00:00:00:00 - 00:00:33:23 Unknown All right. Calling this meeting to order for the central region town hall. A roll call can be rolled out. I can if you want. Okay. Member Carlson Here. Member Pratt. Here. Member Swear here. Member Pearson I'm here. And absent is Member Martinez. Priest Yeah. Okay. All right. So our first item on the agenda is other than public comment. 00:00:33:26 - 00:00:48:10 Unknown The only other item will be the discussion and possible action regarding Lake County 2050 Shoreline Communities Area Plan Update Community Workshop. 00:00:48:12 - 00:01:15:11 Unknown Are you leading this up, Maria? Yes. All right, start us off. Where would you like me to stand? Sam Duncan. Okay, I'll go upstairs. Microphone. My pleasure. Thank you, everyone, for taking time out of your evening to be with us tonight. Work on process. I'm sorry. I feel like you. Yeah, It's weird about things like electrical play, actually. 00:01:15:14 - 00:01:44:02 Unknown Right. Scary. Thanks again, everyone, for taking time out of your evenings to join us today for our community visioning process for the Shoreline Communities Area Plan. This is the first of two meetings specifically for Shoreline communities, which makes sense since the were so spread out so thin all along toe in the shoreline. And it does cover some other areas that seem pretty far away from here. 00:01:44:02 - 00:02:14:18 Unknown So thank you so much for joining us. I want to also thank the central Region Town hall for hosting a special meeting to have us speak to the community. And a special thanks also to just lost it. Thank you, America. Our yes, our AmeriCorps members who will be helping with facilitation this evening as well as Tom DeWalt, Thomas DeWalt and Sam Houston, who are keeping our technology actually functioning. 00:02:14:20 - 00:02:42:21 Unknown For those who are joining us tonight in the Zoom Room, please know that your questions and comments can be submitted in the chat section. And our principal planner, Michelle Iris, is over here watching and managing the Zoom Room. And we'll be happy to read your questions out loud. Our evening is going to start with an overview of what the general plan and local area plans are all about, so that you understand why it's so awesome that you are here. 00:02:42:24 - 00:03:10:00 Unknown We're then going to break into probably actually with this sized group, I we think it would probably be best if we just combine this all into one group and then our place work staff, which we'll introduce in a moment, will help facilitate that. But the goal tonight is to hear what you think. It's to hear what you like about the shoreline communities, what you value, what you want to preserve, and what you would like to see changed. 00:03:10:03 - 00:03:39:02 Unknown This is the first of three shoreline community areas meetings. And so this is just the beginning. So feel free to just if you got an idea, we want to hear it. Let's write it down. And with that, I will turn it over to our place Work staff. We have Tonya Sundberg and then over there in the back we have Alison Gillen, and Jessica is here alongside oh, and another special thanks to Gilbert Rangel. 00:03:39:04 - 00:04:16:07 Unknown He is onsite with all of our meetings to provide Spanish translation. So we really appreciate that since our goal is to hear the input of everybody, no matter what language or where we're coming from in the county. So thank you very much. I'll turn it over to Tanya. Thank you, Maria. We can pull up the PowerPoint and we're going to start on slide four, correct, where we have the overview of the project. 00:04:16:07 - 00:04:40:27 Unknown So as Maria said, my name is Tanya Sundberg, I'm with Place Works. We're the county's consultant for Lake County 2050. And I just want to echo her. Thank you to all of you for sharing your time with us tonight. Your input is very valuable and really critical to this project. So thank you again. I think we want to go sorry, go back one side. 00:04:40:29 - 00:05:09:16 Unknown No, no. Okay. Go back to the slide at. We'll go there. Okay. So I have just a relatively brief presentation to get everybody oriented to this project and also what we're going to be doing tonight. So just to start really broadly, what is this project? This is called Lake County 2050. It's a comprehensive update to the county's general plan, including all eight of the local area plans. 00:05:09:18 - 00:05:31:29 Unknown It also includes environmental review, which is a process required by state law through the preparation of Environmental Impact report. I'll talk about that a little bit later and then it includes concurrent preparation of a document called a Climate Adaptation Plan. That's a county wide plan that will set up a framework for the county to adapt to the effects of climate change. 00:05:32:02 - 00:06:02:13 Unknown Well, thank you. All right. So next slide. I want to start out with a review of this document. We're updating the general plan. What is a general plan? A general plan is a long range plan. In this case, we're looking out to the year 2050, a long ways away, and it guides the county's decisions on a pretty broad variety of topics for decisions they make that affect the unincorporated county. 00:06:02:15 - 00:06:41:18 Unknown The general plan is often called a constitution for the development and conservation of a jurisdiction, and it's called a constitution because it sets up this broad, overarching framework for all of the more detailed regulations and guidelines and other plans that affect the the future of the jurisdiction. So typically, a general plan will start with a community identified vision for the future, what you want to be in the year 2050, and that it includes a set of goals, policies and actions that the county will follow in order to make decisions that will support that vision for the future. 00:06:41:21 - 00:07:12:11 Unknown An important function of the general plan is that it provides consistent direction so that everybody in the community has some certainty about what the future of the community is. And also because the general plan covers such a broad variety of topics, it really takes some careful thinking and it really requires community direction like we're getting here tonight to make sure that we set up these policies in a way that balances growth, conservation and quality of life in a way that supports the community's vision for the future. 00:07:12:13 - 00:07:35:17 Unknown And finally, another aspect of the general plan is that it documents the baseline environmental conditions so that we all have a shared understanding of the kind of starting point for for this work that we're doing in the plan. Next slide, please. So there are eight topics that state law requires general plans to address. You can see them here on this slide. 00:07:35:17 - 00:08:01:19 Unknown But the counties and cities are not limited to only addressing those eight topics. You can have some leeway to address other topics that are really more specific to the needs of your community. So your current Lake County General plan covers the required topics as well as some optional topics. So it covers the topics that are required of land use, open space circulation, housing, conservation, safety and noise. 00:08:01:22 - 00:08:28:06 Unknown It does not cover environmental justice. That's a new topic that I'll highlight later in the presentation. And then your current plan also covers these optional elements, including the Aggregate Resources Management plan, agricultural resources, geothermal resources, public facilities and services and water resources. I do want to point out the housing element is part of your general plan, but it is required to be updated on a more frequent basis than the rest of the general plan. 00:08:28:06 - 00:08:57:15 Unknown So that will be updated separately. And then similarly, the Aggregate Resources Management Plan that's currently an appendix tier general plan that will also be updated separately from the rest of this effort. Next slide, please. So moving on to local area plans, local area plans are also long range plans and they cover some of the general plan topics that I just presented, but it covers them at a more localized scale. 00:08:57:15 - 00:09:29:20 Unknown So they're really attuned to the issues and conditions in that local area. So your current shoreline communities, local area plan is is carries equal weight as the county wide elements in the general plan. But again, it provides policy guidance that's really specific just to the Shoreline communities area. The Shoreline Communities area plan also includes identifies areas that are called special study areas. 