00:00:00:00 - 00:00:10:00 Unknown Actually. 00:00:10:03 - 00:00:36:10 Unknown Good evening. I want to welcome everybody for taking time out of your busy evenings to come and share your thoughts with us tonight. We I also want to extend thanks to the Kelsey Bill Riviera Homeowners Association for sponsoring this meeting this evening. You'll notice a group of women in teal said Teal or turquoise? I don't know, some bluish colored t shirt. 00:00:36:12 - 00:01:03:28 Unknown These are AmeriCorps volunteers, and they are going to help facilitate our small group session. This looks like an intimate group, but I am still very encouraged because when we've had intimate groups elsewhere, we have still gathered a plethora of valuable data and helpful insights that will help guide us through the Lake County 2050 General Plan Update Process. My name is Maria Turner. 00:01:04:00 - 00:01:37:09 Unknown I'm the director of Community Development for the County of Lake. We also have a few of our staff members around and they'll be helpful to answer questions as we go along. I also want to thank Supervisor Peiser for joining us this evening. It always helps to have a policymaker in the room when we're talking about community visioning. Additionally, I see a couple members of our General Planning Advisory Committee, Captain Duncan, our fire representative, and April just lay. 00:01:37:12 - 00:01:54:03 Unknown Thank you. She represents the public at large for District five. So thank you so much for spending that extra time to really dig in to our local community. Planning. 00:01:54:06 - 00:02:23:20 Unknown I having a bit of a transition because then at the last week we had additional staff available and I was handing the microphone over to them right at this moment. So now put on your other. Here we go. All right. We have a slideshow for you that has a gives you a brief overview of why is the general plan and the local area plan update so important and what does it matter to your life? 00:02:23:22 - 00:02:48:29 Unknown After that, we will have a Q&A, brief Q&A session in case you have any questions from the presentation. We will then get to the really important part of our evening, and that is breaking out into small groups. It looks like we might have two, maybe three groups here, so we'll we can shuffle around a little bit just to make sure we've got enough public members with our staff. 00:02:49:01 - 00:03:17:10 Unknown So we want to hear from you, not our staff. So feel free to just. We're slinging things against the wall. You're going to have four different questions that I'll go over in just a moment. And I really think that it's going to be a great time. We really want to hear what you cherish about the riviera's, what you'd like to see changed in the future, and these items will be very helpful as we continue through our process. 00:03:17:12 - 00:03:57:09 Unknown So we'll start with the slides. Oh, you already to start with the slides. Okay. Honestly, she starts it on the. Very good. We'll start at number four. Okay. Awesome. So, Lake County, 2050, this is a comprehensive update to our General plan and all eight of our local area plans. You'll see in the map behind me that the entire county is divvied up into eight planning areas exclu suiting the cities of Clearlake and Lakeport because they have their own visioning processes. 00:03:57:11 - 00:04:31:18 Unknown The eight planning areas which are super tiny there. So I'll tell you what they are. We have called Mountain Kelsey ville Lakeport, which is the areas Northwest and south of the city limits, Lower Lake, Middletown. Here we are, Riviera's, which includes all of the reverse subdivisions, shoreline communities, which starts in Nice, goes all the way down along toe and ends up past Clearlake oaks and includes some parts of unincorporated areas of Clearlake. 00:04:31:21 - 00:05:16:12 Unknown And then you zoom up back up to the top of the lake and we've got a big lake in Nice in their own area plan. The update will also include environmental review through a draft air and additionally on the same timeline is the present is the preparation of a climate action climate adaptation plan. So this is really exciting because we're working on studies that are going to support that climate adaptation plan that will talk a lot about the ways that our communities have been impacted by climate and we'll start focusing on options, plans and goals that will help us to to have more resiliency in the future. 00:05:16:15 - 00:05:44:03 Unknown Next slide, please. General plan. What is it? A general plan is a long range plan. About 20 years. It's mandated by the state to be updated no later than every 20 years. Sometimes it's called the Constitution for development and conservation. It's an overarching framework for all the detailed regulations and guidelines and other plans that also affect how development happens. 00:05:44:05 - 00:05:56:08 Unknown It's important that it supply consistent direction so that everybody has some consistency, an idea of where we're going in the future. 00:05:56:11 - 00:06:31:15 Unknown It also documents baseline environmental conditions. That's important because everybody needs a shared understanding of our starting point for the plan. Next slide, please. There are many components you'll see on the right or left hand side. There are required topics that the state is looking for in all of our general plan updates. Come on in. Sorry. There are also the there's also the option in different jurisdictions to create your own optional elements. 