00:00:00:00 - 00:00:38:22 Unknown P m. All right. We have just our little details to take care of. First of all, silence your cell phones, please. And this meeting's being recorded, and we can have a roll call. Yes. Kathy McCarthy here. John Oh, yeah. John Oh, he's taking your business money. Chris Head all this. I'm here making that hourly order. I am here to take care of Joe Schneider here and Mel McMurray here. 00:00:38:24 - 00:01:05:02 Unknown Also, we have a quorum. Thanks. Let's stand for the pledge. And I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the following which says one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:05:04 - 00:01:34:06 Unknown Our very short agenda of the area Council would call for an approval of the agenda and the minutes from last time. So I moved to approve last month's minutes. Second motion by Chris and second five. No. Any further discussion? That was for the minutes? Yep. Yep. All right. All in favor? Raise your hand. Say. Everyone in the room gets to vote. 00:01:34:08 - 00:02:09:02 Unknown Anyone opposed? Nope. It's unanimous. And then we have our. That was the minutes. Now, when you do approve our agenda, which is really the agenda of the of the principal planner of the Community Development Department, which is our kickoff for the area plan development. So, so moved to approve the April 18th agenda. Second. All in favor. Any opposed? 00:02:09:04 - 00:02:32:05 Unknown We have an agenda we have minutes and now would be a time for short announcements of for the good of the community. Go ahead Mr. Start. And do we need six prior. Bring your guitar sing no amplifier from the microphones. Sit in front of the fire department is hot. The back is cold, just like it used to be sitting around the campfire apartment. 00:02:32:07 - 00:03:14:21 Unknown What time? 26. From five until 10 p.m.. Macaroni and cheese, garlic bread. Do the. Here it is. Here. Right here. Oh, right here. Right here. At little rates. They can't seem to, like ruined by that. Yeah. Let's get a microphone out of here. So. Five 3210. Yes. Okay. Thank you, Robert. You okay? And any other announcements? Yes, another announcement, Magdalena. 00:03:14:23 - 00:03:37:21 Unknown Thank you, madam Chair. Reminding everybody that May 4th is National Wildfire Preparedness Day. We have a bunch of projects that five of our fire wise communities are undertaking and we've got press releases out. So be in touch with your fire wise community or if you want to start one, be in touch too, so we can tell you how to get going. 00:03:37:24 - 00:04:06:05 Unknown Thank you. Any other short announcements? Yeah. You're not going to talk longer than 3 minutes up the 27th, which is Saturday, Open house down at the South Lake County Fire Protection District. So come down there, enjoy the festivities. It's 10:00 till 3:00 and then don't expect an extension on fire permit. So based on fire activity, we will be shutting down, burning on May 1st. 00:04:06:09 - 00:04:44:15 Unknown So that's a another announcement. Go ahead. Cobbler net radios will be available about May newly programed. The little radios for general usage and they should contact they should contact me or Darlene or anybody in cobbler net that they know but com alert net at gmail.com is the best way copilot net at gmail. Thank you. You have. Go ahead zoom and do we I don't have any authority to call on anyone, all right? 00:04:44:16 - 00:05:07:10 Unknown I just do. Okay. Okay. We're talking. You know, some communities don't go ahead with Glenn. If it looks like you're going to have a taped question, speaking asked you to go ahead and tell them that you can speak. So if you are on Zoom and you want to make your announcement, go ahead and unmute yourself. Zach Glennis, it's Glenn. 00:05:07:13 - 00:05:33:01 Unknown Oh, there it is. It's Glenn. I'm going to go ahead. Well, Glenn, I don't know what you're going to text. You make sure it's not an audio issue, otherwise it can you can make another announcement later, I think. Oh, oh, he breaks out the radio because that's how we operate. All right. Any other short announcements you could. Okay. 00:05:33:01 - 00:06:08:14 Unknown I'm going to go ahead and turn it over to Maria. Maria, thank you. Good evening. Maria Turner, director of Community Development. I had a mark. Oh, here it is. Okay, good. I want to welcome everybody tonight. I we all really appreciate that you are giving of your evening. Time to share with us your input about what you love about carb, about what you'd like to see change in carb over the next 20 years. 00:06:08:16 - 00:06:33:23 Unknown We have an ambitious schedule tonight, but I want to start with introductions and thanks. And Lizzie Shannon over there is our deputy community development administrator. She's going to oversee the Zoom Room. We're really excited. We have Zoom today. We've been wanting it for all of our meetings and this is meeting seven. And so far I think we had it like maybe partial Lee one time. 00:06:33:26 - 00:06:53:26 Unknown So this is thrilling, but it may just get a little trickier with logistics. But the way we'll work it in is when we're getting when we're gathering either at the question and answer period or reporting back from our small group sessions, We'll start with input in the room and then we'll make sure we capture the Zoom Room as well. 00:06:53:29 - 00:07:25:27 Unknown We want to extend a lot of thanks to the Cobb Area Council for hosting us tonight during your meeting and also to the Lions Club for letting us in the building. That was awesome. Thank you. Tonight, our AmeriCorps members are in Teal. These are the ladies who will be leading the facilitation. We have four questions to get through and they will help guide you through each question and scribble madly to capture all of your input on our. 00:07:25:29 - 00:07:59:17 Unknown You'll see the these poster board things where a lot of the words will be captured, but you'll also see an assortment of maps on your table. And if you need to sort of identify something and scribble something on that map, please have at it, because we're going to keep those two and we're collecting every shred of input we can get tonight, including the surveys that I've seen a number of you doing this evening in order to establish what the key issues are for the community of Cobb that will help to guide us with the work that we're going to do in between this first meeting and then the next community workshop meeting, which is in 00:07:59:17 - 00:08:27:15 Unknown the fall, where we focus on key issues and land use. So that so this intro is a great start and we're really excited to hear everything that you're thinking. Additionally, I wanted to thank Thomas DeWalt, who is handling our technology over there, and Gilbert Rangel, who has been present at every meeting in case we needed on site Spanish translation, which we keep hoping we're going to need. 00:08:27:18 - 00:08:58:00 Unknown But basically back to most of the thanks also, Supervisor Paseka. We really thank you for attending. It is always great to have policymakers actually here when we're brainstorming to hear it, like at the grassroots level. So thank you for spending your time. This is her third, third meeting. We tried to do this week. Thank you. And I think sorry if I'm not thinking of somebody she can wave at me if I'm missing something. 00:08:58:03 - 00:09:24:17 Unknown All right, let's start the slide. Show these. Go to slide number four, our overview of Lake County 2050. This is the name Lake County. 2050 is the title of the update of our general plan and all eight of our local area plans. You can see on the map behind me how the whole county is sliced and diced into eight sections. 