00:09:29:22 - 00:09:56:23 Unknown And these areas it provides policy and design guidance that's even more specific just for those areas. So the current local area plan has a special study area policy and design guidance for the promenade and lucerne. That's the Strand and Lucerne, the Plaza and Clearlake Oaks and East Clearlake Oaks. So those are the current areas that are kind of highlighted and treated with a little bit more detail and your current local area plan. 00:09:56:25 - 00:10:35:14 Unknown Next slide, please. So as part of this project, a project, the Lake County 2050, we are planning to reorganize the contents in your general plan to streamline the content and also avoid redundancy. So most many of these topics that we were just talk about, I was just presenting on a are best planned at a localized scale. And so those will be covered in your local area plan that includes land use, circulation, open space conservation and recreation, environmental justice, public facilities and services, economic development and the special study areas. 00:10:35:14 - 00:11:01:12 Unknown I highlighted the specific policy and design guidance for those areas, and then the remaining topics will be covered in the county wide elements. And those topics are health and safety, noise, geothermal, agricultural resources, water resources, housing and the Aggregate Resources Management Plan. Next slide, please. So one of the topics that receives a lot of attention and a general plan update is land use. 00:11:01:15 - 00:11:21:18 Unknown And that's in part because of this map called the General Plan Land use map that you can see a piece of here on the slide. This map receives a lot of attention because it has a lot of impact on the future of the community. What it does is that identifies what types of land uses can be developed on each parcel in the unincorporated county. 00:11:21:20 - 00:11:41:13 Unknown And it also identifies some basic parameters for how densely or intensely that use can be developed. This sets up the framework for the more detailed zoning map that many of you may be more familiar with. But again, this has a lot of influence on the look and feel of our community. So it does receive a lot of attention and it's part of what we're going to be talking about tonight. 00:11:41:15 - 00:12:03:22 Unknown Next slide, please. So I do want to take a few minutes to talk about this new topic, Environmental justice. This is a new topic that's required by state legislation that was passed in 2016. So it's not in your current general plan. And to start, just let's talk a little bit about the definition, what we mean when we say environmental justice. 00:12:03:25 - 00:12:22:27 Unknown Lots of people have different ideas on how to define it, how to define it, and it is defined in state law. You can see that here on the slide. But I like to think of it as simply the basic right of everybody to be able to live and work, go to school, play worship in a healthy and clean environment. 00:12:22:29 - 00:12:53:26 Unknown But what this law recognizes is that low income communities, communities of color, tribal communities have faced a combination of factors over the years that have led these communities to often be facing disproportionate pollution burdens and a disproportionate social and economic disadvantages like poverty and housing instability. And so this under this law, communities in California that are facing that combination of factors are called disadvantaged communities. 00:12:53:29 - 00:13:35:09 Unknown And the law requires that if there are disadvantaged communities in the jurisdiction, the environmental justice element identify policies that work specifically to improve conditions in those communities. Next slide, please. So to comply with this new legislation for any disadvantaged communities that are identified in Lake County, the general plan will need to include policy guidance that works to reduce pollution exposure and improve air quality in those communities, also promote access to public facilities, promote access to healthy and affordable food, access to safe and sanitary housing and opportunities for physical activity. 00:13:35:12 - 00:13:59:27 Unknown And then we also know that the approach to developing these policies can't be a top down approach. We need to emphasize equity in this process and we need to involve the communities that are affected by these issues. And so so it needs to be a kind of ground up approach. And finally, this legislation also directs us to prioritize improvements and programs that address the needs that are in those disadvantaged communities. 00:14:00:00 - 00:14:25:28 Unknown Next slide, please. All right. So many of you may not have really interacted with the general plan much in your day to day lives, but it does have some real effects on how on how you experience your lives here in this county. It kind of works behind the scenes. So I just want to point out a couple of those those ways that it does it so you can keep in mind why this matters and why why it's important for you to be here. 00:14:26:01 - 00:14:45:15 Unknown So as I mentioned earlier, the General Plan land use map identifies the types of land uses that can be developed and where. And so that has real effects on how you and your neighbors can develop and use your property. And that land use map also identifies where job generating uses can be located or where new commercial services are located. 00:14:45:18 - 00:15:04:04 Unknown So that affects how easy it is for you to find a job that's close to your home or how easy it is for you to get to a grocery store or reach other services. The general plan also has a policy guidance that can affect how neighborhoods are built in the first place. So that can really affect the look and feel of your neighborhood. 00:15:04:06 - 00:15:36:28 Unknown Next slide, please. The general plan also includes some policy guidance on how roadways are designed and improved. Also, whether there are parks close to you and how well they're maintained also has policy guidance on how to reduce risks to you and your property from hazards from natural hazards and how cultural and natural resources around you are conserved. So these are just a few of the the topics that are covered and and why and how why it's important and how it affects your life. 00:15:36:28 - 00:15:43:05 Unknown Next slide, please. 00:15:43:07 - 00:16:07:19 Unknown There we go. So as I mentioned at the outset, part of this process also includes environmental review. So this is a process that's required by the California Environmental Quality Act or Sequoia. It requires the county to disclose the potential physical effects on the environment that can result from adoption and implementation of this new general plan. So we will do that through what's called an Environmental Impact Report, or IIR. 00:16:07:22 - 00:16:36:27 Unknown That document will both disclose the impacts and then identify ways that we could potentially mitigate or reduce or avoid those impacts through mitigation measures or project alternatives. There are some opportunities for public input and comment in this process, including commenting on the scope of the analysis and commenting on the analysis itself. Next slide, please. Okay. So this slide gives you a broad overview of the Lake County 2050 process. 00:16:36:29 - 00:16:59:15 Unknown This is a three year process. We kicked it off last fall and we expect it to go through fall of 2026. The county wide elements process is underway and that's going to happen more quickly than these local area plan updates. We do expect drafts of those countywide elements this fall, and this workshop is part of our initiation to the local area plan update process. 00:16:59:22 - 00:17:23:04 Unknown What we learned from you today will inform the key issues that we know we need to address for the Shoreline Communities Local Area plan. And based on that, we'll be developing policy and land use alternatives to respond to those key issues. And that work will be happening through this fall. And then we expect full drafts of the local area plans to be ready in spring of next year. 00:17:23:06 - 00:17:45:20 Unknown And at that point, we'll be able to start that environmental review process. I mentioned that that will result in a draft air being published in spring of 2026. Then we have more public review looking at adoption in the fall of 2026. Next slide, please. 00:17:45:22 - 00:18:10:09 Unknown So your participation here tonight, as I said at the outset, this is really critical to this effort. This this needs to be a community driven process for it to be successful. So, again, thank you so much for giving us your time tonight. And I encourage you to continue to stay involved throughout this three year process and also help us to spread the word by telling your friends and family and neighbors about the process. 