Let's not forget that Lake County has some of the cleanest air known, some of the challenges facing the Lake port area, affordable housing entry level housing and also workforce and professional in for the professional working force. 00:35:50:14 - 00:36:15:20 Unknown We need housing for them as well. Another thing that we don't take full advantage of is the emergency housing vouchers that are given to the community. We have to turn people away. So if we could really if it's something that we need, that that is definitely something that we could utilize. We need solutions for generational poverty, sustainable food that we can produce and keep here in the in the area. 00:36:15:20 - 00:36:47:02 Unknown Safer roadways, bike lanes, curb, walkability, pedestrian safety for your college's industrial retaining wall jobs, something that we can give the kids that are in high school, something that the community is going to need. If we can train our young youth and keep them here, I feel like that will keep. That's good to know. Sorry, I'm getting kind of lost workforce development, bio char, 3D printing, Ram Earth, anything that's kind of climate adapted and new. 00:36:47:04 - 00:37:13:06 Unknown We are very isolated here in Lake County. If there is not a reason for people to come there usually just pass through and don't stop regional access to transportation. Anything that would bring people here, connect us to the outside local transportation is also needed. Child care, safe and resilient, affordable power, living wages, know jobs that actually can pay for people to live in. 00:37:13:06 - 00:37:43:13 Unknown Afford to buy property where they live would be good goods and services. Trade. I don't. I don't know. Oh, no. There is no Trader Joe's. They're not just just to clarify, they're not saying no to Trader Joe's, that there is no Trader Joe's, no target home goods. We need better equipped, better medical services. It would be nice to see a gym or a pool, a community center that could maybe have all of those in it with a fence and a and a green grass. 00:37:43:15 - 00:38:05:28 Unknown That would be nice. Lack of dining options. That is another challenge. More farmers markets, local produce, local food processing. We were just told that people that that butcher their own animals have to go out of county to actually process their meat. If that is something that we could utilize here and people from outside communities could actually come and use our facility. 00:38:06:00 - 00:38:23:10 Unknown Yeah, and equal rules for cannabis and winery industries. So those are some challenges. The next thing I'm almost done. Thank you. And then just to sum up, our map changes. 00:38:23:13 - 00:38:57:00 Unknown Okay. The Lake for International Airport, it's just a little bit outside of our growth boundary. We just thought we might throw it out there. You never know. And then for potential commercial growth or any type of mixed industrial use, think that the the stoplight right there at Highland Springs to the stoplight at Highway 175, if you close your eyes and think there could possibly be commercial retail there anywhere between that stoplight and Jack in the box. 00:38:57:02 - 00:39:34:08 Unknown So so some of that so changing the agricultural zoning to something that is like a mixed industrial use, just throwing it up there. That concludes if you want a boundary map. And so we are we're undetermined on that. So you and that was that okay so the next group so welcome to approach the mic looks like we have Peter and his assistant Mark thank you. 00:39:34:08 - 00:40:01:06 Unknown Thank you. Okay assets. A lot of this was already mentioned, but of course, the lake, we need to take more advantage of the lake use that comes up a few times in these different questions. We need to think in 20 years, what do we want our town to look like? We have to keep that small town charm. If we're if we go for short term gain, what's that going to look like in 15 years? 00:40:01:06 - 00:40:34:10 Unknown Are we going to go, Oh, we shouldn't have done that. So remember, in everything we do, does it check the box to maintain that small town charm? We have diversity Mount Cannock type beauty Cow Mountain community, caring for disadvantaged, Nice water. Don't hear that. Okay. Clean air, no night pollution. We mention that we need to be promoting that more because more and more of your urban areas are wanting to get out of the urban areas. 00:40:34:10 - 00:41:13:15 Unknown And if can let people know come here, you can actually see what you've studied in school with the constellations and all of that. All right. Are you trying to get me to move along? Is that what you're doing, Pierre? All right, now we're two challenges. Dilapidated individuals. Oh, sorry, Pierre. Dilapidated. Basically, it's. We need docs and. But there's all kinds of dilapidated areas sprinkled around, and we need to figure out a way to either encourage them, incentivize them, or impress on them, or or develop some pride about those areas so that they fix them up. 00:41:13:23 - 00:41:42:23 Unknown And and and because we need better drive up and drive by appeal, going back to tourism again, medicine, I think that's going to come up a few times. We need more specialized medicine here. If I need endocrinologists, I don't even know what that is, but if I needed one, I guess I'd have to go to San Francisco. Okay, let's see. 00:41:43:00 - 00:42:08:00 Unknown Walkable access to make services. That was the other biggie. Hold on, hold on. Generational poverty keeps coming up, guys. We got to figure out a way and and the sidelines to that are not enough not enough counselors. But we really need to get people to know what the opportunities are out there. They don't have to stay within their bubble or within their little areas. 