00:09:24:19 - 00:09:58:08 Unknown Each of those planning areas have their own local area plan. Historically, these local area plans, because they are expensive and intensive demand on resources to update. We didn't have a right time to get them done. And so the general plan deadline for getting it updated with the state was coming up, but we couldn't just do a general plan update without making sure that we had relative community based vision plan planning documents. 00:09:58:08 - 00:10:29:01 Unknown First. And so we've decided to tackle it all at one time. So it's going to be fun and you're going to have many ways that you can tell us exactly what you're thinking right now. Part of this project is also an environmental evaluation of the effect that this project, the update of all these documents will have on the environment that is going to result in a programmatic environmental impact report or an air. 00:10:29:08 - 00:10:57:06 Unknown And there will be plenty of ways for the public to have your input on that analysis as it as it goes forward. And additionally through it just happened to be that we were able to get funding for something else. We are adding the climate adaptation plan to this timeline as well. This is going to be very helpful because I know Cobb knows that climate has impacted our community significantly ever since late 2015, if not earlier, than that. 00:10:57:09 - 00:11:36:21 Unknown And so I really think that the data that they're gathering right now regarding climate, climate related impacts and ways we can be resilient are is going to resonate through a number of our communities, not just Cobb. Next slide, please. What is a general plan? We now have a slide five. Perfect. What is the general plan? So as I mentioned before, it's required by state law to be updated no later than every 20 years. 00:11:36:23 - 00:12:11:09 Unknown It can be amended as needed, but it needs that complete overhaul every 20 years. And that's what we're doing right now. It guides land development decisions and it ensures consistency with the community vision, the policies and what is valued and discussed in the general plan has to be consistent with each community's vision. And that's actually one of the cool things about doing all of these at the same time is that people have asked me throughout the years, you know, how how do you weigh it in the general plan? 00:12:11:09 - 00:12:32:02 Unknown What if it says this in the general plan? But it says that in the local area plan, if they're in conflict, it shows that one of them is outdated or inconsistent. And so that's the really cool part about if we survived this next three years of doing this project is that we're going to end up with multiple documents that reflect mostly the community vision. 00:12:32:02 - 00:13:01:02 Unknown And then we're just filling in the rest of the countywide elements and things that are also mandated by state law in the in the general plan. And so they're all they're going to have equal weight. It won't be general plan area plan, it'll be general plan area plan. Next slide, please. And just yes, certain as getting better. Yes. 00:13:01:08 - 00:13:25:25 Unknown Thank you. We do have a Q&A period after this and we'll be happy to take questions at that time. Components of a general plan. So on the left side, you'll see the topics that are required by law, land use, which is usually the meatiest part of the general plan, open space circulation, which includes our transportation plans, housing, which you'll notice has an asterisk. 00:13:25:25 - 00:13:48:20 Unknown So cover and a second conservation safety noise and a new one, which is environmental justice, which we'll cover in another slide in just a moment. And then on the other side are the optional elements. These are elements that the state does not require, but the jurisdiction considers so important that we create our own element, rather than inserting this as a portion of a different element. 00:13:48:22 - 00:14:14:13 Unknown And so in Lake County, that includes the Aggregate Resources Management plan, which regulates how we withdraw or extract natural resources from our creeks and our quarries. The agricultural resources plan, which I don't have to explain to you guys, geothermal resources, again, don't have to explain that one here. And then public facilities and services and water resources, which focuses mainly on Clear Lake. 00:14:14:15 - 00:14:38:23 Unknown The two asterisks is asterisks, say the two of those guys up there, Housing and Aggregate Resources Management Plan are just called out because they're on a different timeline. So the housing element needs to be updated in 2027, which is after our anticipated certification of the general plan, the aggregate resources management plan doesn't actually have a deadline and we're still working on securing funding. 00:14:38:23 - 00:15:03:19 Unknown But as soon as we get that, we're moving forward with that one as well. Next slide, please. Tavis Thank you. Excellent. So I think I've covered most of this. It carries equal weight to the general plan. The local area plan does, but it's a community specific planning document. So we're not going to talk about, you know, the shoreline. 00:15:03:19 - 00:15:29:23 Unknown We're not going to deal with Upper Lake. We're dealing with what is. COBB Love. What COBB Neighborhoods love about Cobb. What do we want to change? And that's it. That's our good stuff. It could also include a local area plan. Also includes important data, such as Where do we want our community growth boundaries to go and that inform the government on the next 20 years of possible infrastructure expansions. 00:15:29:23 - 00:15:57:24 Unknown So municipal water and wastewater treatments, things like that also could include design guidelines. What do we want as far as an esthetics character to our commercial development in Cobb, that kind of thing? That's possible, as well as up to four local areas of special study. So so a possible area of special study that we've seen before is along the shoreline at the last area plan update there we were right in the middle of redevelopment. 00:15:57:24 - 00:16:20:24 Unknown And so the community identified a few areas that they wanted to sort of enhance commercial development to create sort of like a town center so that it wasn't just, you know, you're speeding right through Glen Haven Lucerne nice and you get to Upper Lake, you don't really know where you were. So the last 20 years we have not recognized that level of development. 00:16:20:27 - 00:16:46:28 Unknown And so those special study areas may change with this update the community might say, you know, they might want to alter them, they might want to keep them. But those special study areas are a way to sort of take a micro look at inside the community to see if to create special design guidelines or just special regulations and pay attention to something that we find unique. 00:16:47:01 - 00:17:11:12 Unknown Next slide, please. Okay. So going back to making the local area plans, the more robust documents you'll see on we'll start on the right hand side and then we'll go left on the right hand side. You'll see what we plan to include in the local area. Plans, land use. That's the big, beefy one that tells us how we develop our properties, circulation, how we're getting around safely. 