00:00:00:00 - 00:00:29:15 Unknown Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us this evening. I'm Monica Rosenthal and the chair of the math group. I'd like to call this meeting to order at 603. If we could all stand for the pledge. And if I could ask Duncan if you would lead us to that. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. 00:00:29:20 - 00:00:58:31 Unknown One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. All. Ken, can I borrow a pen? If you need me. Thank you. Real quick, before we move on to the agenda, I just wanted to very quickly introduce the board, starting with Ken. If you go, just introduce yourself. Yeah. Ken Gonzalez. Secretary Nanette Data nado narrow the way. 00:00:58:46 - 00:01:29:39 Unknown Vice President at large. And Monica Rosenthal, Chair. And Lisa Kaplan, I'm sure will be joining us shortly if she's not here someplace. But she also sits on the board. So at this point, I would accept a motion to approve the agenda motion the second. Did you get that, Secretary? There was a couple of movements out there. 00:01:29:43 - 00:02:04:19 Unknown I got a piece of paper. Okay, so the. For Lisa, are you here? She might be. She was getting another design. Okay, so I need to speak briefly for Lisa. I believe there are some posters out in the front entryway. She has a timeline as as she's brought this project to the math group on numerous occasions. This is the Water basket project that will be having some some art done on the water structures on Rabbit Hill. 00:02:04:24 - 00:02:35:48 Unknown And she's working with a number of entities, including Kaleo, Me, Water, and of course with the with the Middletown RANCHERIA and they are moving through the process to to vote on what the final art will be for those structures. They are on a timeline along with a grant and so we have those posters on display. And in some way she wants us to put sitcoms on there to identify which ones are the favorite. 00:02:35:52 - 00:03:01:27 Unknown So hopefully she'll have more on that later when she's here. In the meantime, we will move on because we do want to get on to the number five item on the agenda. But first, real quick. We had a discussion and a brutal approval of the proposed math response for the to meet the April 12 deadline, which is tomorrow. 00:03:01:31 - 00:03:23:27 Unknown And this is the request for review for the Gwyneth Valley Project. For those of you in the room that are not aware, we held a special meeting on April 2nd to discuss this. We came up with a lot of community comments and basically gathered those together and put those in a letter. There are copies of the letter in the back, if you'd like to take a look at them. 00:03:23:32 - 00:03:51:56 Unknown The the letter was composed and sent out to the membership. We have had a couple of minor changes to the letter since then, but basically in more or less in its totality, as is the letter that we will send from MAF to Laura Hall at the Community Development Department tomorrow. Unless or or I would take any comments or discussion about any aspect of it at this point in time. 00:03:52:01 - 00:04:46:21 Unknown Fletcher Thorton Years ago I post what changes it's on on what changes are proposed in the letter. The only change is let's see what was done. The shuttle requesting shuttle. Oh, there was, yes, just a rewording. So that on page three of the letter for page three, public transit reduction of vehicle emissions. The question about will a shuttle service or other means of public transit, transit and or emissions free transportation be provided? 00:04:46:26 - 00:05:11:31 Unknown So it's that's basically that's one. What's the second? Correct. I don't really know exactly what the. Page five. Page five. Well, page five, there is one I think that was one that just came in today from Claude Brown just wanting to make sure that that did not sound like that. We as a math group are. You can't get, can we, as a math group voted on anything. 00:05:11:31 - 00:05:34:12 Unknown We did not vote on anything. This is kind of an, you know, trying to represent all the various different viewpoints from the community of math at this at this point in time. So, yeah, so on that subject matter, that's the pipeline subject that that Mr. Thornton is referring to. And there are some people that would like to see it denied completely. 00:05:34:12 - 00:06:05:16 Unknown There are others that would just like to make sure that it's thoroughly evaluated and approved. So there's a variety of different opinions, but nonetheless, we do want to make sure that that there's a little bit more discussion around that, that item. But there was there was not a vote there was not a vote on anything other than to put forward a response from math with a variety of questions about the the pending project. 00:06:05:20 - 00:06:19:25 Unknown Thank you. Any other comments? Yes. Kind of just one. Okay, Mike, Mike, let's get. 00:06:19:30 - 00:06:49:42 Unknown Hi, I'm John Hodges. I live on board the canyon, and we put together the local residents out there, put together a letter that I'll be submitting to Laura, also expressing our concerns. The main issues is traffic on Canyon. And there the aviation site, the helipad. That's right. On the water. So there's 14 of us who have signed that. 00:06:49:42 - 00:07:20:43 Unknown And I just wanted to mention that if anyone else wants to review Shannon, review the letter, then I'll be submitting tomorrow. Okay. Thank you. Great. Any other comments? Okay. Then at this point in time, I would entertain a motion to submit that letter tomorrow morning. Thank you, Mr. Thornton. Second, Bill. Second. All in favor. As modify, as modified. 00:07:20:49 - 00:08:00:00 Unknown As modified. Yes. All in favor. All right. Any opposed? Okay. So moved. So now we can move on to the exciting topic of the evening. And I'd like to first off there, Thomas, again. And we have Gilbert here also sitting next to Thomas from Peg TV. The recording of this, especially this particular item and this topic matter will be absolutely fabulous, not only for those people who are not here with us this evening, but also in order to be able to take take a look at this again. 00:08:00:05 - 00:08:20:52 Unknown You know, should you feel like you're missing anything during the meeting or just want to, you know, kind of rehash something? So thank you very much. Thomas and Gilbert. So thank you for being with us this evening. Now, I'd like to go ahead and hand it over to Maria Turner, our director of the Community Development Department. Thank you. 00:08:20:52 - 00:08:37:10 Unknown And I'll leave it up to you to introduce yourself and all your staff. Thank you so much. Thank you. Good evening. It is wonderful and exciting to see what a robust response we have. 00:08:37:15 - 00:09:01:43 Unknown Go ahead. We're good. All right. It's very, very exciting that we have so many members of the community here tonight to help us understand what you like about Middletown, what you want to see changed about Middletown as we're working on the community visioning for the plan for the next 20 years. It's actually kind of go on to a geeking out because I see a number of faces that I remember from the last Middletown area plan. 00:09:01:47 - 00:09:25:19 Unknown So this is really exciting for us and thank you for taking the time out of your evening to join us. I'd also like to extend thanks to the Middletown area town Hall for hosting us this evening and our AmeriCorps staff, you'll see them around in the is that blue or black T-shirts, Right? These are women from our community that are going to help with our facilitation. 