00:06:31:17 - 00:07:08:29 Unknown These are elements that each jurisdiction thinks are so important a part of the county that we need to have them covered. And in this case, for Lake County, it includes our aggregate resources management plan. That's the one that regulates how we're extracting natural resources from our quarries and our and our creeks, as well as agricultural resources, our geothermal resources, which covers our south part, the geothermal activity that we have in that area, the county public facilities and services and water resources, which is specific to our Clear Lake. 00:07:09:01 - 00:07:32:02 Unknown You'll see a couple oh, no, no asterisks, but going to tell you anyway. Oh, yeah. Housing. Both the housing and the Aggregate Resource Management plan are on a separate timeline or on a separate path. So the housing actually has to be updated a little sooner than the rest of our general plan and aggregate resource management plan, where we're still applying for grants to be able to cover that. 00:07:32:03 - 00:08:06:01 Unknown It has a lot of very specific field industry technological stuff. So next slide, please. What are our local area plans now? The local area plans are a part of the general plan. They are every bit as important and they focus on a number of criteria at our community level. They we have decided actually to sort of switch things up this time. 00:08:06:03 - 00:08:26:21 Unknown Sometimes you'll see the general plan is the most robust document. That's where your land use goes, your housing element, things like that. And then your your area plans in some jurisdictions are like teeny tiny little things. But as everybody knows, our local area plans had gotten very outdated by the time it was time to get started on our general plan. 00:08:26:21 - 00:08:52:10 Unknown Update And because of that, it made good sense to sort of flip things around a little bit and put the more robust documents in our local area plans and then fill in in the general plan, making sure we have all of our mandated elements. So you'll see them, Oh, we. Next slide, please. Okay. So you'll see how they're broken up. 00:08:52:13 - 00:09:25:18 Unknown On the left hand side, we've got our county wide elements, health and safety, noise, geothermal, agricultural resources, water resources, housing and the Aggregate Resources Management Plan. But then over on the local area plans, you'll see land use, which is usually the medius part of it all circulation. So we're looking at transportation and issues, open space, conservation and recreation, environmental justice, which will cover in a in a slide in just a moment. 00:09:25:21 - 00:10:03:10 Unknown Public facilities and services and economic development. And at the very bottom part, you'll see the special study area with the two little boxes next to it. Special study areas. And there can be up to four in each planning area. These are more detailed policy and design guidelines for certain, like little micro parts of a local area plan. So like in in the Shoreline Communities Area plan, we have a few of them where the previous area plan local area plan committees had decided they wanted to sort of create community centers. 00:10:03:10 - 00:10:35:18 Unknown And so they created this one project area, the Strand, the Promenade, where they focused a lot of the community zoning then are the community commercial zoning. And so that's kind of what a special area is. Next one, excellent land use map. Okay, This is the beefy part. This usually gets most of the attention, and it's the most interesting part to a lot of people who don't usually, you know, live and die by planning like like me. 00:10:35:21 - 00:11:07:15 Unknown So the reason why land use is so important is because this is actually the regulations that guide people and they tell you what you can do to develop your property in different ways. So this is a Yeah, it has. It also adds basic parameters of how densely or intensely land use can be developed through either the, the like your your land cover ratios or the number of houses you can build that sort of thing. 00:11:07:17 - 00:11:32:18 Unknown The general planned land use map which yep looks a lot like that is also the guideline for the future zoning map and the zoning ordinance and the zoning map is where we start getting into like serious nitty gritty regulations that that sort of enforce or roll out the vision that is expressed in the general plan land use map. 00:11:32:21 - 00:12:01:02 Unknown So where you see sort of low density residential in the general plan land use, you're going to see r one in the zoning ordinance where you see in just industrial, you're going to see R ends are service commercial or industrial zoning maps reflected. Those two must correspond. They must be synthesized and consistent. Next slide. Okay. Environmental justice element. 00:12:01:03 - 00:12:06:08 Unknown This is a new element required by state law. 00:12:06:10 - 00:12:41:11 Unknown And you can think of it as the basic right of everyone to live, work, go to school, play and worship in a clean and healthy environment. State law recognizes low income communities. Communities of color and tribal communities have experienced a combination of factors with results that today causes them to struggle with both the disproportionate burden of pollution and health impacts, as well as disproportionate social and economic disadvantages like poverty or housing instability. 