00:18:10:09 - 00:18:34:20 Unknown There's a lot of materials you can pick up today and bring home with you and just help distribute, because the more people we hear from, the more reflective this will be of the overall community's vision. So there will be ongoing opportunities to participate. We will have two more rounds of these local area plan workshops this coming fall. That's when we'll talk about those policy on land use alternatives I mentioned for this local area plan. 00:18:34:23 - 00:18:57:02 Unknown And then we anticipate next spring having another round of workshops to present the draft local area plans and hear your feedback on what we need to change to make sure we got it right. And then there's also other other venues where you can attend meetings and comment and comment periods. There are and there are going to be some stakeholder focus group meetings on specific topics. 00:18:57:04 - 00:19:16:15 Unknown There has been a general plan advisory committee that our geopark that was formed. They'll be meeting at key phases and you can attend those as a member of the public. Similarly, Planning Commission Board of Supervisors will have updates along the way, so I encourage you to attend and share your point of view. And finally, we do have a project website dedicated to this effort. 00:19:16:15 - 00:19:34:13 Unknown Lake County 2050 dot org. Please do check it out and again, spread the word. There's a survey up there right now that you can fill out. We also have hard copies of that survey here so you can find more information about the project there and also keep tabs on what's happening by checking it regularly as well as getting on our mailing list. 00:19:34:14 - 00:19:55:22 Unknown Well, we'll do the same. Next slide, please. Okay. So before we break into the small group discussions, I do want to just take a minute to review what we're going to do. And actually, we're probably not going to break into small group discussions, but I'll take a minute to just give you a preview of what's next before we do Q&A and then we can start that discussion. 00:19:55:22 - 00:20:16:09 Unknown But that way you have the opportunity, ask questions about it if you would like. So next slide, please. So you have in the workshop overview. That was one of the handouts here. You have these questions on your on your overview handout. So you have those referenced there, but this is what we're going to be talking about in the next part of the workshop. 00:20:16:11 - 00:20:36:07 Unknown We're going to be covering these four questions. And, you know, taking notes on what you say, because everything you tell us, as I said, is going to really inform what we focus on as part of this update. So we have about 45 minutes for this discussion and we will help you get through that discussion. We do also have maps at each table. 00:20:36:09 - 00:21:01:20 Unknown We'll probably consolidate you, but we'd encourage you to mark up and draw on the maps as part of your comments that we like. We love to see that. Next slide. And I think we can skip the reports back because we're going to stay in one big group. So I think we're ready for Q&A. 00:21:01:23 - 00:21:34:10 Unknown Thank you, Tanya. Does anybody have questions about the presentation, about the general plan, the local area plan, how they work together, anything like that before we get started? Yes. So you have this general plan includes the roads within the road. The roads are part of the circulation element. Yes. So somebody could chat with a question additionally before there's a second part to that, too. 00:21:34:13 - 00:21:59:21 Unknown Part of our safety element includes a county wide evacuation plan as well. So roads kind of you'll hear about roads and public facilities and kind of at a variety of different areas. Is there a Zoom car? One moment before we get to comments, you'll you should have a Post-it note in front of you that you picked up on your way in. 00:21:59:23 - 00:22:43:11 Unknown That was our ice breaker exercise to sort of get the get the creative thoughts going. And so the purpose of the Post-it note was for you to respond to the phrase that we have in this thingy over there, the title of which is The Future of Shoreline Communities, is And then you complete that sentence. Some of the answers that that we have seen elsewhere are preservation of an agrarian community, which means, you know, like preserving our agriculture, keeping our egg parcel sizes large, establishing large setbacks between structures to preserve the view shed. 00:22:43:14 - 00:23:03:09 Unknown So the things that you like about lucerne that you that you'd like to either see preserved or see changed. Feel free to write those down on your Post-it note. We're going to take a moment after the comments then to assemble some of these tables. So that would be a great time for you to go slap your Post-it note on that thingy over there. 00:23:03:11 - 00:23:34:09 Unknown And and then we'll get started working through our questions. Did anybody have any other. Oh, Michelle, Zoom room. There was one question about that area and advisor. Oh, thank you. Excellent question. I am. The question is, what about the area plan Advisory committees? The Board of Supervisors has established eight separate local area plan advisory committees. These are different from the General Plan Advisory Committee that Tanya was talking about. 00:23:34:12 - 00:24:01:13 Unknown These are advisory committees that are focused on the planning area. And so they cover really important stuff, like where do we want to change where community growth boundary is? Do we want to to add areas for future projects of like high density housing, in which case that would change our land use designation? Other things like we're getting right now, but they're really important. 00:24:01:15 - 00:24:27:27 Unknown Golly. Totally. Just lost it. Yeah. Dig in that. Oh, Enjoying those? Thank you. I will get back to the point. So these eight different ley packs is what we call them. Each have nine person membership. And so you are welcome to apply through the application that you can find on Lake County. Lake County 2050, Dawg. It is also on the county website at Lake County. 00:24:27:27 - 00:24:47:25 Unknown Okay. Dot gov. On the board of Supervisors page. So you go to Lake County gov. Then find the Board of Supervisors page and on the bottom right hand side under quick links, there will be a link to that application. Or if you need one, you can email us. We'll send it to you. All right. So we're going to take a moment. 00:24:47:28 - 00:25:19:08 Unknown Oh, any other questions? I'm just kind I don't know. How are they regarding the the presentation that they just made? How would they fit on our notepad thing? Yeah, it's a it's a two part one. It's a longer comment. I can read it either now or later. Go ahead. Okay. It's from Lori. See, she does not have capabilities for audio. 00:25:19:10 - 00:25:51:15 Unknown She said my comments on the Shoreline community plan are one, Develop policy and action. Item two inventory and require removal of dangerous, derelict and dilapidated docks. Develop funds sources to assist property owners in dock removal and restoration of natural shoreline vegetation in these dilapidated parks pose navigational and environmental hazards and contribute to the overall dystopian appearance of well glass of lake shore. 00:25:51:18 - 00:26:25:04 Unknown Restoration of native shoreline habitat improves fisheries, wildlife habitat and ecological functioning of the lake. Restoring native lakeshore habitat is an economic plus to property owners who are currently burdened with dangerous and dilapidated structures. Docks, which are costly to remove Action Policy. Well, action items should include development of fast tracks permitting for removing these docks and review of current policy, which seems to inaccurately convey value to these docks, even in hazardous condition. 00:26:25:06 - 00:27:03:04 Unknown Number two encourage re-use and restoration of vacant resorts before additional resort development is permitted. Parentheses Lotus Land. The county should encourage indirect redevelopment of the county's dozens of abandoned and often historic resorts. The Recreational and Hospitality Appeal of Lake County to vacationing vacationing visitors is the is its historic vibe as a mineral springs and lake focused destination. Development of far flung new development of far flung new development is contrary to current planning goals and does little to support existing communities. 00:27:03:07 - 00:27:29:07 Unknown Additional building new resorts should be discouraged as fire and emergency response should not be stretched away from existing communities to preserve to protect resort guests. Thank you, Lori. That was very good. And those fit perfectly as answers to the second question that we're all going to cover as well. So we've we've preserved your answers on Zoom and will make sure that that is included in the input. 