00:17:11:12 - 00:17:40:02 Unknown And it doesn't just include the roads. It also includes multi-modal transportation, open space, conservation, recreation, and it tells you what that is. Environmental justice issues will be housed in the local area plans, public facilities and services, economic development, and then down there in that last line, special study areas which are the community level policy and possibly some community design guidelines if the community wants it. 00:17:40:05 - 00:17:59:22 Unknown Then on the left hand side, it's all that other stuff. It's going to go countywide and will be in the general plan. Health and safety, noise, geothermal, agricultural resources, water resources, housing and aggregate resources Management plan. Those are all county wide topics. 00:17:59:24 - 00:18:48:05 Unknown Next slide, please. All right. Zooming into the land use map, this is what usually gets the most attention because it tells us what we can and can't develop. It also talks about things like density for residential development or lot coverage for commercial development. Also, after we finish with our land use maps and our and our Lake County 2050 project, we then launch into a comprehensive zoning map update because the maps that are in our zoning code, which tells us which then regulate further in things like height restrictions of structures, set backs, minimum parcel size for subdivisions or land land subdivisions, those all get spelled out there and those two must coincide. 00:18:48:05 - 00:18:57:19 Unknown They must be consistent. Next slide, please. 00:18:57:21 - 00:19:37:15 Unknown Environmental justice. Environmental justice, to summarize or to paraphrase, is the basic rate of everyone to live, work, go to school, play and worship in a clean and healthy environment. The state has recognized that low income communities, communities of color and tribal communities have experienced a combination of factors with a result that today these communities are struggling with both a disproportionate burden of pollution and health impacts, as well as a disproportionate social and economic disadvantages such as poverty or housing instability. 00:19:37:17 - 00:20:04:12 Unknown The communities that are facing these types of challenges are labeled as disadvantaged communities, and the state does have some formulas to help identify them. But they also allow each jurisdiction its leeway to also identify them as well. The focus of the environmental justice element is to to improve the conditions in those identified disadvantaged communities. How do we do it? 00:20:04:13 - 00:20:08:14 Unknown Next slide, please. 00:20:08:16 - 00:20:35:24 Unknown So the bullet pointed list that you see behind me are the required criteria, but we can also add to it as as jurisdictions. So reducing pollution exposure. This could be from industry or from traffic, cars and trucks. Public facilities promoting those could be as basic as sidewalks or street lights. Or it could be other things like flood control facilities promoting access to food. 00:20:35:25 - 00:21:10:18 Unknown This is healthy, nutritious, affordable food. So it could it could include zoning for land use designation for new grocery stores or encouraging the development of additional farmers markets or encouraging the existing stores that we have to offer more fresh food options. It could also include zoning for land use, designations for community gardens, things like that. All of these different ways to encourage easier access to healthy food, safe and sanitary homes. 00:21:10:20 - 00:21:39:14 Unknown So this could lead to what we already have as far as lead based paint that policy. It could also talk about asbestos, mold, things that are in the homes that could be threats to health, pests, rodents. One thing that we don't usually think about is it could also be overcrowding. And in when we have a housing shortage like we do now everywhere, what we see a lot of is, is you got your single family home, but you don't have your 2.5 people in it. 00:21:39:20 - 00:22:05:09 Unknown You've got nine, You've got 12 because people are gathering together so that they can afford housing. That's overcrowding. And it's not it's not ideal. So we can deal with those policies in something like a local area plan or a general plan promoting physical activity. So this could be. Is it safe for biking and walking? Are we ensuring that neighborhoods have well-maintained parks? 00:22:05:12 - 00:22:36:21 Unknown Do they have connections to open spaces, creeks, places where they can go and congregate, places where we can hike and get away from all the people we live with? You know, ways that we can go and be healthy outside while we do improve these communities through our policy and our planning situation, we have to also ensure that we are mindful of the possibilities of gentrification and displacement of these communities, which typically which has happened in the past. 00:22:36:23 - 00:23:03:02 Unknown So we as we move forward and and engage these communities to be at the table, recognizing that it's not just that improving the communities here are important, but rather that they need to be advising us as we move together as a team. That's how we're going to approach the environmental justice element when we're making policies that impact people's lives. 00:23:03:04 - 00:23:21:03 Unknown And that's why one of the top priorities, if not the absolute top priority of Lake County 2050, is getting as much community engagement and input as we possibly can, because we really can't have a community vision unless we have the input from the whole community. 00:23:21:05 - 00:23:43:20 Unknown Next slide, please. How do general planning and local area plans affect you? We've kind of covered this already, especially in the land use. It's going to cover how people wake up and think, I want to build a sky high rise over there on that parcel general plan. It's going to affect you. Local area plan. Definitely going to, you know, probably kill that dream. 00:23:43:23 - 00:24:14:15 Unknown Can I. Oh, where can I put a Trader Joe's? I'm hoping so. I'm still hoping that. So it also talks about ways that when people are coming in to do a new business and they want to do maybe a facade improvement, the design guidelines will help that future improvement to sort of all come together. So we're all wro in the same way to achieve that that esthetic that the community wants. 00:24:14:17 - 00:24:38:12 Unknown Also, as we're looking at the policies and the priorities we need to think about, are we making development cost prohibitive? Are we making it so demanding that nobody's coming? Where's that balance? You know, we want to retain what we cherish, but we also want to continue to grow in economic development benefits people. It can bring jobs where people can get to the jobs without having to commute forever. 00:24:38:14 - 00:24:45:01 Unknown So we really don't want to be a bedroom community. We want to be a thriving community. 00:24:45:03 - 00:25:08:08 Unknown I was on my soapbox for a second there. Sorry, I'm back. Okay. But it's important as we are thinking about our community in the future, that we have walkable neighborhoods, that people can get to different things without always having to jump in the car and, you know, drive down the highway. Next slide, please. 00:25:08:11 - 00:25:32:02 Unknown I've pretty much covered most of this. So cultural resources and historic resources, how we're going to preserve them, that's also part of this. Next slide, please. So here is our process and it's coming. That last slide, please. I think we missed it. Oh, you might not know that. I want the table. Did I skip a do? Oh, I did. 00:25:32:02 - 00:25:57:23 Unknown I skipped a thingy. Never mind. My thanks. Okay. Environmental Impact Review. Oh, you want that one? Yes, please. You were right. I was wrong. Perfect. Thank you. So, again, we're going to analyze how all of these new policies, priorities, implementation plans and objectives are going to impact the environment. There could be some impacts on the environment that are considered significant. 