00:42:08:07 - 00:42:44:17 Unknown They can break out. And let's let's really work on that. Like, oh, power outages, cell towers. I think that's everybody knows is a priority, right? Kevin, Save bike paths. We need abatement. I don't know what that means. You mean you can only smoke in certain areas? Oh, wait, wait. Right. Okay, overgrown. Got it. So more, more, more landscaping in our public right away. 00:42:44:21 - 00:43:15:06 Unknown Maintenance, Right. And neighborhood identities, Road speeds. Okay, let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Pierre Map changes plan land use more mixed use adjacent to city limits. I think we ought to promote these. Makes you small farms. Is that on there? No. Okay. More restaurant, more more restaurants and hotels. As you know, we have so many bass tournaments here. 00:43:15:06 - 00:43:40:08 Unknown These guys are staying wherever they can. Sometimes it's out of county, sometimes in they drive in whatever they you know, we need more of those more rooms, more promotion for tourism to let them know. I think those guys are doing a real good job with the Improvement District. But once again, everybody has to wear that public relations hat and talk about the attributes of Lake County. 00:43:40:10 - 00:44:00:00 Unknown Oh, the Buck stores on box stores. That's saying we don't want box stores. What we're saying is we want small box stores is what we were saying. You know, that's a small box. But the thing is, the only way you're going to get those someone like a Trader Joe's is if you improve the demographics of the community. All right. 00:44:00:03 - 00:44:36:12 Unknown I okay. And then this is boundary changes. We are going to see if we can annex Napa, Adobe Creek in the field. Rhoads Creek is a boundary. I have no clue on this. So what we would say, what on the down here, you're going to come up here, talk about it because it seems like an engineering thing. I mean, you know, the boundary, but I don't know how sorry it was that our end of the table and these guys were talking because they were making their dog and pony show up. 00:44:36:12 - 00:45:02:00 Unknown Right. So what we're saying is on the growth boundaries, the Upper Lake side and the Adobe Creekside, why aren't we utilizing field identified roads and creeks for these boundaries versus places where nobody knows where it is, including staff? And it's confusing for all of us. So we're just saying, hey, let's make these boundaries a little more clear by utilizing the existing as a boundary line or existing creeks as a boundary line. 00:45:02:06 - 00:45:27:00 Unknown Thank you. There's a lesson. Oh, no, I guess that was the last one. Thank you. Thank you very much. Well done. Name Jody, your table. Who's speaking for, y'all? You're going to make me. Excellent. Excellent. Okay. And Max, are you holding up the the paper? Great to practice. Great. Yeah. 00:45:27:02 - 00:45:57:19 Unknown Oh. Oh, very good. This is good. Good input. Right. Thank you, Maria. So on that first question, what we had identified is regarding what you like most about the Lakeport area. Open space was a big one. We have we have some good open space also. We have a lot of agriculture in this area. We like that the beauty, the the natural area, the lake access. 00:45:57:19 - 00:46:37:27 Unknown We have good lake access. What would you like to be supported, preserved, lower density, residential, more access to open spaces like for example, we think we have some opportunities to collaborate with the different jurisdictions, whether it may be federal, local to have more recreational collaboration like trails and things like that for our area tourism, recreation outdoor activities, including fishing and the rural flavor kind of of this area. 00:46:38:00 - 00:47:14:26 Unknown And that was covering the first question on challenges, road improvements, our group identified as being needed. Also more disaster awareness and education and prevention. Everybody knows we have a lot of disasters here, so there can't ever be enough education that would also in that area, more controlled burning and clearing to make us more fire safe and also other fire safe improvements such as reflective address signs and especially in areas that are hard to locate. 00:47:14:28 - 00:47:44:18 Unknown In addition to the burning more community firebreak systems, BLM used to have that and they've dropped that and nothing's been done for years. So we have housing challenges at all different levels low income, moderate, higher level housing. The insurance problem contributes to that. We also need to think about the infrastructure, though. If we do add housing, you know, how does that impact fire response? 