00:27:29:10 - 00:27:56:14 Unknown All right. Any further comments? There are more. Do they answer questions that we can have in our when we come back for reporting back? Go down one of them. Have the members of the apex been selected? If not, is there a deadline for submittal? Are they subject matter categories or committees? And then please explain options for identifying special studies areas. 00:27:56:16 - 00:28:31:07 Unknown So the LPAC at the nine member body does have certain categories. They include one membership for tribal, one for environment. Then we include one from each municipal advisory code. So a council. So in this case we'd have a a central regional town hall as well as a Western regional town hall membership. And then I think that we fill in after that with did we do AG when we have one position for AG and then filling in the remaining positions for just public public at large. 00:28:31:09 - 00:29:05:29 Unknown So anyone who lives in the district, what are the lists in the planning area will be? I'll have to double check. Okay, we'll double check on that one. So and we'll get that posted on the Lake County 2050 board. Just so everybody has access to the same information. We'll collect applications through the month of May in order to be placed on a board of supervisors was meeting for their appointments in June. 00:29:06:01 - 00:29:15:28 Unknown And longer and longer comments can be emailed to what address? Lake County. 00:29:16:00 - 00:29:44:16 Unknown It would be Lake County 2050 at Lake County, a job? Yes, sir. Either I have another comment or question. When we're talking about circulation, when we take into account that we have Clearlake Oaks as part of that shoreline community. Right. Clearlake oaks through this Lucerne area and the population of areas like Clearlake Oaks, I think it's like 2000, 2500 people. 00:29:44:16 - 00:30:11:27 Unknown And we'll in 3500 and this is around 2000. And we talk about circulation and the ability to move. When you go and you drive through lucerne or Nice, you don't have accessibility for people being able to run on sidewalks or anything like that. So is circulation addressing the the roadway is more of like the walkability of the area because we do and then we have the highway through there. 00:30:11:27 - 00:30:33:19 Unknown But we still want to have a walkability through that area with a population of 2000, 3000 people. Beverly Important and I say this because if anybody drives through there regularly, I live in Paradise Cove, so I drive that road every single day and I've seen lots of accidents and people who have been hit and tragedies happen because we don't have the ease of access. 00:30:33:21 - 00:30:55:05 Unknown But certain areas like Clearlake Oaks, they developed and had walkways and things like that that would be able to prevent things from happening. Yeah. Is that part of the circulation or. You know, one thing that I think that your comment is awesome, your idea is very sound and I don't want people to get too worried about where it fits in the general plan. 00:30:55:11 - 00:31:17:24 Unknown I'd like you to make sure that that gets recorded as we're as we're working on the things we'd like to see changed, and then we'll figure out where it goes. So right now we want to capture what you think is important. So thank you so much. All right. That concludes our online and our Q&A. We will go ahead and take a moment to arrange our tables for our group, our single group. 00:31:17:27 - 00:31:45:00 Unknown And if you have your Post-it note done and you like to go post it, that'd be awesome. Thank you. And can get up there and get out there and go, You guys want to go down there so we don't have the device on the central town hall here. And I'm really looking forward to this process as it's very important to the preservation and the growth of our communities that you. 00:31:45:02 - 00:32:12:05 Unknown Hello, my name is Greg Beyoncé. I live on 13th Avenue in Lucerne. I've lived here for almost ten years now. Yeah. My name's Charlie Bean. I've lived here in Lucerne for 35 years and I'm on the board here at the senior center. My name is Becky Schwager. I live in the first Riviera, and I am the chair for the Central Region Town Hall. 00:32:12:05 - 00:32:42:21 Unknown I am also the Board of Director for North Shore Fire District representing the Lucerne area. And I'm also on the board of directors for the senior center. My name is Amy in Gurnee. I live in Clearlake Oaks. I have my whole life. I'm currently the president of the North Shore Fire Support Team, as well as the Rocky Mountains Minerals Association. 00:32:42:24 - 00:33:19:00 Unknown And I'm really and the member AmeriCorps, and I'm happy to be a part of this. This is awesome. Makes me feel like part of the community. Bruno Sobotka, District two supervisor on the south of Highway 20 and definitely east of Highway 53. That is the area that I represent, not all of that little portion of that, but so I'm here to listen and see the process go through. 00:33:19:03 - 00:33:42:12 Unknown I'm Amanda Collins. I live in Clearlake Oaks and lived there for about a year now, and I'm also an AmeriCorps member. My name is Jacob Blue. I am located in Paradise Cove, but I've been a Lake County resident since 2002 and been on the North Shore since 2020. I'm also a business owner and representing North Shore Business Association today. 00:33:42:14 - 00:34:06:13 Unknown So just wanting to see what's going on, get some information and then we can present it to our local business owners as well. Hi, I'm John Sin. I've lived here my whole life, born and raised. I live down in Chinatown area. I'm part of the Earth Committee and I'm here to see the growth and see how much we can change and add value to the community. 00:34:06:13 - 00:34:35:14 Unknown So thank you. I'm Amanda Jo. I'm a circ member. I live in Hidden Valley, but I'm here to help you guys out tonight. I'm Pamela Kaczynski. I'm on the board for the East Region Town Hall. I live in Clearlake Oaks. I'm also on the vice president on the board for the North Shore Fire Fund. So it's nice to see some people here from the North Shore Fire Protection District Support Team U.S.A.. 00:34:35:16 - 00:35:00:24 Unknown I did. East region Town Hall. I spelled it out. But Earth is all right, I should say. District Supervisor E.J. Crandall. I also live in Lucerne, and so I'm really glad to be a part of this and glad that you all are here to give your insight and input so that we can, you know, provide a better future and plan for a better future so we can know exactly how we need to develop and how we need to live. 00:35:00:27 - 00:35:20:15 Unknown Thank you. Everybody is great wealth of knowledge, I can tell that are here. So I'm really excited to have this conversation. As you know, my name is Tanya and then Alison is also here. She's going to be taking notes so we can make sure we record all of the great things you have to say and make sure that we are focusing on the right things as part of this update. 00:35:20:15 - 00:35:42:13 Unknown So she'll be taking notes. Hopefully you can kind of see, but definitely feel free to speak up if she wrote down something that wasn't quite right. And also, we have these table maps out your you grab a pen, grab a marker and mark it up. This is our way to make sure that your time is worthwhile tonight, that you're not wasting your time is that we take all of these comments back and we incorporate them into the process. 00:35:42:13 - 00:36:02:01 Unknown So thanks again for your introductions. We're going to start with our first question, which is on your workshop Workshop summary, as I said earlier. So this is really we're focusing now at first on the positives. What are the things you love about this region and what do you want to see supported, preserved or enhanced as part of this planning effort? 00:36:02:03 - 00:36:25:20 Unknown If you can just kind of raise your hand, Jessica will bring you the mic. Anybody want to wants to start us off. One of the things that I love about this area is we have some of the best views in the entire world. And every time that I get to drive to work, it is a scenic, enjoyable experience and I hope that that continues to happen. 00:36:25:20 - 00:36:52:12 Unknown And there's efforts that are made to ensure that the area stays clean and appropriate and animals are alive and safe so that this view is kept. Thanks, Jake. Great comment, Pamela. Mine is very similar to that one. And I think Maria said protecting obviously, it's our beautiful views, the beautiful lake and the beautiful environment that we have with our trees. 