00:12:41:13 - 00:13:07:21 Unknown Communities in California facing that specific combination of challenges, are termed disadvantaged communities and under state law and the focus of the general plan. Environmental Justice Element. The goal is to improve the conditions in those communities. I wanted to make sure I got that exactly right. This was how the previous staff who actually made this PowerPoint slide, she really nailed it there. 00:13:07:21 - 00:13:29:05 Unknown So I'm sorry if I'm, you know, reading to you. Next slide, please. Local area plans. These are part again of the general plan that focus on more localized planning areas. So these are community level visioning documents. 00:13:29:07 - 00:14:05:05 Unknown Whoops. Totally skipped that one. Oh. It helps if I flip the page and want one moment. Technical difficulties. All right. Senate Bill 1000. Thank you. Oh, and also a big thanks to Gilbert Rangel. He is here. He has been coming to every one of our meetings so that we can offer onsite translation services where needed. It is our total top priority goal that we gather as much input from everybody, no matter what language you're speaking, that we can so that we have a true community wide vision and visioning. 00:14:05:06 - 00:14:46:01 Unknown So thank you, Gilbert. And he's also keeping me in line. Okay, so for environmental justice, we need to establish policy guidelines to do the things that are in the bullet points behind me, which is reduce pollution exposure and improve air quality, promote public facilities, promote food access, promote safe and sanitary homes, and promote physical activity. Now, this can't be a top down process, and that is one reason why it's essential that we communicate with our disadvantaged communities and include them in our visioning process. 00:14:46:04 - 00:15:12:08 Unknown Next slide, please. So how did general plan and local area plans affect you? I kind of covered it. It was jumping around a little earlier, but our general plan land use map and our local area plans affect us every day. It tells you what the community sees as a future option for developing certain or pretty much all of our parcels. 00:15:12:11 - 00:15:40:25 Unknown It's it talks about how our roadways are designed and improved. If we have a park here or there and how it's maintained. It also helps tell us how to reduce and mitigate the risks to your property from hazards and it also talks about how cultural resources and natural resources are to be conserved. Next slide, please. That was the list I just read you. 00:15:40:27 - 00:16:16:26 Unknown Next slide, please. Environmental Review. The draft of the general plan and the all eight local area plans together will undergo environmental review that covers and describes the the potential impacts on these new plans that we're doing. It also talks about alternative of land uses and it also identifies ways to mitigate or reduce significant impacts to being less than significant there. 00:16:16:28 - 00:16:49:07 Unknown Now, this is another public document, just like our community visioning documents are. And so throughout the year process, the environmental impact report preparation process, there will be a number of opportunities for the public to comment, whether it be the scope of the air, which we had an early meeting early on or anything within that air. So, you know, when you when you can't fall asleep at night, you want to pull out the air and take a look at it, something might jump out at you. 00:16:49:10 - 00:17:10:00 Unknown You might say, well, sometimes, you know, you might be reading it and you'll think, well, but they didn't talk about this or they didn't talk about that. That's valuable data. So while you're not sleeping, you want to get on to our county website, Lake County 2050 dot org and type in your comment or you could save it either way. 00:17:10:03 - 00:17:30:27 Unknown Make sure you get us your ideas because it's only together that we're actually going to catch everything. Also, a public review. The initial 30 day scoping period, which was where people came to our meeting to see what we were going to analyze and told us things that we were missing. That was great. That was a good 30 day. 00:17:30:29 - 00:18:02:17 Unknown There's going to be a minimum of 40 day, 45 days of the draft, either closer towards the end. And this EIA, this draft EIA must be certified before any of our planning documents are able to be certified themselves. Next slide, please. Excellent. Okay the Lake County 2050 process. This is a three year process. We kicked it off in the fall of last year, 2023. 00:18:02:20 - 00:18:32:25 Unknown Right now, the county wide elements are already in progress and we do anticipate a draft, the draft elements this fall. Then the meeting and initiation or this meeting is actually the initiation of the local area plan process. We're going to identify key issues through the questions that we're asking you later. And those key issues are going to help guide us with the policy and land use options that are going to address those issues by this fall. 00:18:32:29 - 00:19:18:15 Unknown We'll have a draft ready, the full draft of the local area plans. The preparation is going to go through spring 20, 25. That's when we're really going to be able to start preparing the the bulk of the environmental impact report, because that's when we'll have what we have decided is going to be the vision and will publish the draft are anticipated in the spring of 2026 That goes through public review as well as the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors with hopefully an anticipated adoption by the fall of 2026. 