00:25:57:26 - 00:26:34:14 Unknown There may be mitigation measures that we can then also analyze that disclose that will take those significant impacts down to less than significant. And those are legally defined terms that talk about level of impacts with thresholds and things like that. So like I said, it's very important to have public oversight and review of this document. We already had our scoping meeting, which is where we invite the whole public to come in and tell us if there's anything that you think that we haven't already written down on our list to cover. 00:26:34:14 - 00:26:59:15 Unknown What do you want to make sure we're paying attention to as far as our analysis? We had that two hour session in the board chambers like a month or two ago with a 30 day following public period after that. So there will also be required by law a 45 day public review period of the draft er once it's finished or once it's prepared and before it goes to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. 00:26:59:18 - 00:27:31:08 Unknown So we want to make sure that we're gathering your input. I know Paul's heard me say this a couple of times already, but if you're having trouble sleeping, feel free to take a look at our air. It's going to have pictures. Just look. Just scan through the stuff till you find something you find interesting. And if you have a comment on it, go to Lake County 2050 dot org or to one of our scheduled community meetings and make sure we hear what you're thinking because we really, really want to know. 00:27:31:10 - 00:28:01:27 Unknown Next slide, please. All right. This is our process. It's a three year project. It started last fall. The countywide elements are already in progress. Getting drafted with a draft being available anticipated this fall. Each local area plan will have three community workshops. This is our first one here for COB. That the goal, the main job we have tonight is to gather your input regarding key issues. 00:28:02:00 - 00:28:29:12 Unknown Those key issues that are going to inform our the documents that we're going to place for your review at our second community meeting, which is anticipated this fall. Once we really get the community input on what we're finding out or what we're gleaning as the key issues and on land use, that's when the environmental impact report can really get going, because that's when we have sort of a general idea of what we're looking at and we can start analyzing it. 00:28:29:14 - 00:28:49:15 Unknown Then the third meeting will be to discuss the draft local area plan that is anticipated in spring of 2025. So this is an ambitious project where we are working like crazy behind the scenes and just to get stuff so that you can tell us what you think about it. 00:28:49:17 - 00:29:28:11 Unknown The EIA work starts after those draft local area plans are ready and which we anticipate the spring of 2025. It's going to take a good year to do the draft EIA so we'll have one available spring of 2026. Then the public review of the draft local area plans, the draft general plan, the county wide elements and the environmental Impact review start in spring of 2026 and we'll go hopefully this is our totally cool goal is before review for planning commission and Board of Supervisors in notice to public hearings by the fall of 2026. 00:29:28:14 - 00:29:49:25 Unknown So we're going to have spring the fall time where when you have insomnia, pick up or pick up a draft plan, read it through or come to our meetings and help us to hone these so that they really reflect the community's vision. 00:29:49:27 - 00:30:13:07 Unknown All right. Next slide, please. Opportunities for community engagement, Local community, local area plan, Community Workshop. You are already here and I am very, very thankful that you're giving me your time. Giving us your time. Stakeholder Focus Group meeting Group meetings. These are going to be determined probably after we gleaned all the key issues from the local area plans. 00:30:13:07 - 00:30:32:10 Unknown We'll know which areas we have to sort of take a little closer look at, and we're going to get some expertise around those. Those will be stakeholder meetings, the General Planning Advisory Committee meetings. There are five of those during our three year period. We've already had one. Those are community meetings that are held in the board chambers on Zoom. 00:30:32:12 - 00:30:56:13 Unknown And it's a great chance for you to jump in and have your input heard as these documents, our drafting are progressing and then the Planning commission, the Board of Supervisors meeting also on our website. Lake County 2050 Board will be surveys excuse me periodically documents for review meeting videos that you can catch up on all kinds of stuff. 00:30:56:13 - 00:31:19:20 Unknown There's a you can click a link to put in any comments you have, click a link if you want to get on our notification list, we promise we won't drowned you in notifications, but it is a great way to get an e blast of when we have an upcoming meeting. And then one thing that didn't make this slide because the board created it later is the local area plan advisory committees. 00:31:19:22 - 00:31:51:24 Unknown Lee Pax, Tammy back there is doing a Vanna. She's got the applications and we will be happy to give you one. The local area Plan Advisory committees of the lake. We have one for each planning area, so we now have eight new review bodies to help us with our project. We're going to try and keep the number of meetings for the apex streamlined and coincide with the community workshops. 00:31:51:27 - 00:32:16:06 Unknown But after this next community workshop where we really start getting down to the nitty gritty about land use, community growth boundaries, do we want design guidelines? That's when I'm going to be able to determine how many more meetings the lay parks may need, because that's your that would be your job is to really focus on get get community input at meetings and really zoom in on community growth boundaries. 00:32:16:06 - 00:32:34:04 Unknown What do we want or design guidelines, those items of particular interest in every local area plan. It's really important that we have participation at this local level going forward because otherwise we're going to end up all the way at the draft stage and people are going to be like, Well, I don't like this. This doesn't reflect our community. 00:32:34:06 - 00:33:05:27 Unknown And then it's kind of late. So that's why we're starting early. But I promise we will only have as many lay back meetings as we need. We'll try to keep them hybrid. We'll try to keep them in the evening because we're all working and make it as easy as possible for people to attend and participate. We'll be taking applications through the month of May and and get it on to the first or second board meeting in June for the board to make appointments. 00:33:06:00 - 00:33:31:23 Unknown Next slide, please wait. Okay, well, that will work. So before we go to Q&A, just an overview of the small group discussions, which is the slide. Those are the four questions. One, what do we really cherish about our community, too? What are we what are the challenges that we'd like to see changes. Three Land use map, which we have a few of and distribute at each table. 