00:36:52:12 - 00:37:26:09 Unknown And as you say, the wildlife is the protecting. Our view. Shared, I think was the term that Maria mentioned, protecting our shoreline up to that mountain ridge. And I think that's what was in our original plan as well up here. Go ahead and take that. I personally like that I don't know about Lucerne, but when I go to any place in Oaks, you know, everybody you walk into right away or the shop, they know you, they know my order. 00:37:26:16 - 00:37:48:18 Unknown And I love that small town feel. So I hope that we can keep that. I was just going to add to Pamela's comment, as you mentioned, Bouchard's, and in one of the most recent planning Commission meetings, the district three Planning Commissioner had mentioned how culturally and ancestrally view sheds were very important, as well as cultural artifacts and resources. 00:37:48:18 - 00:38:24:26 Unknown So I just wanted to highlight that, that it was it was honored the same way even pre contact and pre colonialism. So I just wanted to emphasize that other thoughts. So I grew up on this lake as a second home over in Lake Port and we would always come over to the shoreline for fun and beauty and our friends and things like that. 00:38:24:28 - 00:38:53:06 Unknown And that's what I love about this shoreline area. There is such great potential for such beauty, community enjoyment and recreation, and I'd really like to see that come back. I really like the person that made the comment about because I made the same comment at the last meeting last night about the dilapidated docks. It's they never existed in the seventies. 00:38:53:09 - 00:39:17:02 Unknown Thank you. Yeah. The next question when we got into the challenges, that's where we tend to hear a lot of ideas and I'm looking forward to that. But we'll keep we'll stay on some positives for now. I'll say that when driving down Highway 20 and you're going and seeing all of these little communities, I love that you don't have to go far to find the shops, the restaurants. 00:39:17:02 - 00:39:42:21 Unknown They're all right there because it's such a perfect destination to have it right off the highway and the parks. You can't drive through this area without noticing the beautiful parks from Clearlake Oaks all the way to Lucerne. They're just kind of sprinkled all over the place and they're very accessible, very obvious that they're there. And so keeping those types of accessibility and attractions is important. 00:39:42:24 - 00:40:09:13 Unknown If I may say so, you may as welcome, I have to say, as an outsider, I'm very impressed by your parks, especially in unincorporated counties. So good job. Other ideas are so many great things here. What else do you want to see? When we think about this, we're thinking about, again, things we want to see preserved or enhanced. 00:40:09:16 - 00:40:31:00 Unknown What, you know, as part of this effort, what you know, Are there other other things you want to highlight that we want to have policies that are really explicitly calling for some you know, one just in this area. Let's bring is bring that we'll go for. I just wanted to say that we do need to have some more support for businesses and restaurants in the area. 00:40:31:00 - 00:40:54:14 Unknown We're currently down to two restaurants now, Foster Freeze and then the Bistro. And they seem to kind of all go out of business. That also affects the, you know, tourist attraction, you know, people stopping through and there's not a whole lot for them. We have a vacant restaurant directly across from the Harbor Park. That would be a great venue. 00:40:54:14 - 00:41:25:27 Unknown I don't know what we could do to and attract, you know, some entrepreneurs or whatnot to the area. Okay. Thanks, Becky. Miles, We'd like to see enhancement to your restaurant scene. I know that recently, within the past couple of years, box stores, small box stores were an issue, likely the Dollar General. And so less of those have notice from the communities in our district are really having issues with those. 00:41:25:27 - 00:41:43:09 Unknown So we need to make sure that we have that implemented so that other small businesses aren't aren't affected by these as well. And the only reason I share that is because in each town hall they've went through these type of discussions. So bringing it here to talk about it so that when you implement your plan, it's in place. 00:41:43:12 - 00:42:05:06 Unknown Great things. Is it okay if I make a comment on something that said yes, what you said about restaurants and that is a really important there's a lot of access in the community for that. So there's this thing I work as a business consultant. It's Community Development BLOCK Grant, which is funding available for small businesses to start up as long as they're in the unincorporated area. 00:42:05:06 - 00:42:29:12 Unknown So if they're outside of the Clear Lake or Lake port area, they have access to loans at 1% and a lot of educational services opening up a restaurant is a huge jump and sometimes you have to know your area, you have to know your demographics, and it takes a lot of energy. I personally have helped with the bistro, Love the family, Alex and Eat It are amazing people and they're here to stay. 00:42:29:12 - 00:42:56:10 Unknown So that's really important. Their whole point is we want to make sure that we stay in this area because so many things have been leaving. So there is access to that. And if you know people that are wanting to become entrepreneur entrepreneurs or working in that area, they are always welcome to in and the North Shore Business Association meetings and get access to educational services to start their business because there is a lot of vacant property available for people who are wanting to begin starting a business. 00:42:56:10 - 00:43:34:07 Unknown So we look at it as all these businesses are leaving. But really this is an opportunity for new businesses to join and re associating yourself with that image instead of all these people are running away and seeing it as an opportunity instead of a, you know, degradation of the community is important. Thank you, Jake. Somewhat in the line with restaurants is also what the person mentioned on Zoom as one of the points was the restoration of those small resort days when the Kanak Day Harbor Resort, which was a big anchor for the lake, had closed. 00:43:34:07 - 00:43:58:28 Unknown It was a domino effect with all the other small resorts and restaurants and so forth. So hoping. I know they're just partially open, not fully open over there and hoping that those those restaurants that are I mean, resorts, small family resorts were so much fun. We took advantage of them before we bought up here. It was a great place to bring the children and great access also to the lake. 00:43:59:01 - 00:44:21:15 Unknown So I would like to see that and the tourism development, if there is more of people staying in those small resorts are Best Western in the Connect then they're not staying in our neighborhoods in Airbnbs, which supervisor panel know is a big problem for me. So I would like to see those developed to where they used to be. 00:44:21:17 - 00:44:53:18 Unknown Okay, Thank you. And that might be a good segue way into our next question. Unless there's any last comments about the assets, the great things about Lake County. Oh, go ahead. You know, growing up, we always we always had a boat. So we would go out on the lake in the morning and then in the mountains in the afternoon. 00:44:53:21 - 00:45:28:08 Unknown And that that's really cool that we're close enough to be able to do that. We have both assets, the lake and forest at our fingertips, and we could do both in one day. That's how close they are. So that's that's really unique about our area. I agree. That's very special. Actually. I'd like to not only agree with that point, but to to further it. 00:45:28:10 - 00:45:56:24 Unknown It's kind of interesting because there's an intersection of issues of this topic about what jumps out at me at this map initially. Is it because the map is probably just the, I think, raster image or something like that, but it effectively doesn't allow us to go about the Ohv outdoor resources in here because we have fire roads and is it a state maintained? 