00:09:25:19 - 00:09:50:49 Unknown When we go into the small break sessions, we want to sit at the table. I echo Monica's appreciation of Thomas DeWalt from Peg TV for recording the meeting tonight. Unfortunately, we did not have stable internet connection, so we don't have hybrid attendance available. However, as she stated, this meeting will be recorded and will be posted on the website that is capturing the whole Lake County 2050 update process. 00:09:50:54 - 00:10:17:35 Unknown That is Lake County 2015 dot org. You can go ahead and go on there at any time at your leisure. You can submit comments that you meant to say tonight but forgot till later. You can sign up to be on the notification email list there as well. It also will have an ongoing update of events where you can come in that make sure that your vision or somebody you know couldn't make it tonight can come and join us and just share their thoughts. 00:10:17:40 - 00:10:45:09 Unknown The survey that I see a lot of them out on the tables now is also available online at that website in a Filip or PDF. It's also available on Lake County TV. Thank you. It's also available on Lake County Peak TV. Wonderful. I want to thank a supervisor from District one, Mark Simon for attending, as well as John Hess, the candidate for supervisor for District one. 00:10:45:14 - 00:11:11:21 Unknown It's really helpful when we have our county leadership and our policymakers here to understand and listen to all the cool things that that are going to be generated from this evening's questions. I think, again, most of it, the surveys, you'll see that you passed out. If you wouldn't mind taking just a moment some time during this evening to complete those and you'll see the really, really cool license plate holders that say, I love Lake County. 00:11:11:25 - 00:11:33:09 Unknown And it's a it's a way that we're doing a little more passive advertising to get the word out amongst the residents in Lake County of our ongoing project. Thank you. To those of you who already filled out your Post-it notes for our icebreaker exercise. It wasn't like an icebreaker, like, you know, like a silly baby shower game or something like that. 00:11:33:14 - 00:12:00:45 Unknown It was supposed to kind of get you thinking about Middletown in the future. And so if you think about something that you really cherish about Middletown and want to see preserved, feel free to write that also down on a Post-it note and get it up there on that easel we have. I will hand it over to our place Works staff Tonya Sundberg, to give you a brief overview of the general plan and local area plan process. 00:12:00:50 - 00:12:27:00 Unknown And then we're going to break into small groups You see on your agenda toward the bottom, there's a list of four different questions that we're going to cover. There will be a staff member or a one of our AmeriCorps ladies at each table to scribe and write down as fast as possible all the ideas you're sending us and to sort of make sure that we stay on time because we want to be very respectful of your time this evening. 00:12:27:05 - 00:12:46:39 Unknown I will go ahead and hand it over to Tonya now. Thank you. Thank you, Ria. And thank you all for being here. It's great to see such a such a high turnout shows that you guys care. And it's really important for you to be here. So thank you for your time. As Maria said, my name is Tonya. I'm with Place Works. 00:12:46:39 - 00:13:11:46 Unknown We're a consulting firm that the county hired to help with this project called Lake County 2050. So I have a brief presentation just to orient you to the project and also to what we're going to be doing at this workshop tonight. So to start, this is a very broad overview of the project. It's called Lake County 2050. It's a comprehensive update to the county's general plan, including all eight of the local area plans. 00:13:11:51 - 00:13:35:03 Unknown It also includes environmental review, which is required by state law. And then separately, it includes preparation of a document called a Climate Adaptation Plan. That's a county wide plan to set up a framework for the county to be able to adapt to the effects of climate change. Next slide, please. So what is a general plan? A general plan is a long range plan. 00:13:35:06 - 00:13:57:22 Unknown We're looking out to the year 2050 for this update, as you can tell from its name. And this plan guides the county's decisions on a pretty broad variety of topics and only for the and only for decisions that affect the unincorporated county. So we're not looking at the areas within the two cities. We're just looking at unincorporated Lake County. 00:13:57:27 - 00:14:20:36 Unknown People often refer to the general plan as a constitution for the development and conservation of a jurisdiction, and it's called a construct constitution because it provides a broad, overarching framework for all of the more detailed regulations and guidelines and other plans that affect how development can happen in the area. It's an important function of the general plan is that it provides consistent direction. 00:14:20:36 - 00:14:41:35 Unknown So everybody has a shared understanding of what the future is for the community. It also requires really careful thinking and community direction. So that we balance growth, conservation and quality of life in a way that supports the community's vision for the future. And it also documents baseline environmental conditions so that we all know what our starting point is for this plan. 00:14:41:40 - 00:15:04:39 Unknown Next slide, please. So the state law requires that the general plan address these eight required topics on the left side of the slide. But jurisdictions aren't limited to addressing just those eight topics. You can also address other topics that are important to the community that you want to have covered and your general plan to provide that overarching planning guidance. 00:15:04:44 - 00:15:30:10 Unknown So your current Lake County General Plan covers seven of the eight required topics. On the left, the environmental justice topic is a brand new topic that's required by state law. So it's not in your current general plan. And then it also covers these optional topics you can see on the right. The housing element I want to point out is a part of your general plan, but the state requires that that be updated on a more frequent basis and the rest of the general plan. 00:15:30:10 - 00:16:06:22 Unknown So that update will be happening separate from this comprehensive update. And then also the aggregate Resources management plan, that's an appendix to your current general plan, and that will be updated on schedule. Next slide, please. Sorry about that. So local area plans we want to talk about next. Local area plans are also long range plans, but they provide planning guidance at a more localized scale so that it can respond to the conditions and needs of that local area. 00:16:06:27 - 00:16:36:27 Unknown So the local area plan, the Middletown area local area plan carries equal weight as the county wide elements, but it provides policy guidance that's really limited to the Middletown area. The local area plans include some areas called special study areas and in the Middletown Local Area Plan, you have special study areas for the communities of Middletown, Coyote Valley and Langtry and Glenoak. 