00:33:32:00 - 00:33:54:02 Unknown Are we thinking that we might want to make some amendments to this? And we'll explain that further in our small group session? And then two or the last one is this big map right here that shows the delineation of the COB area plan boundaries. Do we still feel that this reflects our community as it is today, or do we feel that maybe these boundaries need to change? 00:33:54:04 - 00:34:20:15 Unknown So those are the four questions that your facilitator will walk you through. And that being said, does anyone have any questions on this super speedy PowerPoint I just gave? Awesome. Shannon's got a microphone. Go ahead, Elliot. Yeah. Just how are the local areas be considered in the general plan elements, particularly significant ones like housing and geothermal for us? 00:34:20:18 - 00:34:47:27 Unknown How will you get the local input into those countywide general plan elements? Very good question. Exactly what you're doing tonight. Community input, community workshops, sending me your sending us your comments on the Lake County 2050 dot org website and then reviewing the draft documents as they proceed you as a local area plan. Attendee Workshop attendee You won't just be limited to the local area plan. 00:34:47:27 - 00:35:10:04 Unknown You'll have full access to the county wide elements as well. And so we're not just looking for local input. Feel free to tell us what you think about any of it. We want it all next. Hey, Tom. Maria, I hope you don't mind me saying this. I don't think there's any problem. You and I have known each other a little bit through your employment with the county, I think, since you went to work there. 00:35:10:06 - 00:35:33:27 Unknown And I will say if anybody will do a good job, it's Maria are sincere about that. But I would also say is from my awful opinion with the Board of Supervisors over the years, I have made very respectful presentations with video, documentation, research and I think fair to say, been ignored, insulted, verbally attacked and, taunted. So don't be surprised if that happens to you. 00:35:33:27 - 00:35:58:15 Unknown If you say some they don't like. So and if anybody wants to put me on the agenda, I can give you a presentation. I could give you actually, technically, I could give you a 50 hour presentation. We wouldn't need that. But anybody wants to charge me, I will show you. Thank you, Tom. And I think you're illustrating the point that we need input all along the process so that when we get to documents like our local area plans, we won't have people jumping up going. 00:35:58:15 - 00:36:19:09 Unknown That doesn't reflect what I thought, you know. So that is why it's important that we capture everything, make sure we're either writing it down, you scribble it on a map, you put it in the comments on the website page. We need your input, this entire process. I know, I know. But I kind of used it to sort of get back to my point. 00:36:19:12 - 00:36:41:26 Unknown Thank you. All right. Does anybody else have question, Joanne? Yeah. I'm wondering if our environmental justice element, is that something we're doing voluntarily or have we been required by the state to do that? It is an element required by the state. And so remember, those bullet points are the things that we're required. We can do additional bullet points, We can add other things that we're analyzing and trying to address. 00:36:41:29 - 00:36:50:12 Unknown But yes, we do need to do an environmental justice element and it has to cover those parts. 00:36:50:14 - 00:37:19:22 Unknown Hi, Elliot. Hi. Again, from what I understand that the state allows us to create, as you pointed out, additional elements that are of significance to our county. Has there been consideration of given the kind of prominence in in the county culture of attention to our relationship with our local tribal sovereign nations? Thank you. Yes, there has been preservation of cultural resources is going to be included. 00:37:19:23 - 00:37:56:11 Unknown We are we have a couple pathways of reaching out to the tribes that are mandated by law, SB 18 and the AB 52. Maybe, I don't know, two different laws as well as I am going to attend the the group meeting of the Environmental Protection people of the different tribes and the supervisors are trying to get us into maybe a council meeting where we just want to sit, listen, because we've been told that there are different communities that are not comfortable coming to these community workshops. 00:37:56:13 - 00:38:23:26 Unknown No problem. Let me know where to go and I'll just sit and listen. So we just really need to capture the input in a way that people are comfortable. Additionally, thank you for reminding me the local area Planning Advisory Council committees also have let's see for Shoreline. Where did I put it? One moment. It's a nine member committee. 00:38:23:29 - 00:38:58:08 Unknown There is one spot for a tribal representative, one for an environmental representative, and then they get a little different depending on the community. So for the COB, that would be one member of the COB area council. One member of a business owner and five at large members, which is anybody who lives within the planning area boundaries. So again, Tribal Environmental Club area council, business owner and five at large. 00:38:58:10 - 00:39:34:11 Unknown Okay, we're doing Q&A. Anybody else? Are there any questions in the Zoom Room? No questions? No. Okay. Yeah. Jessica, can you tell us when the last cover area plan was completed? The second part of the question is there a new requirement with the state to ensure that these plans are done every 20 years? And if not, can that be written into our plan for future purposes or to ensure that it is done in a prior good. 00:39:34:14 - 00:39:56:04 Unknown Thank you, Shannon. I wish I had it, but Eliot, I was going to actually defer that one to Eliot because I knew he'd know. 1982 89. It's a little outdated. And I think the idea of encouraging regular updates on a ten year to 15 year or 20 year period is definitely something that could go in an area plan. 00:39:56:09 - 00:40:19:18 Unknown I mean, in a general plan and an area plan and looking at the local committee to get by one day in one place stands out from that. Yes, it is. Robert Stark. Yep. Thank you, Robert. Last and are there any more questions? If not, I'm going to hand it off to Shannon. Okay, great. Yeah, I don't know either. 00:40:19:21 - 00:40:42:23 Unknown So when the plans are amended, is a third party going to do it, or is it the county? And if it is a third party, will they be part of the future meetings? We didn't talk about safeguards. Oh, I didn't even talk about place works. So we brought on this awesome planning firm that is assisting us with the preparation of these documents. 00:40:42:26 - 00:41:07:02 Unknown They were here last week in person, but our scope of work only covered one week and we thought doing all eight area plans in a single week was kind of mad. So we didn't do it that way. And that's why our staff who watched the last four meetings last week are now the meetings for this week. But yes, Place Works is actually I think our scope of work has them attending virtually for the second community meetings. 