00:45:56:24 - 00:46:32:01 Unknown Bartlett Springs Road but we have all of this and many other actually have I said it on majority maps up to like the last zoom in on Google Earth, a lot of unnamed even yet fire roads and access points throughout this area and growing up here, actually, that was what kept myself and a lot of people in my generation out of trouble was being able to access that, not just with our dirt bikes, but also occasionally like having to push these cheap motorcycles home on foot. 00:46:32:03 - 00:47:06:26 Unknown So there are all kinds of opportunities from, I would honestly argue, not just the High Valley Ridgeline area, but honestly to Spring Valley and even the Indian Valley Reservoir, because in all actuality, all of these communities that have that land available to us as we look north, we all have to kind of way this every day, whether or not, for example, if you don't have a four wheel drive pickup truck, can you access that really can afford it really? 00:47:06:26 - 00:47:41:21 Unknown Or can you walk that distance with your cell phone, maintaining cell connection that if something were to happen with you and your loved one, you can get in touch with some help? To me, that's it's a major, major part of the component here. And it's it's difficult to weigh its importance because in reality, this highway, which obviously is our most convenient route and also obviously our transportation primary objective, it's actually newer to our communities than those back roads areas. 00:47:41:23 - 00:48:02:24 Unknown So to us, it's one of these different difficult things to have to spell out. But I'm really glad we're here to try to. Thank you. Thank you. Austin Yeah, okay. So I think I am I do want to move this on, but I'm wondering, Michelle, should we are there comments in the chat that relate to assets in the community? 00:48:02:27 - 00:48:29:09 Unknown Okay. There are. We have Lisa who does not have audio, so I will read hers and then we have a couple other that should be able to speak over Zoom. We can give it a whirl. I will read and Lisa's and she goes into some challenges and solutions as well. So I'll just stick for this question to the assets, she said. 00:48:29:09 - 00:49:08:06 Unknown I enjoy the undeveloped ridgelines around the lake. She also speaks about value on open space and access, natural habitat conservation and watershed protection as assets. And then I didn't know. Does anyone else in the Zoom wish to speak? Looks like we have two other participants. This would be related to question number one about what are the assets and what would we like to preserve. 00:49:08:09 - 00:50:10:13 Unknown I'm not seeing any hands up, but I don't know if Betsy or Kelly wanted to speak. How do you mute? I'm trying here. Not really clicking. She says she's talking. Let's see them muted. I think about that. I can be better with and try again. Betsy. Yeah, said she was talking. We don't quite hear you. Maybe just keep talking Betsy for a minute while we try to figure this out for a second. 00:50:10:15 - 00:50:45:26 Unknown She says she's unmuted and I can see that she's trying to talk. Yeah, yeah. Technology is wonderful when we can get it working. There is a chat perfectly. I wonder if they're communicating. Your chat? Yeah. Betsy, I'm not sure why we're not able to hear you should try. I'm meeting her on, and then we can circle back to this or. 00:50:45:28 - 00:51:12:13 Unknown Okay. Or we can do written comments. Yep, no problem, Betsy. If you want to type them in the chat, I can go and read your assets in a moment Here. Thank you. Okay. Thanks for your patience, everyone. Yes, go ahead. I just wanted to add one more thing. It's an asset that we unfortunately tend to forget quite a lot. 00:51:12:13 - 00:51:45:18 Unknown I know that Supervisor Crandall has worked on expanding it, and that's the national monument that we have in our backyard. And I think that speaks to the back roads and just protecting what not even protecting, just mentioning it for the sake of what is access look like, what does the direct routes to it look like? I think that as a county and I'll just say for myself, I don't think we've done enough to try and and I know we've tried, but we've failed and we haven't gotten to the point of what are the access points. 00:51:45:18 - 00:52:10:20 Unknown We have some signs that say that the monument is there, but we don't have any signs that say like, turn right to go into the monument. The way that we're advertising it is can be a lot better. And so it's there. It's the back roads that everyone enjoyed in the past, but it's how do we highlight that as a bigger destination for that area because it surrounds us all around. 00:52:10:23 - 00:52:52:27 Unknown Great. Thank you. All right. Any of give a final option, anything in the chat before we move on? The question to try other participants, you hear? Oh, weird. Okay, good. Okay. Is it possible that I can be stressful? Oh, no. Yeah, we could. Well, maybe while they're figuring that out. That came up supervisor a saboteur that came up last night also. 00:52:53:00 - 00:53:28:23 Unknown And it was actually my issue. I said we need to promote all of this area as the gateway to the Mendocino National Forest and the National Monument. And it's it's such an asset that needs to be protected, that also needs to be utilized. And our forest is the most under utilized forest out in California. Thank you. Thank you for that. 00:53:28:25 - 00:53:50:10 Unknown So I do I don't want to spend too much more time on this one question. We've got three more to cover, so let's just move on and if we do fix the audio issues, we'll maybe have some time at the end to circle back for the Zoom participants. So let us move on and then hopefully by the time we finish this one, we can get the Zoom people in with their comments directly. 00:53:50:10 - 00:54:16:13 Unknown So we're going to move on to question two, which is about challenges that we're facing. What are the challenges that this the Shoreline Communities region is facing? And as you think about that, think about what would you like to see changed in this region to make it a better place to live and work? I should say some of these comments seemed like they were also oh, sorry, some of the comments seem like they were they could have been categorized under that question. 00:54:16:13 - 00:54:41:12 Unknown So I went ahead and and put them there. Yeah, homelessness. And I'm like, I would love to see the bathrooms at the Park and Islander locked at nighttime because I don't feel comfortable taking my nieces there. When they come over and visit, I take you back to my house because of people using drugs in the bathroom and it's something that I don't want to expose them to. 00:54:41:12 - 00:54:48:08 Unknown So I would love to see that in action. Thank you. 00:54:48:10 - 00:55:10:16 Unknown One of the major problems I see is the North Shore image. When I tell people that I work in areas like Lucerne Nice and even Upper Lake, there's an image that there's a large population of homeless and a large population of drug users and whatnot. And I think it may be because of the ease of access that everybody is walking along that highway. 00:55:10:16 - 00:55:43:29 Unknown And that's all you see. If that's all you see, that's all you think is there. There's so much more to the community, there's so much history, there's so much more to see besides that. So if we could find a way to change that image. And I think one of those ways is that ease of access, that roadway, if we just cleared that up and made it look a little bit nicer and put street lamps or some type of walkway, that would be appropriate, it'll the image of the area, because I absolutely hate when people think negatively of the North Shore because it's not a it's a beautiful area it's one of the most beautiful scenic 00:55:43:29 - 00:56:10:20 Unknown routes ever. There's so much history. And I know he talks regularly about the history, the Native American history that's there, and there's so much there that needs to be changed. So the image is one thing. And the second thing that I would state is somebody had mentioned I think it was usually about the, the, uh, the not the docks man put on the spot. 00:56:10:20 - 00:56:49:02 Unknown You forget things and I thought about, oh, I wish I were over to the side of the lake. Oh yeah, I forgot my second point. But images don't come back. Thank you. Dig. And then I also was reminded, too, when you were speaking about your comment during the or your question, that was also kind of a comment during our Q&A earlier about circulation and wanting to make sure there are safe places for people to walk through sidewalks and lighting and stuff like that. 00:56:49:02 - 00:57:19:08 Unknown So I think that overlaps a little bit, too, with your comment about the image. Right. Okay. So we make sure we get that, too. Okay. Go ahead. John Moore. One of my big concerns is preserving the water in the lake, keeping it clean and keeping the levels high enough because just a couple of years ago it was so low that you couldn't launch a boat and so people didn't want to come out here to waste their time to just sit on the shores, you know, And it closed down to almost three launches and two of them were private, I'm pretty sure. 00:57:19:13 - 00:57:49:00 Unknown So that's one of my big concerns on that. So thank you, John. Another challenge is you want to highlight and when we think about shoreline communities, things you want to see changed, go ahead, Amanda. Speeding through the towns, lucerne and the oaks and everywhere, It's crazy. I can't even cross the street without with anybody stopping. Actually, no one stops for me to cross if I'm at a crosswalk regardless. 