00:19:18:18 - 00:19:52:20 Unknown Next slide, please. There are quite a few ways that we want you to participate. This is the best first start coming to our local local area plan community workshop. We're also going to have stakeholder focus group meetings and we're going to figure out what stakeholders we haven't fleshed that out yet because what we're doing is listening to what the important key issues are as we're going through this first round of our local area plan community workshops, and we're going to find the areas of expertise that address those key issues. 00:19:52:21 - 00:20:21:04 Unknown Those will be our stakeholder meetings. We have general Plan advisory committee meetings. It's a appointed body of 15 members that have of five meetings through the through the entire process. Those are public meetings, planning commission meetings, board of supervisors meetings. Additionally, back to that website, Lake County 2050 dot org. There is ongoing. There are surveys there right now. 00:20:21:10 - 00:20:47:06 Unknown You can sign up for a notification list to get our e blasts, which we promise won't be all the time as well as anytime you have a comment that can go there. And our upcoming events are also listed on that website. And then there was one other other detail that that didn't make the slide because it actually came afterwards, the Board of Supervisors a couple meetings ago, established local area planning advisory committees. 00:20:47:08 - 00:21:10:21 Unknown Now, these are this is one in one committee per planning area. So eight committees, nine members on each committee. That would be an excellent way if you're interested in really talking together about where do the community growth boundaries going to go. So that's where's our infrastructure plan, like our municipal water and wastewater. Where are we planning that to go in the next 20 years? 00:21:10:24 - 00:21:40:26 Unknown Do we want to change our design guidelines for how our businesses look, things like that? That's where the local area Plan Advisory Committee or LPAC is really going to get involved. We will. We do have applications there. Yep. Tammy's being Ivana. There we go. Applications up at the front table. Please feel free to to apply. We're going to collect applications through the end of May with board appointments in mid-June. 00:21:40:28 - 00:22:01:17 Unknown Next slide, please. Before we break for Q&A or the question and answers on anything I just covered, I want to go over again just what we're going to be doing after that, which is breaking into our small groups. Next slide, please. Oh, good job. Thank you. So these are the four questions we're going to cover. The first one is, what is it that you really cherish about this community? 00:22:01:18 - 00:22:24:22 Unknown What do you want to see preserved? The second one, what do you like to see changed in our community? Where are our needs? Where are challenges? The next one after that is thinking about the land use mapping that we have for for the riviera's. Do you have any changes that you want to see in the way that land is is designated? 00:22:24:25 - 00:22:51:01 Unknown This could be more commercial, less commercial, higher density housing, lower density housing, things like that. And then lastly, taking a look at the overall boundaries of the Riviera's area plan. Do you feel that that still accurately represents the Riviera's community today? So those are the questions that our facilitators are going to help you through. And with that, if anyone has any questions on what I just presented. 00:22:51:03 - 00:23:22:09 Unknown Tammy has a microphone in. All right. I want to be very respectful of your time. Yes. April, we just had a minute when we were trying to do this survey. Is there a place where we can look to see how we're doing and see how much we need to be able to continue this survey, huh? Unfortunately. Go right ahead. 00:23:22:09 - 00:23:50:03 Unknown Tammy, the the rear parking is going to be going through the Tammy attorney. Michael, Mike's not on. Okay. The AmeriCorps team is going to be entering those. And we just made this handy dandy instead of a thermometer. It's a hiker climbing up a hill. So that will be available after today. It may not assist you in goosing particular residents. 00:23:50:03 - 00:24:09:27 Unknown However, what we what I think would be awesome is just is just continual encouragement in your newsletters. Make sure that's got that QR code to make it as easy as possible for people. If they just have 2 minutes, you can just go on to that website and get that done. That'd be awesome. And we have cards here today too, if you want to take a couple. 00:24:10:01 - 00:24:41:03 Unknown Mhm. Anybody else see. All right. We're going to have 45 minutes for our small group and we will. Oh right. So at the end of those 45 minutes, we'll come back together and report back by table or by group so that we can make sure we're capturing everything that people covered. Good idea. And please pick a spokesperson that is not our staff because we again, want to really hear from you. 00:24:41:05 - 00:25:06:28 Unknown Please pick a spokesperson for your group to report back when we get into back into our large group. And also, we have ways to advertise with our license plate holders, which has our Lake County 2050 dot org website. And I love Lake County on the bottom, so feel free. Take one take to share them around. We'd love to see them as we're driving around the county. 