00:16:36:32 - 00:17:07:39 Unknown And so in those areas, the local area plan provides more detailed policy and design guidance that's just specific to those communities. So it's a even finer grain of policy guidance for those special study areas. Next slide, please. So as part of the update, when I advance the slide, if we can, there we go. As part of the update, we are going to be reorganizing the content in the general plan to streamline and avoid some redundancies. 00:17:07:44 - 00:17:30:43 Unknown Many of the topics that I described and you saw on that last slide are really best planned at a local scale. And so those will be covered in the local area plan that includes the topics on the right land use, circulation, open space conservation and recreation, environmental justice, public facilities and services, economic development, and those special study areas I mentioned. 00:17:30:48 - 00:17:56:21 Unknown The remaining topics will be addressed as county wide elements, and you can see those are health and safety, noise, geothermal, agricultural resources, water resources, housing and the Aggregate Resources Management Plan. Next slide. Please ask a question on that. We're going to do questions at the end, if you don't mind holding. Thanks. So I just want to talk about land use as a topic. 00:17:56:25 - 00:18:15:34 Unknown This is a topic that does receive a lot of attention and most general plan updates and that's mainly because of this map. You can see a snippet of it here for Kelsey Ville area. But this map is a map that identifies the what types of land uses are allowed to be developed on every parcel in the unincorporated county. 00:18:15:39 - 00:18:45:28 Unknown And then it includes some basic parameters for how densely or intensely that use can be developed. So that has some real implications for how your neighborhoods and communities are grow over time and how you preserve areas. Next slide, please. So as I mentioned earlier, this topic of environmental justice is a new requirement under state law. There was a law passed in 2016 that requires all cities and counties in state in the state to address environmental justice in their general plan. 00:18:45:28 - 00:19:16:52 Unknown So it's not in your current general plan. So part of this update is to be adding this topic. Just to start, we want to come to an agreement on our understanding of what we mean when we say environmental justice. It is defined in state law and you can see that definition here. Lots of people have different ideas about what environmental justice means, and I like to think of it as really just simply the basic right of everybody to be able to live and work, go to school, play worship in a healthy and safe environment. 00:19:16:57 - 00:19:46:28 Unknown But what this law recognizes is that low income communities, communities of color, tribal communities have experienced a combination of factors over time that have led to these communities often facing disproportionate health impacts, disproportionate environmental burdens and social and economic instability. And so today so so so what this law requires is that we look at these communities, they're called disadvantaged communities, as you can see on the slide. 00:19:46:33 - 00:20:25:52 Unknown And the requirement under this law is that the county have an environmental justice element that includes policy guidance that specifically tries to improve conditions in those identified disadvantaged communities. So for any under the law to comply, any community that's identified as disadvantaged needs to be addressed in this element. And we need to have policy guidance that works to reduce pollution exposure, improve air quality and promote access to public facilities, access to healthy and affordable food, access to safe and sanitary housing, and access to opportunities for physical activity. 00:20:25:57 - 00:20:49:09 Unknown And then we also know that because of this history, it's really important to be taking a very equitable, equitable approach to this policymaking. So we really need to meaningfully engage the communities that are really affected by these decisions. And then the state the law also requires that we include policies to prioritize improvements and programs that address the needs of these disadvantaged communities. 00:20:49:13 - 00:21:11:37 Unknown Next slide, please. So many of you may not have really interacted with the general plan much in your lives, and that's totally normal. But it does really have some implications for your day to day life. And I just want to take a moment to recognize how the general plan does affect your community and how you experience it and why it's important that you're here. 00:21:11:42 - 00:21:41:03 Unknown So as I mentioned earlier, the general plan land use map dictates what types of land uses can be developed and where. And so that has some implications for how you and your neighbors can use and develop your property. That land use map also determines where job generating uses can be located, where commercial services can be located. So that affects how easy it is for you to find a job that's close to your home or how easy it is for you to access a grocery store or other services. 00:21:41:07 - 00:22:07:36 Unknown And then because the general plan has policies that affect how development can happen in the first place, that really affects the look and feel of your neighborhoods. Next slide, please. There's also policy guidance on how roadways are designed and improved, whether there are parks nearby to you and how well they're maintained. How we can reduce risks to you and your property from hazards and how cultural and natural resources around you are conserved. 00:22:07:40 - 00:22:33:29 Unknown Next slide. Okay. So as I mentioned at the outset, the main focus of this update is, of course, on the general plan. But we do we are required under state law to consider what the potential physical effects on the environment that could happen from adoption and implementation of the updated general plan. So we will do that through a document called an Environmental Impact Report or I.R.. 00:22:33:34 - 00:22:59:17 Unknown That report will disclose potential environmental impacts as well as ways we can reduce or mitigate those impacts. There are some opportunities for the public to participate in that environmental review process, both in the scope of what we analyze and also commenting on the actual analysis itself. Next slide. Okay. So that's the big project. We have a slide here that condenses the whole process down into one table. 