00:57:49:02 - 00:58:19:13 Unknown And they go way faster than this. Post the speed limit, which is unsafe. You know, we have people, a lot of people walking dogs and kids and, you know, we want to keep our community safe. So but I do then I have a long list. So I don't know whether that's something that you want me to just list out or Yeah, go for it. 00:58:19:13 - 00:58:56:23 Unknown And if you want to have already kind of been touched on. So but the illegal cannabis grows within the area of lucerne, obviously the dilapidated docks. I own two docks on the lake and my neighboring docks are in horrific condition. I try to keep mine so it's nice and useful and it doesn't pose any hazards. Anybody. We have horrible roads here in Lucerne, the Avenues and Foothill in particular, and I don't know what's happening with the bridge replacement over there. 00:58:56:25 - 00:59:20:23 Unknown Anybody see any I don't know if there's really been any progress on that. Then we have a lack of homeless services or resources here. You know, I'm concerned also about the water quality of the lake because it really is a big deterrent. You know, a lot of people will come up and they just kind of they think our lake is nasty. 00:59:20:25 - 00:59:47:15 Unknown The available business space that stays vacant as well as the restaurants, because we have, you know, kind of turnkey spaces available, lack of crosswalks on country club. And somebody mentioned the speeding vehicles. Something needs to be done about that. We do have some of those digital signs up, but nobody heeds any of that of lots of illegal dumping. 00:59:47:18 - 01:00:15:25 Unknown And it seems to be constant. I know the flock cameras are installed, but I'm not sure if there's been any progress with that. Lots of abandoned vehicles in particular up in the hills going up. Robinson and friend squatters in abandoned houses. I know Supervisor Crandall has had to deal with one in close proximity to his house. We have a lot of homeless encampment encampments and a lot of them are on the water. 01:00:15:27 - 01:00:46:18 Unknown And I've responded to fires, you know, on the shoreline because, you know, they make their own campfires there, which are illegal anyhow. And then also the garbage is left behind as well as I walk this area daily. And so in our waterways and creeks, there's a lot of, you know, garbage over here By night, there's the creek runs underneath there. 01:00:46:18 - 01:01:18:21 Unknown I'm sure Austin knows the name of it. Sorry, but there was there's been mattresses from people camping under the bridge and then all kinds of garbage. And then once the rain hits all that garbage is washed downstream. So, you know, contributing to pollution to the lake. Thank you, Becky. Great comments. Most of the time, the diesels, the big rigs are going faster than the cars are. 01:01:18:23 - 01:01:53:26 Unknown And I personally live on Highway 20 in the middle of Clearlake Oaks. And it's pretty scary at night. I mean, I'm surprised there's not more accidents for how fast these big trucks haul our stuff. Excuse my language through towns. They're going faster to the towns than they are outside the towns. And it's it's pretty scary. So that would not it would be nice to see those bump, bump, bump things all down. 01:01:53:26 - 01:02:16:05 Unknown Yeah. Traffic coming. I remember what I was going to say, but I also wanted to say in Lucerne, you are right there, right in front of the school three times, maybe even four times in the last year. A truck is tipped over. Right. The coming that turn flipped over the poor person's resort. I think it's a resort right there and I feel horrible for that. 01:02:16:05 - 01:02:42:21 Unknown But apartment or unit, apartment, apartment complex directly across from my car. Oh, and on the property also with that powerful place several times already within the last couple of years. So that's a major issue throughout that entire shoreline. It's so sad. It's straight across from 64, right at 65, 20 East Highway 20, my dogs and 65, come on. 01:02:42:22 - 01:03:10:05 Unknown But the powerful and the apartments, their individual needs, I think they probably resort to one or individual apartments. Right. Dinner. Yeah. So at the corner of country club and right next to the school and that's the installation and I would tell you that school is the highway location and routing there right now 40 so before that. So that's kind of a lot of challenges. 01:03:10:09 - 01:03:47:27 Unknown Yeah, I mean such a pinch point and it's shoreline and so sort of where Caltrans and to our shoreline and or street or surf and maybe even the mountains I wonder considering right now based on this. Yeah we use the microphone. I'm sorry that there's a quacking there of me. So go ahead. Jake, why don't you finish your comments? 01:03:48:03 - 01:04:08:17 Unknown I apologize. So what I remember, it's regarding the resorts. And if you grew up in the area, I grew up in the 2000s, and I can't imagine how people feel who grew up in the seventies when the resorts were brand new and gorgeous. But even from the 2000s to now, the dilapidation that has happened in the resorts, especially on the North Shore, it's at really sad. 01:04:08:17 - 01:04:32:22 Unknown So if there's some type of revitalization grant or something that can be happen that will contribute to those, it would be amazing because it will add people visiting. And we have this beautiful lake with a great bass tournament that happens regularly and that helps everybody, you know, so those resorts can really contribute to the rest of the community. 01:04:32:24 - 01:04:59:29 Unknown Great. Are there challenges you want to highlight in other kind of feedback? Oh, no, no. We're good nature. I mean, I'm just going to reframe what was discussed a little bit. A little bit. I think all of Highway 20 is a problem. And what at with varying problems. And what I don't understand is Highway 20 is designated as a scenic highway. 01:05:00:01 - 01:05:26:21 Unknown Why aren't we tapping into that and promoting it and getting the funds? There's so much funds available, particularly right now around water quality and the environment for a scenic highway. I mean, I'm telling you, Highway 20, from what these people said, I would add, you know, people are passing on Highway 20 in the lanes and areas where there is expansion. 01:05:26:23 - 01:05:54:05 Unknown People are getting killed all the time on Highway 20, all the time. I mean, we're not talking just sell them all the time and we've got to do something. Highway 20 is a problem. Thank you, Julia. Other challenges. Go ahead, Greg. One thing that would be nice to see would apply to probably all of us or most of us have an animal, a dog. 01:05:54:12 - 01:06:19:20 Unknown There's really no where to take your dog where you can let them go off leash. I know there's there's, there's one by the launcher out, but it's not secure all the way. And so that would be nice to see something. I've been going now to the Hammond Park and knee so that's a really nice dog park but that would be nice to add that we could add something so people have a place to could take their dogs and get them off leash. 01:06:19:23 - 01:06:40:24 Unknown Oh, thank you. Thank you. Other challenges from the group that you want to highlight. So this kind of goes with the whole stigma of the North Shore area. I mean, I've only lived here for two years. I bought my house two years ago and even before moved here, I had a bunch of people telling me like, Oh, why Lucerne? 01:06:40:24 - 01:07:08:06 Unknown Like, why would you want to live over there? I have family in Lakeport and I think there is a little bit of Lake Lake ports. Yeah, Hardiness, I don't know. But I really came into this with after I bought the house, I was like, Oh no. LAKE What did I do? But I've realized that a lot of I think we have a lot of missed opportunity in Lucerne simply because there are very few businesses, there are very few things to stop and do. 01:07:08:08 - 01:07:30:11 Unknown So while we do get a lot of through traffic, most of it is exactly that. It's through traffic. People are just driving through. And I've noticed like a lot of the big events that take place, I really think that Lucerne could capitalize on them if they were hosted here. Like a large majority of the fish competitions. You know, a lot of those tournaments are happening. 