00:25:07:00 - 00:26:19:00 Unknown And with that, let's Shannon will help us with tables here and maybe we can get into it and then and do our reporting back. Let's call this table one and back. There's table two here. So given a moment and then let me get you a microphone. Okay? Nope. We're right here first, George. Excellent. Okay, George. So for the items we want to preserve, what we love about the Riviera is the lake is number one, just to make it a little bit more usable. 00:26:19:02 - 00:26:46:00 Unknown Let's see. Peaceful. Okay, Clean air. This is things that we like. The views, the rural aspect of it, easy access to the market, a small town. Feel. Those are things that we like. Good, good. All right. And then number two, what we'd like to see change, challenges. These are these are challenges. Okay. So fire insurance is going to be it's an increasing problem. 00:26:46:03 - 00:27:10:14 Unknown Let's see the yeah, the pesticide herbicide regulations going into the lake. Things like that. We're very concerned about the pollution, that the lake is becoming less usable. And it is the heart of our county. We we need a better evacuation plan and signage. There are a lot of dead ends and so forth in this community. So people turn away from the fire and they get stuck down a dead end. 00:27:10:14 - 00:27:36:19 Unknown They're trapped. So signage would be a big roadside clearing, the vegetation and so forth, similar to what's going on along soda bay. But I know that somebody's going to get an extended plan to keep that going and working out through with it throughout the community. The road conditions in this area need major help. They I think the term we used was suck. 00:27:36:21 - 00:27:56:18 Unknown And then let's see. Map changes things. We're looking at where we have no parks here in this community and that's really kind of our biggest ask right now. Um, we're looking for kind of a family park family, more of a family environment within the community. Let's say the former golf course seems to be a good place. We had the old marina. 00:27:56:18 - 00:28:18:03 Unknown Neither of these were there were are use by permission from the owners at the time, but that's gone away and we're trying to find new park areas. We're looking also park wise something as more of a big family area that might have a soccer field or something like that, might have some shaded areas, hiking trails, things like that. 00:28:18:06 - 00:28:44:16 Unknown Um, is this all still part of the same? A park. Park? Maybe it's pickleball, maybe it's a sport court. Um, those types of things. What else we've got? These are. We were talking. Yeah, possibly a little bit more. Some of the conveniences of a hardware store or something like that. A pharmacy might be good. Um, let's say. Yeah, let's see. 00:28:44:19 - 00:29:08:15 Unknown I don't know. Yeah, maybe more fire. But I think we're. We're fortunate to have it maybe up in the Buckingham End to revitalize that fire department. I don't know. Um, there's a lot of, I guess, cars being abandoned up in that. There's an area up in the north by sort of bay. Yeah, that's a problem. Um, that's public dumpsters was mentioned. 00:29:08:18 - 00:29:44:17 Unknown Um, and that's it. So far, and I think that's it. Oh, boundary changes. We just talked about possibly adjusting to bring, um, yeah, the point. A point like view. Yeah, possibly to bring that down to include a little bit more of that in the Revere's boundary. That's it. Awesome. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. And our next table. 00:29:44:20 - 00:30:10:02 Unknown Well, we're going to totally agree about the best asset is our lake. We don't want the view from our lake to ever be blocked. We want to preserve it and its natural beauty. Um, we also said we liked having a small little community school here, and we like being isolated in country and low density and residential. We like that's our culture and we enjoy that. 00:30:10:02 - 00:30:36:10 Unknown We want it to be enhanced and supported. So as far as challenges, you're going to hear a lot of repeats here. We have not a lot of activities for youth. We, we I called it a recreational desert. If any of you have looked at the blue zones, they talk about even older people and not just young people socially doing things together in a recreational way. 00:30:36:10 - 00:31:01:09 Unknown And we that's where the recreational desert comes out. So we have we don't have a park even for people to walk their dogs or a dog park. We do not have any safe pedestrian roads, especially here on the way to school back. And it's not a safe place for kids to ride bikes. So if they're going to ride their bikes or even learn how to ride a bike, it's not going to be on our roads. 00:31:01:12 - 00:31:32:12 Unknown And we're also really concerned in the morning when it's dark where kids are walking to bus stops and they're these blind curves and people going very fast so that safe routes to school, we really don't have much that we want to continue support for our small businesses, including government. So you hear a little bit about that there. And we're also worried about the lack of emergency, ingress and egress, especially when we have to evacuate for fire issues, wildfire. 