00:22:59:22 - 00:23:20:07 Unknown It's a three year process that we started last fall, so it's going to continue through fall of 2026. We are underway with the county wide elements. Those are going to be happening more quickly than the local area plan updates. We expect drafts of the county wide elements this fall. This workshop here is part of our initiation to the local area. 00:23:20:07 - 00:23:40:34 Unknown Plan updates. What we learned from you today will help us understand what are the key issues for the Middletown area, local area plan update and what we need to be looking at. And so we'll be working based on what we hear from you. We'll be looking at policy and land use alternatives for this area plan through, and that work will happen through the fall. 00:23:40:39 - 00:24:02:52 Unknown We expect to have full drafts of the local area plans in spring of next year, and then we'll start on the environmental review process with a draft environmental impact report in spring of 2026 and then public review and adoption through fall of 2026. Next slide. So your input and our participation here tonight is really critical to this process. 00:24:02:52 - 00:24:24:59 Unknown So thank you again for giving us your time tonight and being involved. I hope you continue to stay involved through the through this whole process and encourage your friends and family to participate as well. We just you will have ongoing opportunities to participate. We will have a whole nother round of these local area plan workshops this coming fall. 00:24:25:06 - 00:24:45:12 Unknown And that will be where we start talk, where we talk about those policy and land use alternatives that we develop based on what we hear from you tonight. So that will be the next step for the local area plan updates. And then after we have the full drafts prepared, we'll come around for a whole nother series of local area plan meetings in the spring of next year, where we're going to be presenting the drafts and asking for your feedback. 00:24:45:12 - 00:25:11:19 Unknown So we can make refinements as needed to really make sure we got it right. The Board of Supervisors just recently established advisory bodies called Local Area Plan. Advisory Bodies will be an advisory body for each local area plan and they will be focused on overseeing the local area plan. Update applications for those seats are currently being accepted and we have applications for them here. 00:25:11:24 - 00:25:31:54 Unknown Those will be accepted through May 31st. So please consider whether you want an elevated role in this process and we'd appreciate your interest in that. Similarly, there's also a general plan advisory committee that was formed and they've had their first meeting there overseeing the larger general plan update. And I know we have at least one member here tonight. 00:25:31:55 - 00:25:49:48 Unknown So those meetings are open to the public. You're welcome to attend and comment as well as attend some of the other meetings that are happening with the Planning Commission Board of Supervisors along the way. And then we have a dedicated project website, Lake County 2050 dot org and please check it out if you haven't already and help spread the word. 00:25:49:53 - 00:26:09:45 Unknown Next slide, please. So that's the overview of the project. I'm also going to just take a moment to give you a heads up about what we're going to do next after the question and answer period. We are going to be working in the small groups, these tables that you're sitting at, and you'll be answering these questions. As Maria mentioned, they are on your workshop outline. 00:26:09:50 - 00:26:29:50 Unknown We have about 45 minutes devoted to the small group discussion, and each table will have a facilitator to help guide you through the discussion, make sure you cover everything and also take notes. As we said. Oh, sorry. Next slide. That was supposed to be the slide. You're looking at this, the same questions that are on your agenda and slide. 00:26:29:51 - 00:26:52:15 Unknown Next slide, please. So we will have time at the very end of this workshop for the small groups to report back to the large group so you can hear what other people had to say and their small groups and you don't miss out. We're going to ask each group to designate a spokesperson to report back, and we really want that to be somebody that's here from the community rather than staff. 00:26:52:15 - 00:27:18:36 Unknown So please do consider volunteering and we'd appreciate that. We do need to keep those brief. So you're going to just highlight the big, big points that that you really focused on. And then that way everybody can kind of get a sense of what was discussed and that will be it would practice. So I think now of time in our agenda for questions and answers, and I know there is one in the back to start and we have another mike or should we carry this one around? 00:27:18:41 - 00:27:49:37 Unknown Carry this one. Okay, check, check The mikes are really hot, so you can just you can talk just like this. Who has a question? Yeah, hi. Yeah, but I guess the Yeah, the way you've got this organized, it would appear. Okay, well, further away, the way you have this organized through the system, my question will probably be answered in the, in the groups and everything else. 00:27:49:42 - 00:28:23:06 Unknown And but the biggest part of the question is how these, how this plan relates to or is coordinated with plans brought up, for example, by Cal Fire or Caltrans or the water companies or stuff like that. And I think after our last discussion that we had a few weeks ago, one of the biggest topics was transportation. And that played a big role in what what everybody was talking about. 00:28:23:11 - 00:28:46:29 Unknown And I noticed in going through the lists of their transportation that was not specifically listed, it is as a single item. And my question was, are they coordinating this, for example, with the Caltrans 29 plan that's coming down from here, etc., etc., etc.? And so that was how my question is, but that'll probably be addressed in the discussion groups. 00:28:46:30 - 00:29:11:40 Unknown That would be my assumption. Yeah, I think you can you can certainly make comments on that. Sorry, looks like we have a response or should I give a response? I have a question I was just going to mention and I'll let Maria add on the general plan, because it is so broad and overarching, it really requires us to consult a lot of other planning documents, including those that you mentioned. 00:29:11:45 - 00:29:34:51 Unknown And we and fire hazards and transportation are both topics that we will be addressing in the general plan. I think the slide showed it as circulation, but we encompass the concept of transportation and the same topic. So we will be addressing those topics and we will be consulting those plans. We've already been underway with the review so that we can ensure we're consistent and supportive of those other plans. 