00:47:44:21 - 00:48:22:18 Unknown We have to consider those things when we're doing that. More parks, recreation, multi-use areas, more youth programs in this area. We don't have enough of those map changes, plan land use, expand zoning opportunities. One of the things that was talked about at our table was like, for example, in some the agriculture land to give farmers or those big farm areas more opportunities. 00:48:22:18 - 00:48:57:05 Unknown Maybe they could have other things like an event venue, Airbnb or something on those areas to, to still have opportunities to make more income fire station that we already talked about that we talked about with the additional residential doing that in the exist like in the existing north Lake port area not being cognizant of if you know, if we take prime agricultural land, we're never going to get that back. 00:48:57:05 - 00:49:19:11 Unknown So that's something that needs to be thought about when we're talking about where we're going to do these housing increases because we do need it, but we also need the ag land to be preserved and water resource, water conservation, that's going to be a big thing because to do anything we want to do, we need water. Water, you know, really supports everything we do. 00:49:19:13 - 00:49:56:27 Unknown And so the mixed use zoning was something we kind of talked about with the other opportunities. And then lastly, our tables on the boundary changes was that we should be moving this this line here further, further north, where at least maybe up to where it bumps out here around the Rodman Slew because the upper end of Scotts Valley is is in the different area right now. 00:49:57:00 - 00:50:29:03 Unknown And that's it. Thank you. And our last table was speaking for the last table. You said no names, Nobody listened. No, no, they did. They did. Well, mine's going to be pretty short because I think most of the other groups covered covered all the different areas there. I think what really came up in regards to the the assets that we want to kind of to the rural, the small town charm, I know that came up quite a bit. 00:50:29:06 - 00:50:56:00 Unknown The small town feel protecting our view sheds, which is, you know, not just the lake everything else around it too that we want to. I think the light pollution aspect came up quite a bit enhancing recreational activities, mainly through providing better access, sustainable growth in economic development and then, you know, trying to make sure that we preserve our ag lands. 00:50:56:03 - 00:51:26:03 Unknown So on the challenges we see of trying to highlight ones that we have not done already, you know, the, the health care desert food desert, you know, dealing with our natural disasters, increasing bike lanes and and walkability employment opportunities in particular, and lack of wi fi cell service. So not just broadband, but I think the cell service came up quite a bit for a number of our areas, light pollution. 00:51:26:03 - 00:51:51:07 Unknown I know a couple of groups already mentioned that, but that came up and we talked about quite a bit as well. And then cost of permit fees and just building construction in general, the high price. So these are land use mapping changes. This one sat on me for years. I had to add that the zoning that a North Lake port area needs to reflect the topography better. 00:51:51:07 - 00:52:24:08 Unknown I mean, it looks like somebody just painted, you know, high density residential and paid no attention to where where the slope lines actually exist. So kind of giving some more attention up there. Regulate Airbnbs, not necessarily restrict them, but just regulate them and develop some greater performance standards, promote agri food, agriculture. And that was mainly kind of through making sure that outside land uses aren't encroaching into the uses and and keeping our prime agricultural lands intact. 00:52:24:10 - 00:53:02:14 Unknown More youth activities, public pools and then dealing with absent owners and vacant homes. Land use map changes I think they've already covered I think would like I think that the Lampson Field airport deserves to be in the Lakeport area plan as opposed to the Kelsey the one. And then we also talked about taking the map that the Scotts Valley Advisory Committee has worked so incredibly hard on and overlaying that to make sure that it that it includes all in the lake port area. 00:53:02:16 - 00:53:28:24 Unknown I would agree wholeheartedly I think Julia said making it match roads rather than these imaginary lines that all intersect very nicely in the middle of the lake. The most important thing is our actress says yes, no matter where it is. So making sure that Lake Port addresses, if you have a lake port address and you should be in the lake port area planning area. 00:53:28:25 - 00:53:55:18 Unknown Yeah. And that map is going to change key. I did three or 4 minutes and I never said annexation once. I know. I'm impressed. You've been practicing. I can tell that. Well, the funny part about it, you could tell that that having the land use follow topography or be responsive or reacted with photography. Kevin was the one who did the last lake port area plan zoning map change. 