00:31:32:12 - 00:31:57:22 Unknown And we want wildfire mitigation. Road maintenance also came up and we didn't use the S-word over here just pointing that out to our little group. We're quietly, though we transition from public to private and county lands are maintained. So we talked about the roads as well. That was the discussion there, where we have public roads, we have private roads. 00:31:57:22 - 00:32:25:03 Unknown People don't understand the difference and how they're maintained. The map changes. So we do know because we've had lots of discussions, especially on this room, we've had lots of discussions about designations. So right now we don't have any land that could be zoned for a park. So that would have to be something, that would be a map change. 00:32:25:06 - 00:32:54:15 Unknown And we took a look at these maps where there's really some county owned land and maybe some privately owned land we could look at and some residential development, talking about some of that and maybe declaring it surplus. So that we could use the land or maybe some trade. Phil had a great idea. Maybe we trade up with somebody for some good land that could give us a park trail development state parks to kids corner. 00:32:54:15 - 00:33:17:27 Unknown So there's an ongoing interface, a group looking at that and also Lake Access. So we don't have a pool here in the Kelsey Ville Riviera and so to to learn to swim you know we need some place in and especially the lakes and also there's a lot of people who live here that don't have a public place to launch their boat. 00:33:18:00 - 00:33:37:04 Unknown So they have a boat sitting there. No public place to do that. And we didn't really feel that we needed boundary change. When you look at this, we kind of feel that we are all a unique little group kind of along. So to Bay and all along here up to the state park and we kind of feel that represents us pretty well. 00:33:37:06 - 00:34:16:01 Unknown Well done. And it is exciting to see that the common themes resonated on either table. Sounds like we're all concerned about wildfire mitigation, evacuation in case of emergency, looking for some community gathering areas and safe recreational opportunity, things like trails and throwing a Frisbee on a field, something like that. So that's very helpful. It's it's very helpful in the community visioning period when there seems to be consensus already amongst the community as to what the priorities are. 00:34:16:04 - 00:34:47:04 Unknown So thank you very much for your input. Absolutely. Say that we had at our table as there was improving the lake house because it's getting worse all the time. Prioritizing lake health. Yes. Yes, absolutely. I hope we got that on the poster with very good. All right. A couple of reminders to close up. Go right ahead. Okay. Maria's done lots of talking. 00:34:47:06 - 00:35:07:13 Unknown Just a couple of reminders. If you haven't already completed of our surveys, please do that. You can do it on paper or there's some cards with a QR code that takes you straight to the survey. And we would really appreciate that input as well. You can fill out your post it with what you think of the future of Kelsey, of Revera and put it right up here. 00:35:07:13 - 00:35:34:09 Unknown We're collecting this data as well. Everything tonight is a data point, so we're trying to collect as much input as we can. And yes, I have been telling people can get on the microphone. We had my friend on her phone pull it out and do it because then matter of minutes. So if we really push the survey back where it is and it's it is easily done on a phone as well use it. 00:35:34:09 - 00:35:57:03 Unknown Yeah. So here's the card with the QR codes. You may take some of those and hand them out to friends. And I think Tammy has an announcement as well. And before she does that, let's just give one more plug to the local area planning advisory committees. It's a nine person committee representing the Riviera's planning area. There will be one spot for tribal representative, one for environment. 00:35:57:05 - 00:36:16:25 Unknown I think there's one for business owner and then one for each of the houses to represent and then a number of public at large. So all members on this advisory committee just need to live within the planning area. So please just grab an application on your way out or fill it out and leave it with me. It'll be awesome. 00:36:16:25 - 00:36:43:26 Unknown Thank you so much. And then over to Tammy. Okay, like this. So we are having a volunteer fair. It's called Love where You Live. It is love, love, love. Our Lake Unites volunteers. We are looking for both people to table that have volunteer opportunities to offer and people to come and look at those or search or shop for those volunteer opportunities. 00:36:43:28 - 00:37:03:24 Unknown So it's going to be on April 30th at the Kelsey Vale Presbyterian Church. If you are interested. I have fliers or you can email me or talk to me right now and I will give you the link to register. Thank you. Awesome. So I want to thank you again, everyone for taking time out of your evenings to give us your input. 00:37:03:26 - 00:37:46:05 Unknown It's essential for our community visioning process. Feel free the next time you happen to be hanging out with somebody and they're complaining about the way things are, tell them to go to Lake County 2050 dot org and fill out a survey. Thanks again everyone.