00:29:34:56 - 00:29:58:14 Unknown Yes, I was wondering, oh, my name is Lisa Kaplan. I'm with a community member and also I sit on the math board at the moment I represent the Middletown Arts Center and myself and I'm wondering, so I do a lot of grant writing and I've looked and I've seen that sometimes we're considered underserved here in Middletown and sometimes we're not. 00:29:58:19 - 00:30:17:18 Unknown I know the county as a whole is underserved, very underserved. So my question is just advantage. That is to say, my question is, where do we fall in that now? Because it it echoes on a lot of things, not only of this this last quote, but I'm just wondering where we fall with that. Thank you. Sure. Do you want to? 00:30:17:24 - 00:30:52:35 Unknown Okay. So the state does have a definition of disadvantaged community. And it's pretty it's pretty broad. It's basically low income communities that are experience that are subject to disproportionate burden, environmental pollution burdens. And so the law actually gives local agencies a lot of discretion in mapping and identifying disadvantaged communities. So our process involves an initial take at mapping disadvantaged communities based on data that we are that we're aware of and reviewing that with county staff. 00:30:52:35 - 00:31:34:15 Unknown And then we will bring those maps to the community and we have the leeway under state law to really work with you to make sure these maps reflect what are the communities that are most in need in Lake County. She didn't answer my question. Great starting questions. Go ahead. Shannon Sanders, Middletown resident My question was in formulating this this new area of town town plan, are there like a list of needs that each community would that be presented like, Well, we really need housing in this particular zone or or more infrastructure, more retail, whatnot? 00:31:34:15 - 00:32:00:06 Unknown Is that are there some guidelines in that regard? Excellent question. And tonight is the night that we start gathering that exact input. So what we're doing is bringing you the questions and we want to hear from you. Where do you think we need more commercial or do you think we need less commercial? Things like that. So that helps to to all come together as a community vision. 00:32:00:10 - 00:32:22:19 Unknown Other questions before we start working in small groups. Excuse me, you might want to just remind people how to get worked into a small group for anyone who came in late. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. I was just thinking about that. So most of you are sitting at a table where you will. You have a facilitator assigned to the table. 00:32:22:19 - 00:32:41:35 Unknown There are a few of you that are not quite at a table. And so I think. Let's see if there is some. Looks like there's some space that people plan in center. So maybe some of you in the back you could make your way towards the table. One there's an empty chair at table five and the other tables have an empty chair. 00:32:41:40 - 00:33:27:17 Unknown Table four and we can pull in more chairs as well. And I do. And I did also want to encourage the math members. And I see you're already doing it. We do want you to participate. So find it. Find a spot where you can get a seat. And I think we're going to get underway all this is going to be because I think I got your table out. 00:33:27:22 - 00:33:55:48 Unknown But yeah, okay. So we are now excited to hear what you all discussed. So we're going to start with group number one when they're ready, and I'll give you a little bit of a very few reminders for this report back. We want you to keep your your report to about 1 to 2 minutes. So don't go don't read everything that's on your sheet. 00:33:55:53 - 00:34:14:53 Unknown Just highlight the big the big things that were really the focus of your conversation. And if you are a leader group, please try to focus on things that hadn't already been talked about in the prior group. So just a couple tips. We're really excited to hear what you have to say and it looks like this one is ready. 00:34:14:58 - 00:34:39:09 Unknown Go ahead. We're ready. Okay. I'm Melissa. It's nice to see you all. So give us some of the things that that we really enjoy about our community as the rural nature of it. Our community is small town and we all kind of know each other or know someone that knows someone. And we all kind of take care of each other. 00:34:39:14 - 00:35:09:55 Unknown We like the fresh air and the starry nights and we'd like to see those things remain. We value the the beauty around here and we'd like to see, but keep this slow pace. Obviously it's going to grow, but traffic is a concern. The traffic speeding through town is a concern. So we'd like to see some more control of that as well as just kind of a local control. 00:35:09:55 - 00:35:38:51 Unknown It seems like sometimes our voices aren't heard, our concerns maybe aren't addressed, even though they keep being being brought up. So let's see, there's some schools. I mean, our education and things for our kids to do after school. We really want to see those things supported in our in our area. We love that we're an artistic community and we're the gateway to Lake County. 00:35:38:51 - 00:36:22:06 Unknown So it'd be nice to see something represent our community as you're coming into town and then to really connect our communities. Maybe some multi-use trails from Middletown to Hidden Valley to Lower Lake or up to COB, and then connecting to the communities, maybe even like a bypass around Middletown so that you don't have other speeding traffic right down, you know, make it more walkable, maybe put in some housing in the area that people can walk to the downtown, support local business, like to see more local businesses and let's see, what am I forgetting? 00:36:22:06 - 00:36:56:49 Unknown Anything and more like a presence of law enforcement here. Yeah. So just kind of more representation from government in our in our area. Yeah. So my great for your last changes or community foundation so we really it's so if you didn't have thoughts on that we can Yeah I do because of the lack of enforcement but of lack of code enforcement so maybe just a little bit more code enforcement. 00:36:56:49 - 00:37:19:37 Unknown We didn't really get into changing the zoning because we understood there might be opportunities to do that at other meetings a little bit. But I'm sure there are some, you know. Yeah, right. Yeah. Okay. Thanks so much. Okay. 00:37:19:42 - 00:38:32:06 Unknown Hi, I'm Millie Simon from the Rancheria. And our concern here at our table number two is our concerns. The school traffic is warm, but I don't know how that's gonna. And the evacuation plans for the middle count and more retail for the town. Because a lot of people traveled through our town and there are pedestrian safety where they have a nice, quiet crosswalk and people pay attention and to slow the traffic down and the schools and the quality of the school school that we need, the the education and and the behavior of the children, That's that's really important because they're the ones going to grow up and be and in the town we just can't 00:38:32:06 - 00:39:11:17 Unknown let them run wild and as some people would say but I won't say but anyway um Jerusalem out there in Jerusalem grade there are you know that's why you need a boundary out there because I can remember riding a school bus and they would go out that way towards Jerusalem. So where does the learning step in? The word of middle Middletown ends because I used to ride the school bus up to pass the Nobles ranch and used to be a Chinese restaurant, and the bus would drop somebody off there. 