00:53:55:18 - 00:54:20:25 Unknown So I beg you, if you go home and you have a comment that think was forgotten, do not do a Kevin, do not wait for 14 years to bring something up that could really help impact our planning system. So you're going to sleep better tonight? I could tell. Yeah. Okay. So our last table table is the people in our zoom room. 00:54:20:25 - 00:54:50:07 Unknown So we'll go over. If anybody in the Zoom Room wants to contribute. If there are assets, things we want to preserve that maybe didn't get captured, let's start with assets. Anyone want to join in from Zoom regarding assets? You're going to want to go down to the bottom where it says raise your hand and click on that. Yeah, this is mostly Lakeport staff. 00:54:50:07 - 00:55:21:26 Unknown I think somebody's stacking the deck there. They okay, over to greet Betsy. Go right ahead. I think Do you have to ask her to unmute, share? Nobody has permission to then go ahead introduce yourself. Betsy thank you. Betsy Kohn, a Scotts Valley advocate. And I just first, I have to tell you that before you went into these breakout tables, you said that we could talk amongst ourselves. 00:55:21:26 - 00:55:49:27 Unknown There is no option for that to and we could not hear the discussions at the tables, which is probably okay because it was it was pretty easy. You know, a lot of folks talking at the same time, we have no idea how you discuss these things. I personally felt as though the last 40 minutes was, you know, just me twiddling my thumbs or working on other projects because it was happening. 00:55:49:29 - 00:56:25:00 Unknown I'm really grateful to see all these incredible people in the meeting, But I hope that we can find a way to set up a virtual breakout room as some zoom capacities allow for. And then the other alternative would have been to enable the chat so that we could chat with each other. But that was not enabled. So I feel as though we were given inadequate means of actually participating, although I just greatly appreciate all the discussions and the reports. 00:56:25:03 - 00:56:53:24 Unknown Thanks. Thanks, Betsy. Duly noted. We will try to up our game at our future meetings because we do still intend try to keep them hybrid as possible where possible. So I do thank you for that input. Did did anyone have any input on the assets that we want to retain? Kind of following the questions that were posted during the the breakout sessions, did anyone in the Zoom Room have anything for number one, the assets? 00:56:53:27 - 00:57:31:29 Unknown Give you a minute. We went on to number two, our challenges. Number three, any changes in land use designation. And then lastly, number four, if if you believe that there should be any modifications to the planning area boundaries themselves, Kevin, you didn't tell them to what to say. Oh, all right. Well, thank you so much again, Betsy. We're going to totally take that into consideration and feel like we're getting better and better at each of these meetings. 00:57:32:02 - 00:58:02:01 Unknown And so we do want to enable and support any way for our public to send us our input, be it either in-person or virtually. So again I want to thank everyone for attending tonight. If you scribbled anything on a map that you want to make sure we retain, don't take it with you. Leave it on the table. We're taking pictures and getting everything submitted and uploaded to our local area plan web things to make sure that we do capture and retain all this information. 00:58:02:04 - 00:58:41:29 Unknown There are applications around right here for the local area Plan Advisory Committee. Please, please, please. If you're even somewhat interested, please apply because we can really use your help. Let me give. Oh, yes. There's going to be another announcement shortly. Greg Did you have a question? Just curious on the left side of the summary. Yes, the we are working on the summaries after the meetings and getting we will get them posted along with the photos of all of these totally great pieces of data that we've gleaned today. 00:58:42:01 - 00:59:10:07 Unknown Tammy has one short announcement, and then I want to again thank everybody for taking time out of your evening staff Electeds, Thank you very much. And please take a license plate holder and on to Tim. Good evening Tammy. Alexei North coast opportunities and do any of you in this room utilize volunteers or volunteer? Okay. So we're going to have a volunteer fair on April 30th. 00:59:10:10 - 00:59:30:21 Unknown We are looking for people to table. So if you're interested in tabling, see me and I have a link that you can go to and sign up, but that's your opportunity to put your agency out there and get volunteers. And then if you don't a volunteer opportunity and you want to go shopping, come on April 30th and do that. 00:59:30:24 - 00:59:56:26 Unknown Okay, I'll stick around and I'll have fliers. If you're interested, please talk to me. All right. Thanks again for spending your evening with us. And I want to say you are dismissed, but that's still my teacher thing going on. So anyway thank you so much. We're going to collect the materials now. We are. And Greg, did you need to adjourn your meeting? 00:59:56:28 - 01:00:05:03 Unknown All right. According to the chair, the meeting is now adjourned. Thank you so.