00:41:07:02 - 00:41:38:26 Unknown But we have we have room to wiggle and figure things out as we go. Yeah, good question. Thank you. Did I answer the whole question or was a two part. Okay, good. So my question is, the last long range plan was 1989 35 years ago. Has anybody looked at that plan and evaluated after all that effort? What of it was done? 00:41:38:29 - 00:42:09:20 Unknown What percentage of that plan's layout was done? That's a great question. So that we can set well. I come from town and in town we used to do things like this and then everything did get set on the shelf. Mm hmm. And I know it gets said on the shelf here in the country. To my point being, you're asking people to put in, not you. 00:42:09:22 - 00:42:29:26 Unknown We are asking people to put in a great deal of time. And I think a lot of people should want to know is our efforts going to get anything done? Now, I know everybody's going to say that at the county level. Oh, absolutely. We're going to work our butts off to make it happen. But what is our historic result. 00:42:29:29 - 00:42:49:15 Unknown A friend of mine says the greatest predictor of future behavior, past behavior. So 35 years ago, we set up a plan. How do we do? Did we do any of it? And is that going to be an indicator of the future? Great question. So that part. Oh, Robert, do you have another question or did you want to join in on that one? 00:42:49:17 - 00:43:21:06 Unknown That the fact that, you know every people here. Right. I got you. In 1989, we zoned every parcel in the area plan. There was no zoning. We created all the commercial, all of residential, all of the different types of all the stars and the seas and the CCS and the element ops were all done by that group of 15 between 15 and 21 people who attended those meetings. 00:43:21:09 - 00:43:49:18 Unknown Wow. That's cool. Okay. So to get back to your question, Rich. No, I haven't done that tally yet, but I can have it ready for the second workshop. However, one of the things that where that book does not stay on the shelf is for every discretionary permit, the planning develops. Because in our staff report, we have to establish to the to the level that pleases the Planning Commission or the Board of Supervisors that this proposed project is consistent with the general plan and the local area plan. 00:43:49:25 - 00:44:10:16 Unknown So in planning, that thing does not sit on a shelf. We use it all the time. However, I think that your question regarding implementation is totally valid and I will try to remember to write that down so I can make sure that I get it to you by the next workshop. Would be better if you sent me an email, but I'll try it right now. 00:44:10:18 - 00:44:40:09 Unknown Oh, it's part of my. Yeah. It's important to have those community objectives in the plan so that you can go after grants and the advisory councils can champion projects because they're in the plan. So everything in the plan may not come to fruition, but things that are not in the plan will have a much greater have, will be much more difficult to implement if they're not in the plan. 00:44:40:11 - 00:45:07:27 Unknown Absolutely. So the way the grants, what the state grant funders are looking for now is that we're not just going willy nilly off and asking for money that has nothing to do with anything. They want us to connect it to community visions as well as ongoing projects. So what supervisor pitched to her point, which also should, you know, should address partially, is sometimes these implementation plans are not done because we can't secure the funding for them. 00:45:07:29 - 00:45:41:17 Unknown But if we have the objectives and those things in that plan, we have a much better chance at securing that grant award. Is the 89 plan online? Can we review it? Is it so? Yes. Let me tell you how to get there. Okay. Simply lake County CAA dot gov. Lake County caa gov is our county website. Go to the Community Development department, then to planning, then to planning documents. 00:45:41:20 - 00:46:05:12 Unknown And that will take you to all the area plans. The one question I have is kind of a follow up of the gentleman over there is how much of the projected things that they have in that 35 year old document actually were done. That's exactly what his question was. I wrote it down. We got it wasn't quite sure because I had a hard time hearing it. 00:46:05:19 - 00:46:27:15 Unknown Yep. I will find out anything else. Okay, so now we get to the really important part of this whole evening, the whole reason why you guys haven't had dinner yet. So we're going to hand it off to Shannon. Our facilitators are going to take each table. This looks like we have enough people to to populate this table as well. 00:46:27:18 - 00:46:49:28 Unknown And we're going to do 45 minutes of getting your input on those four questions. Thomas, could you go back to those four questions also, in case anybody needs long distance referral COB area council members, if you wouldn't mind dispersing yourself so that nobody there are no majority of a member team, that'd be great. Have one more clarifying question. 00:46:50:01 - 00:47:11:11 Unknown When I think of this plan, I'm thinking more like guidelines versus goals. Or is it a mix? I mean, what what both your design guidelines will definitely be guideline ish. However, there could be other areas, say your land use where you want to encourage some sort of development. That would be more of an implementation and a goal things. 00:47:11:12 - 00:47:33:28 Unknown So it gives both. It gives it it describes the community's vision, talks about what we want to see, get offer suggestions on ways to get there and regulates some things. But the guidelines are mostly in the design guideline area. However, other stuff that comes up is we want this, We don't want that. We like this land use, we don't like that land use. 00:47:33:28 - 00:48:07:05 Unknown Those are all kind of guidelines, even if they're not. Yeah, they're not not objectives or plans or goals. Okay, this is good. Let's go. Okay. We're going to break into these four groups. Each group will have one or two facilitators slash scribe at the end. We would like a member to report back like Hidden Valley, but you can still get some more housing up. 00:48:07:05 - 00:48:35:19 Unknown It's a nice view and it's right off the road, so I think there's potential for that. And then our last point was outdoor recreation for everybody. It's and the last question, do you think changes are needed to the land area plan boundaries? We thought it should extend to Socrates mine road that kind of gives a physical landmark for it. 00:48:35:21 - 00:49:03:21 Unknown And also I found out from Mr. Stark that the Cobb Area Water District Services is down Sigler Canyon, and that's actually not even in our COB area zoning. And that should be changed to anywhere that the COB area or we have a municipality that servicing should be within our boundary. Very good. So thank you. 00:49:03:23 - 00:49:28:15 Unknown All right, so this time let's hold the easel up on one side and have the speaker on the end of that table. And for the sake of time, if you guys could highlight things that were not said by the last group, that would be great. Well, that's why I checked up everything that they said, that we also had some things might bear repeating. 00:49:28:15 - 00:50:02:04 Unknown So what do we like most about our our region? Number one on the list, trees, the vacation vibes. Of course, these are new ideas. The slower way of life, the small schools, the wildlife and things that we think should be preserved would be the visitors and the tourist to support our economy. And of course, our favorite coffee shop shops, which are two challenges. 00:50:02:06 - 00:50:33:28 Unknown You just can't get rid of trees that have fallen or are dead or burned seven years ago, eight years ago, need to be able to get rid of all of our green waste more easily. We have an aging infrastructure or not. The power goes out a lot and then media come or whatever. It goes out a lot. And then obviously our water needs a little bit of updating in some areas that we're learning broadband, health care access. 