00:39:11:22 - 00:39:58:15 Unknown So really, how far does the middle town boundary set? And that's what, you know, the county should be paying attention to and grandchildren and all of that. And I don't know why these people make me talk when they know everything here. Anyway. So that's what our that would me change. But I'm here trying. We need more restaurants in the house that are still here for us. 00:39:58:21 - 00:40:32:26 Unknown To everyone, can you please my husband right now I'm 43. It's part of the reason why I closed the whole town, which is a small community. Yeah. If I ever have the corporation on several roads kidnaped from Santa that she don't want traveling. So that's the community center right and everything that's. That's here, I guess because we have a new senior center. 00:40:32:31 - 00:41:33:38 Unknown Yeah. That's really hard when you're holding a business. So you're not 44 and it's not. Oh, everybody. Shannon Sanders, Middletown where I live. And we okay, we sort of echoed the same likes as everybody else. The whole small town character was very, very important. Community events, sort of the the small town with the main street with all the amenities on Highway 29 and the main street, those were all some of the the likes and changes would be one of the big things was like sort of traffic safety, crosswalks, lights, roundabouts and also some of the some of the thoughts were again, echoing what other people said, maybe more coffee shops, restaurants, things of that nature, 00:41:33:43 - 00:42:10:09 Unknown tourism that's compatible with that small town feel and as far as well as far as land use changes that that sort of kind of went in the same direction as far as, oh, you know, sort of a wish list of would be great to have a movie theater. A Trader Joe's you know again it coffee came up again along with additional opportunities for for food outlets and also lodging came to the forefront a little bit. 00:42:10:13 - 00:42:48:27 Unknown So that was that was brought up as far as any any local area plan changes. There was a suggestion that Cobb could be assimilated into the middle town and look like Roman would also be assimilated. But that who if that would even that well yeah and that was sort of brought up because the schools are all anchored in Middletown, but but that other than that very productive meeting got a lot done so there you. 00:42:48:32 - 00:43:17:37 Unknown Good evening, everyone. I'm Matt Barnes. I'm representative here for table five. Yeah, definitely echoed the sentiments of the previous tables as far as what we all enjoy here and why we all live here, the the community feel the we love being able to see the stars at night and have our greenspaces and clean air. Just that small town feel and sense of community. 00:43:17:42 - 00:43:46:04 Unknown And I mean, overall what we want to do is stay in that sweet spot. We don't want to lose any of what we love, but at the same time we want to be able to grow in the right direction. So some of the challenges we talked about enhancing the school districts in in a lot of ways after school programs, we talked a lot about the education and opportunities for our youth. 00:43:46:04 - 00:44:14:04 Unknown We want youth to. So I'm 41 and when I graduated school on the North Shore, it's the same it's the same overall feeling like it's time to get out of Lake County. Right? And if we come, we come back. But we want our youth graduating from here to go and then want to come back and be part of the community. 00:44:14:09 - 00:45:03:11 Unknown So overall, we just want to create more opportunities, public transportation, affordable housing, um, a skate park aquatic center. We talked about trade programs and focusing on something like coding, including that in a trade program really being known for something here. And we definitely need to make it more affordable to build. We want to attract growth, right? So incentive wise for building incentives for tourism businesses, for youth coming back. 00:45:03:16 - 00:45:35:11 Unknown Yeah. And that included like green companies catered to youth. So like, you know, stuff that doesn't impact the environment like, like with the coding, like animation, like all kinds of things that you could do that won't impact the environment, but they support the youth in us and their interests as well, and also are very lucrative uses land use to land use changes, less growth and so less growth in the Hidden Valley. 00:45:35:11 - 00:46:15:18 Unknown And that that comes from the sense of everything being kind of compacted into that area, decide how growth should happen as a community, smart zoning, more youth programs, easier and more efficient to rezone, keep community in mind and community beauty and local art. We have too much poverty, bigger art center, movie theater and green tourism ownership Changes to the boundaries, separate planning area. 00:46:15:23 - 00:46:40:27 Unknown Uh, for Middletown and Gwyneth to like to do a cost benefit analysis of separating Glenoak from Middletown, Thank you. Now, Yeah, we actually. 00:46:40:31 - 00:47:11:27 Unknown Okay, we're going to hear from group number six now. Okay. Hi. Thank you. Laurel Hogan I live here in Middletown and we're table number six. So in order to save time, we pretty much agree with everything positive said about Middletown. We said the exact same things, and we did want to see more restaurants, entertainment. We didn't have discussion on schools because I think that's not in our lifestyle right now. 00:47:11:27 - 00:47:48:23 Unknown So we did. We just don't echo school things for that reason. This I like the creek area. I'd like to see that accessible in a more, you know, professional way. And that's the only thing I saw. And but we really love it here. Thank you. Jobs is a big concern. We'd like to see more jobs. The specifics about having more retail, we learned, is that we're zoned so that we can't have a Trader Joe's or what's called a box. 00:47:48:23 - 00:48:17:37 Unknown So a syndicate type, even syndicate is not right on the work. But we did learn that we could have a small Lou Ann's general store, you know, or someone small boutique. So we were inspired by that. So we were not here and we're really happy. We have concerns about Broad. We'd like to see broadband Internet stronger. We're concerned about the cost of energy here, especially staying warm. 00:48:17:42 - 00:48:39:40 Unknown We're concerned about the cost of housing insurance. Right. You know, about the wildfires and everything. Yeah. And there's Oh, yeah. And I'm concerned about the health of the trees because some of them look like they're going to fall. So we heard that the state is responsible for for Four Oaks. So we need to get help with maintenance of the trees. 00:48:39:45 - 00:49:05:17 Unknown We like to relook out from the map. What was up with the map is Carbon Springs is zoned as a resort area like it is like I knew of it. But we heard that unbeknownst to some people it was zoned as high density commercial. So what we're asking is could someone find out and get back to us if that's true? 00:49:05:22 - 00:49:24:54 Unknown And our concern is that if harming springs is going to be high density residential, I hope I said it right the first time that I'm not comfortable with that. I don't see how we could support, you know, a bunch of condominiums up there in Palm Springs or if that's just a rumor. So I'm happy to do that and get back to you. 00:49:24:59 - 00:49:59:42 Unknown Hey, thank you. Okay. Overall, maybe some more residential affordable housing. And then it was pointed out that Hidden Valley has a grocery outlet. And so that's one of those box things, right? Like it's big box. Big, big box. Thank you. And so perhaps it was grandfathered in because if they're part of middle town, some people are saying it's unfair, but no one complains. 00:49:59:42 - 00:50:32:03 Unknown We all shop here. So we really do want to look at that. We want to look at Hidden Valley. And there was always this, Oh, we got. That's it. Right. Okay, that's it. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, let's move to that. Yes. Okay. So we said much of what everyone else has said with respect to appreciating our small town feel. 00:50:32:07 - 00:51:04:31 Unknown But we also had a historic character. I haven't heard that yet. And our focus on on what we appreciate is the locally owned atmosphere, whether that was a franchise or not. We didn't really we we thought it was more about being locally owned and dark skies. I think probably everybody said everything else there for the challenges. Again, we've mostly said a lot of what other people have said, but we did have roads. 00:51:04:31 - 00:51:48:54 Unknown I think somebody said that we had health care access. We felt like was limited in this area for the this is the land use map changes. Okay. So just like you found harping springs was not designated the way you thought we solved the valley Oak area was still designated as agricultural. And so it's not about that. You know, like we're just more interested in how like possibly those changes from developers could come through channels as opposed to just being public where our area has less access to community input at the Lakeport area. 00:51:48:54 - 00:52:17:31 Unknown Right? So if those things could come to us that when they impact us here it math more and we would have more input on those designated on the changes that would be made. So and then we are big proponents of walking bike paths. Oh, and residents having the option of installing ADAS on larger lots. I don't know what the I don't know. 00:52:17:33 - 00:52:58:48 Unknown Yeah. I think some of them can somewhat we can't apparently I don't know. And then the land boundary changes are just Oh we too We're talking about Jerusalem, Jerusalem Valley and then maybe a better definition. And one way we thought could be based on a more road based map as opposed to just straight lines. Arbitrary cross could be better definition or just maybe move the straight line up so that it included Jerusalem Valley, although that might be contradictory to what else we heard, which is very hurtful from I guess I could just kind of see in that part of the back. 00:52:58:52 - 00:53:38:22 Unknown Yeah. All right. Thank you, everybody. It's it's gratifying and it's exciting to see how common threads sort of resonate through all of our tables. And it is extremely helpful in developing a local area plan when you have consensus already amongst the community to this extent. So we're very appreciative of your voices tonight. I hope that our scribes wrote fast enough to capture every single piece because we don't want to lose track of anything that's important to this community. 00:53:38:27 - 00:54:09:56 Unknown I'd like to submit your name, shout out to our scribes. Yay! Yay! We are getting this thing down. We're we're getting good now. Yeah, I in the very first meeting, I was wandering around and sort of helping where I needed to. Now I was just going to listen and this was great. Very good. Before we close, I just wanted to thank again Thomas DeWalt for keeping our, ah, meeting going technologically. 00:54:10:01 - 00:54:39:16 Unknown A big thanks to Micah for figuring out how to turn on the AC. And then a last reminder. If you have not completed a survey, please feel free to do so. If you don't have time to do it tonight, you can go to Lake County 2050 dot org and just do your own survey online. Lastly, I would strongly encourage anyone who's interested in helping us to really drill into the nuts and bolts of where community growth boundaries go. 00:54:39:16 - 00:55:04:16 Unknown What design guidelines look like to please volunteer for our local advisory or local area Planning Advisory committee? The applications are on the table or you can find one online and oh, we're going to collect applications through the end of May. And I'm going to give Lisa just one announcement moment before we let you guys go for tonight. Thank you. 00:55:04:21 - 00:55:39:54 Unknown Thanks, Maria. Thank you so much for coming here. Hey, everybody. So outside. Oh, how nice. So outside in the hall, Todd and Mary are out there. We have the water basket designed for you to vote on. If you. You get two tickets, one for the large tower, one for the smaller in circumference tower. These can be adapted that is to say, if all the votes go to overwhelmingly to one or the other, I mean, you can use your vote on a smaller water tower for a bigger one. 00:55:39:55 - 00:55:57:00 Unknown I meaning we can adapt the design. So let's say that you like to that look like they're the larger water tank, but you're like, I want this one to be big. This one to be small. I don't care. But I want these too. You can put both of your tickets, one ticket in one and one ticket in the other. 00:55:57:05 - 00:56:23:02 Unknown That's kind of it. So there's green tickets. Yellow tickets go out there. If you don't want to vote today and you want to learn more about promo basketry, which is what inspired this whole project, then you can go on to our website, Middletown Art Center dot org and look for the water basket link and you can listen to culture bearers talk about basketry and about patterns, that kind of thing. 00:56:23:02 - 00:57:01:10 Unknown And they will ultimately also make sure that all of the basket patterns are are good, that they're done, that they're done properly, that they're done well, and there's other things there. So this piece of paper is out there. You know, we're looking for a Pomo inspired geometric symbolic or graphic designs and elements that reflect the area's history. People and and ecology may be integrated, including animals and plants, local to the ecosystems and strong negative pets, positive space relationships like that's like the shape that you see between my in my arm here that's the negative space. 