00:50:33:29 - 00:51:04:16 Unknown You really got to make a trek down there or and no one's going to be able to come up here to help you out that much, that it's just too far away. We're hearing if you're looking for like a senior helper or something, there's no clinic up here and maybe a little clinic would be nice. Then we got real technical about the zip codes and the school districts and the water districts and all these different borders should line up. 00:51:04:18 - 00:51:33:18 Unknown There's no banks. There's a lot less access to outside resources. Homeowners insurance is difficult to get. Some of our communities have one way in and one way out, and that's a safety hazard. There is no electric vehicle nearby. Also, just to reiterate, we need some pads on the sidewalks because you have to basically drive from one side of the community to the other. 00:51:33:20 - 00:52:10:02 Unknown Um, yeah, I think that's good. We have a lot of ideas. Map changes or changes to plan MAP uses. It'd be good to get some zoning for some sort of green waste processing like a quackenbush similarly related, a community garden or garden center or nursery. I wanted to point out about housing. Something like high density or senior living and addressing homelessness, health care clinics again, dog parks, neighborhood parks, more neighborhood parks. 00:52:10:02 - 00:52:42:21 Unknown We are very excited to have our new park coming in. But again, maybe something you don't have to drive to to enjoy with your family, with some enhancements on our current community center, the building and looking for biomass sustainability, we're going to flip this and good job done. She's done a great job back there. And we also agreed that SIEGLER Springs should be included in the COB area, as well as extending to Socrates. 00:52:42:23 - 00:53:13:05 Unknown I forgot to check. Those are excellent about I really like that one, about the industrial zoning for the biochar and processing the wood. I'm glad that Greg was here tonight because I was hoping that that would get captured. Next table 33rd Grant Yes, we have it. Yeah. If you wouldn't mind. Also, Jessica doing it at the end of the end of the table facing the camera would be awesome. 00:53:13:05 - 00:53:45:25 Unknown Thanks. How are get just highlighting what's not. I don't think you left anything. Assets. Oh, my gosh. Um, what do we go over? It's pretty much we included Night, Dark Sky, uh, Kelsey Creek Creek, More access to creek or walking around the creek when it is accessible to certain areas. Um, vacation homes. How we like that. How we like how they're permanent. 00:53:45:25 - 00:54:16:11 Unknown There's permanent housing up here, but also part time housing up here. Um, and communities around that like boogie and Italian village and Pine Grove, um, that we like our mountain forest community and would like it to remain in that vision. And I think that everything else is pretty much a, a preserving a scenic roadway, scenic byways, all of that and also extending that next. 00:54:16:14 - 00:55:12:21 Unknown I'm glad we're not last to like to go through, um, challenges. I'll just say road infrastructure because it needs to be said every single time. Um, infrastructure in general in terms of continuing to upgrade fire plans, ingress, egress, water, also our cellular reception up here, our internet connectivity up here, all of that needs to be improved substantially. Our power, obviously that's yeah, you'll hear that every single time to, um, watershed management, uh, food security, housing, all levels, economic levels, um, continued recovery from fires and such. 00:55:12:21 - 00:55:39:27 Unknown Uh, wow. Oh, the other part of continued recovery with the clean up with the fires, also working with holding accountable for any time they take down trees, making sure they get all of it or have programs in place before they come and do it. We're still dealing with a lot of fuel on the ground because of that. And especially right on roadways. 00:55:39:29 - 00:56:16:14 Unknown Uh, community vision, pride. I think that I think we go the next, um, let's see, map changes. Um, but says do you think changes in the energy plan on land use? Okay, so like forest industry, you guys already mentioned that there is an 80 acre planned development, a residential development that is on the maps that a lot of people don't know about. 00:56:16:14 - 00:56:55:27 Unknown So looking at old things like that that came in that nothing has happened with over the years, looking at whether or not to change those or if they should be addressed. Am I Elliot, Am I on the right track of that? Okay. Where, um, continuing to develop along with the parks planning in place. Thank you, Supervisor PESCA, for pushing that forward, but then also looking at community spaces, helping to make sure that the places that we do have are supported, funded or resources for funding to continue that. 00:56:56:00 - 00:57:37:16 Unknown Also, looking at new spaces that would make sense, let's say near the park or whatnot. Let's see. Oh, as far as a park, having an element of like exercise and such in that I don't know if it's in the plan or not, but, um, I think, I think that's and then factoring in keeping in mind youth sports and activities, the school has been used throughout the years for that and then, you know, that presents a huge impact on the school as we grow in this area, we need to look and move forward with not having the school always be the one impacted by that. 00:57:37:18 - 00:58:07:24 Unknown So next, I guess. Okay, so just roll it up and hit me over the head. Um, this is a really funny one for me. I know this map and the boundary changes really well because of the development of the CAC. I am one of the people that did that. So I love hearing that the establishment down to Socrates, the establishment down all the way through Ziegler Springs, because the water, those all make sense. 00:58:07:24 - 00:59:06:08 Unknown Those are all the reasons we expanded those boundaries in the first place. So I'm happy to hear about that. I think that's it on that one. Thank you. Very good. You say that you're having fun. Yeah. Yeah, that I do remember to start, we we agree with everything that everybody said. So we're going to skip oak woodlands. We like Kilby Creek or Loch Lomond Firehouse. 00:59:06:14 - 00:59:33:06 Unknown The dark skies, uh, bugs legged bugs, forests, the sound of the helicopters during fire season, Mount Sinjar Mountain high coffee shop keeps getting called out parties. There's the community events at the Italian village, the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary. And actually, we called out the spiritual centers that there's so many of here in this area, the community Swimming Pools club alert met was called out. 00:59:33:06 - 01:00:02:13 Unknown The fire was communities was called out, the Friends of Birds was called out. The club Watershed Education Restoration Program, Pine Grove, Whispering Pines, Adam Springs, Pizza Mountain Meadows, Harbin Hot Springs. These are the things that we like the most. Challenges where insurance came up, the response time for law enforcement came up is a big one. Rhodes Disease. And for us, this was of the trees high risk challenge. 01:00:02:13 - 01:00:34:07 Unknown It's a challenge to keep the dark skies, maintaining the fire wise communities is hard. The noise from cannabis operations, growing cannabis in the designated areas, community meeting spaces that don't carry noise. What do you hear deteriorating or too small? So they need help. Earthquakes, damaging homes the community center has limited open hours because of they don't have as much volunteers. 