00:57:01:15 - 00:57:25:42 Unknown So this is you know we're honoring the first people were honoring the people who were first here and are still here and the history and heritage of this place. I know that if even from this conversation that all of you really love place, the natural environment, and then the natural history of this place are essential to who this place is and and who the first people are. 00:57:25:53 - 00:57:44:16 Unknown So please go and vote. If you can't do it today, you can go to Kali Yeonmi Water Company. The address is here Monday through Friday from 9 to 3 and the Mac is open from 1030 to 5 on Saturday and Sunday and the models will move over there. You can vote in either place, but you can only vote once. 00:57:44:16 - 00:58:09:25 Unknown Please. Okay. These are for the water towers up on Rabbit Hill. So talk about community development and planning. It's like this is something we're all going to see. So please share your voice and please come to the math and stay with us and be with us on a regular basis the second Thursday of the month. No, it's important because we have such a small group and these decisions are so important and your voice matters. 00:58:09:37 - 00:58:36:55 Unknown So keep coming back. Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Thank you. Yeah. I take my hat off to you and everyone. Excuse me, everyone, real quick. We do have a couple more items left on the math agenda. So if we can move on to the math agenda real quick. So if you must leave them, please do so. 00:58:36:55 - 00:59:05:51 Unknown And thank you so much for being here. But please sit quietly just so we can take care of a couple more matters. One, where's my secretary? Ken, you're in the back of the room there. Any correspondence? No, no. Okay. Minutes from the last meeting. Any comments or questions on the minutes or a motion to approve whatever were sent out with the agenda? 00:59:05:56 - 00:59:33:04 Unknown I think they are. They're in the back of the room. Okay, We're going to table the minutes till the next meeting. Public input is something we must do. So anybody may speak for 3 minutes on any topic. First topic I'd like to just mention for people who were here for the meeting when PG and E was here doing the presentation on the GI side, they did send the presentation. 00:59:33:09 - 00:59:56:57 Unknown It is a large file, so we don't want to send that out to the entire membership. But if you would like a copy, please contact MAF that will go to the can to the secretary and he'll send you a copy. Three, 3 minutes. I just want to let everybody know the middle waiting for this next Wednesday and it's going be at noon at the senior center. 00:59:57:01 - 01:00:25:19 Unknown You have to make a reservation. If you're going for lunch. It's $5 and it will be the fire fighters. So that was Linda Diane's reminding us of the Middletown luncheon club meeting at the senior center. Another public comment, Lisa. Hey, so we're going to have like a salsa competition on May 25th. That's on the vacation weekend. Is it Memorial Day? 01:00:25:24 - 01:00:58:28 Unknown Yeah. We're going to have a salsa competition and a food and fashion festival. And so it's mostly focused on, you know, Latin culture. So tell your neighbors, tell your friends and salsa competition it's free. And we invite everybody to join either come in costume if you have you know, and it's not a costume. I mean, your custom dress and and or to make salsa and join the competition and vendors are welcome that's May 25th and I think it's 5 to 8 p.m. or 4 to 8 p.m.. 01:00:58:33 - 01:01:22:04 Unknown They'll be dancing, they'll be singing, there'll be food, there'll be merriment. Please come and come see the the ceremony says exhibit Monday through Thursday through Monday from 1030 to 5. Thank you. Yes, thank you. No, it sounds that he eating. Yes, Yes. Maybe. Yes. But I know that there's a chili cook off in May. When is that? Next Saturday. 01:01:22:15 - 01:01:58:53 Unknown The 18th. Next Saturday? No, that May 18th. Yeah. Next month. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Do you have a couple? Yeah. Thank you. South Lake County Fire has an open house on the 27th, so 10:00 to three in the afternoon. Come by, say hi to do Smoky. Fantastic. Any other public comments? Yeah. Yes. Smoke. Look here on the 27th, It's a fundraiser event for a young man that went to Middletown High School here. 01:01:58:53 - 01:02:22:37 Unknown Same with Nick DeLeo. He was injured as a officer in Santa Rosa. We're doing a beanbag well, it's called cornhole now beanbag toss thing, but they're doing a big event. We're trying to raise money for the young man. He's recovering, you know, in the line of duty, got hurt. And so on the 27th, we're doing an event out at Casino to help raise money for him and his family ticket. 01:02:22:49 - 01:02:47:09 Unknown You know, he's a mustang and he always will be. So we're going to do that. So the 27th, April 27th. Okay. Thank you. Any other public comments that I just want to let you all know that there is open enrollment for a brand new charter school in Lake County. That means it's open to everybody, even though it's in Cal Civil, it is open to all Lake County families. 01:02:47:09 - 01:03:17:54 Unknown It's a Waldorf inspired school right now. It's offering grades T K through third in September will be adding a grade every year. I'm on the board of directors. It's called Shade Canyon and can be found at Shade Canyon, dawg. Thank you. I want to let everybody know we're having a volunteer fair in Healesville on the 30th. So if you have a of or corporation that needs volunteers or if you want to become a volunteer, we hope to have you guys come out to that. 01:03:17:54 - 01:03:40:30 Unknown If you want to see me for the fliers here, great. Thank you so much. So and the other thing I wanted to mention is that there is a meeting on Saturday, something that the that the math group has been working on. There is a committee I'm not sure what progress the committee has made. I know that Nanette is on that. 01:03:40:30 - 01:04:05:40 Unknown But in the meantime, we formed a committee working with the animal situation, cats and dogs here in Lake County, a specifically here in in our area. But there is a gentleman by the name of Bruce from COB who has started a group. And I know that there's a meeting on Saturday. Nanette, do you know now? Okay, so there is a great meeting here on Saturday. 01:04:05:45 - 01:04:32:45 Unknown And how do you get information about that? There is fliers anyway, so but it's going to be here at the community meeting room. I know it's all over Facebook. So so now that we got to get you hooked up with that. Okay. Anything else? Okay. From Saturday, Earth Day is a week from Saturday. Calpine Farmers Market. Yes. Started off again. 01:04:32:45 - 01:05:04:02 Unknown Sally, what do you have to find like on the 20th birthday is on the table, you guys, that is perfect. Thank you so. Okay, if there's no other comments, then I. Yes, Thank you. Fletcher is moved to adjourn. Sackett Okay. All in favor. Perfect. Thank you so much for being here.