01:00:34:09 - 01:01:10:10 Unknown But Loch Lomond School District, we want that to change to Middletown. Yes, lack of education of the new residents and homeowners about the wildfire danger here and what they should be doing. Nothing with kids activities. Our code enforcement code enforcement needs to be much more supported, more monitoring for drought conditions and drought plans to be enforced. The lighted Yes is a sign in front of the Cobb Mountain Elementary School, flashing whatever, 25 miles per hour. 01:01:10:10 - 01:01:45:11 Unknown You know, like when kids are present and then later they're elated. Crosswalk We need that by the Cobb Mountain. You know, we're at the intersection, the intersection, Yeah, right. And this one was so funny. Oh, there's a bunch of them. New commercial enterprise children's summer camps, Outward Bound type programs. No, there's no shuttle service to Sacramento Airport. There's an advantage to being that. 01:01:45:12 - 01:02:18:04 Unknown It gets put in the last minute stuff. Map changes more refined plans for commercial uses. So I know that, you know, there's like little cottage industry kinds of things that we need no big box stores, we need a real campground acknowledge in the plan the significance of local participation in local governance. I take the time now to do deeper analysis and research on the complex systems dynamics of this community and spell this out in the area. 01:02:18:04 - 01:03:02:22 Unknown Plan Provide the research resources to identify key local metrics and monitor them ongoing. And we didn't come up with that. All right. Thank you. And you and we have our last to last table. So no pressure, but we are running a little late here. So we've looked through everything. And the only thing that's left is there's no Trader Joe's up here right now. 01:03:02:27 - 01:03:05:26 Unknown Same thing. 01:03:05:29 - 01:03:40:08 Unknown Yeah, there really isn't much more. The five mountains, the spring water, the forests, the springs, the resort feel helpful, neighbors and helping each other. Just when things do happen. It's. It's just so wonderful to have up here the Cobb Fest, Cobbler Fest, the events here at the Lions Club, and especially having the community service here when there has been challenges to be able to have this space and to have the folks and the volunteers has been really wonderful. 01:03:40:10 - 01:04:19:05 Unknown Our local grocery stores and all of that, the challenges that we see more walkability livable for those that are over 60 and a lot of those individual issues about that have already been talked about, but that walkability, possibly more dense housing to be able to meet those needs, more services. The Trader Joe's, it was fair uh the the traffic on 175 and on Bottlerock is way too fast around residential areas and around our resorts. 01:04:19:07 - 01:04:50:20 Unknown I've complained numerous times to Caltrans and some signs have been put up but it's it's not we we need it to be really quiet in these areas here and let's see our businesses need support and I think we talked a lot about having more dense residential to be able to support our businesses. So the whole walkability mixed use, all of that is is right up there invasive species was a challenge that we had in. 01:04:50:22 - 01:05:23:10 Unknown Yes, invasive species. Yeah, definitely. What else have we got? Are these still our challenges? Yeah. Okay, great. The earthquakes that was that was mentioned lot more parks and places where people can come together. I think that whole vibe of having kind of a mountain resort feel to it, having those walkable like paths and trails that we can get to community spaces, I think that have already been talked about and let's see map changes. 01:05:23:10 - 01:05:52:25 Unknown I think we just said we wanted it to the Socrates mine and then kind of adopting the Cobre Council map that is already in place. Some of the changes, the lots are too small to make it easier to join and or split part parcels because that's pretty costly for folks. And then probably some of the rebuild has been challenged because of that access to top of Cob Mountain. 01:05:52:27 - 01:06:24:05 Unknown We think that would be yeah that when we got access yeah to get to top the top of the map just making sure there's more density around the commercial areas and careful consideration of EG versus residential water usage water rights, quality, noise, smell and the like. And there's also concern about exporting our water for commercial gain, particularly through AG. 01:06:24:08 - 01:07:03:04 Unknown Right? When you export wine, you're exporting Lake County water. And let's see, oh, there was an interesting idea to attach, potentially attach a certain percentage of food production for local consumption to ag production itself, to commercial ag. So like if you have a vineyard that maybe 2 to 5% of that needs to be local, that needs to be edible food for local and displacement of wildlife, making sure that there's wildlife corridors and that migration paths can happen. 01:07:03:07 - 01:07:22:08 Unknown And then, of course, dog friendly. I'm not sure that that goes on the map part, but making sure that we're a dog friendly community because tourists really appreciate it being able to bring their dogs to those types of things. And then here's our our map changes that we've recommended was to map, you know, make sure that we've got. 01:07:22:08 - 01:08:03:28 Unknown SIEGLER Springs in there and all of that. Excellent. Thank you. Well done. Last table. We had just a couple folks in the Zoom Room that provided input. So I'll just tell you what was said in the Zoom room that was different than what was said in the rest of your groups. One of a couple of the things that were appreciated about COD was the development of lots of arts activities and then access to recreation like golf, swimming and then question to they said there are not enough homes here to support local business. 01:08:03:28 - 01:08:34:03 Unknown The dead trees, of course BlackRock struggling and the need for continued clean up post-fire Question three of the input we got was allowing small home land use. So just zoning for small homes, tiny homes. And then that was that was all the feedback that was in addition to what was already provided. Excellent one. Well done, well done group. 01:08:34:03 - 01:09:04:14 Unknown This has been a very fruitful evening. We have captured as much as we could in writing as well as the scribbles on the maps. Next steps. We are going to take all of this information and churn it up and we will have summaries of the different meetings available. Not sure when, maybe in a couple weeks. And then all of those are going to inform us for key issues and use possibilities that are be the center of the second workshop this fall. 01:09:04:16 - 01:09:28:21 Unknown Thank you for all that you have given us and given to your community this evening. And I ask that even if you're kind of maybe sort of interested in nature, please take an application for the local area Planning Advisory Council. Your input, continued input would be most, most welcome and highly valued. Have a great night, everyone. Thank you so much. 01:09:28:24 - 01:09:54:24 Unknown And I'll turn it back to the Cobb Area Council. Okay guys, one quick announcement that was made or tried to be made at the beginning of the meeting. Glenn is offering new click classes starting in the first six weeks. Also, we meet on May 16. Let limit, though, if you're interested. We are at six, eight, 13. That was a good one. 01:09:54:26 - 01:09:57:23 Unknown All right.