01:07:30:11 - 01:07:57:09 Unknown They're based in Lake Port or, you know, there's not a lot based here in Lucerne. And I think that that could just be a tourism situation. But if there were improvements that we could make to, you know, just the basic infrastructure of the area, I think we could attract people to this side of the lake more so than, you know, Lake Port, no offense to Lake Port. 01:07:57:09 - 01:08:23:10 Unknown I love Lake Port. They're getting a tractor supply. But I just think that there's a ton of missed opportunities simply because, I don't know if it's just because this is a lower income area in some ways, but I just feel like it's a missed opportunity. Thank you. Other challenges before I had Greg, I have I have one more thing that I'd like to bring up. 01:08:23:10 - 01:08:58:11 Unknown It was about the any positive change needle exchange program that's running on 13th Street. Actually, they're running tonight. Right now. It runs from 5:00 to 8:00. For some reason they're set up there where the behavioral health building is closed, but that needs to be relocated and so it be inside and that's set up on on 30th Avenue. That's the only the only avenue with sidewalks on full sidewalks on both sides. 01:08:58:14 - 01:09:24:18 Unknown And plus, it's right it's right behind the gas station, which is the heart, the heart of of Luzerne. It's really in a bad area. The kids have to walk by there. And this that needs to be dealt with and they need to be put in a and a safer spot for for everybody. Thank you. Okay. How are we doing over in the zoom? 01:09:24:18 - 01:10:08:07 Unknown Do we have some chat comments you want to read or try to unmute folks? Okay. Yeah. Unfortunately, we're not able to receive the audio from them, but I will go ahead and read the challenges some folks know. And let me go back. There's one. And you know what I realized I was saying Lisa earlier, but it was Kelly from Clearlake Oaks, so I apologize for that, trying to go through and see what I have not read already. 01:10:08:07 - 01:10:53:18 Unknown She notes the abandoned and often historic resort says the group has also noted recreational hospitality and in need of more amenities for folks visiting focused on the lake destination already mentioned the far flung development that she mentioned. Sorry. As you can see, there's kind of a long chat here, lack of safe walking paths and pedestrian crossings. She also echoes that people should not routinely die crossing Highway 20 and 53. 01:10:53:18 - 01:11:40:24 Unknown Walking and bike pathways should be well landscaped and appealing. Lack of banking or credit union access on the North Shore residents using thing it's supposed to say fee based ATMs are trapped in the cycle of poverty, getting the truck traffic rerouted onto the newly developed Highway 29 bypass, asking if that's a Caltrans or law enforcement matter. And then Betsy was asking about the special study area some more. 01:11:40:26 - 01:12:13:15 Unknown And if there's plans for those communities defined by municipal advisory councils. But maybe I don't know if that's something that's best off. Fine. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. Thanks, Michel. Thank you for your comments, folks in the chat and the zoom. Any final comments on challenges from this group before we move on? Yes. So I'm doing my best not to get the stink eye from Supervisor Crandell, so I'll speak specifically about the area that's District two. 01:12:13:17 - 01:12:53:14 Unknown It's and of my friend Paul Duncan behind us, the wildland urban interface, because of the proximity of the mountains to the city area, to the community growth boundaries, creating that safe buffer zone between wildlife or wild land and an urbanized area. How do we get up to date what we've already planned with creating a safer plan without breaking what's already there in the first place? 01:12:53:16 - 01:13:17:10 Unknown Just because I think is not conducive to people wanting to develop and people wanting to put a risk into entrepreneurship or development when they have the fear of what fires have already done in the past. And so how do we look at yesterday's plan evolve that into today's plan so that it's safer for people to take those risks? 01:13:17:12 - 01:13:50:06 Unknown It's a challenge for sure. Thank you. Oh, yeah. Go ahead, Tammy. I think they've been set or tiptoed around, but increase in law enforcement and also safer routes to schools. Thank you. I appreciate your and fish and game. All right. So we're going to move on to question three. This is where we're going to take a look at this general plan land use map. 01:13:50:06 - 01:14:17:02 Unknown I described it in the presentation. These are this this handout here at the table shows the current general plan, land use designations for the Shoreline Communities area. As you can see, a lot of this is designated for public facilities. I think that's public land. And and then there's a lot of ag and rural land and then you have the kind of community areas those are shown in the more colorful, you know, yellows and oranges and reds. 01:14:17:02 - 01:14:45:06 Unknown And those are where you start seeing the residential and commercial and industrial. So that's what's in your current general plan land use map. We are going to look at what changes we need to make to that map. So where where are places where we're planning for something that doesn't make sense to you? Do you do you think it's we should make a change to this map, to, you know, add more housing or add more industrial or, you know, in you don't have to give if you have specific ideas. 01:14:45:06 - 01:15:05:23 Unknown We can mark those down on the map of like specific locations where you want to see a change or you can share kind of more general comments about we need more housing or we need more industrial. So those are the kinds of things we're looking for in this conversation. So I'll open it up to any thoughts about land use map changes. 01:15:05:25 - 01:15:46:15 Unknown Yes, go ahead, Julia, When you got the mic is mixed use more mixed use, especially along Highway 20. I it allows for residents and businesses to be together it would allow for pathways to be built. I mean when you're looking at mixed use you're that opens up all new funds for government agencies so more mixed use. Thanks Julia any birding land used as a last last night? 01:15:46:15 - 01:16:15:15 Unknown There is somebody that's been wanting a zoning change for a long time and they were very excited to be able to share it. So welcome those thoughts. Go ahead, Austin. Yeah, the area basically surrounding our foothills directly south here of, our ridge line as designated rural residential. Can someone give us a definition of what that means? Like that's open for current development or just starting to be set aside as a buffer? 01:16:15:22 - 01:16:53:19 Unknown As I last counted, that's 10,000 acres from the monument space down to what looks like yellow. I counted that on Google Earth a while ago, but those 10,000 acres are extremely valuable to us and there are wildland urban interface as well. So I guess I'm asking specifically what that the land use means. Rural, residential, rural, residential. So we have a spectrum of land designations starting from our rural lands, which are remote areas. 01:16:53:20 - 01:17:23:29 Unknown Steep hills could be unstable soils and not a lot of access to services. So that's the furthest out. Rural residential is the next one in in as we start getting as we start climbing back towards our neighborhoods are actual residential are one or two or three areas. Our minimum parcel sizes decrease. So in rural lands it could be somewhere at least 20 acre minimum, but probably more. 01:17:23:29 - 01:18:16:19 Unknown It's dependent on a number of factors. Rural, residential. We're now getting into a baseline of a ten acre minimum. You're still going to have some steeper slopes, you're still going to have a little it's a little less remote than rural residents or rural lands. You can have a primary agricultural use in rural, residential or a and or a primary residential use as well, just as so if those as I am hearing that designation being defined as a little further out but still capable of services, the services meaning like EMT and fire, yes, you can still have the you'd still be in fire districts. 01:18:16:19 - 01:18:47:12 Unknown The services that we would not be looking at in rural residential are municipal water and sewer services. Those are limited to within what we call community growth boundaries. And do we have a map of those? I think it centers around the town of Lucerne. They are any. Yeah. So those are clusters that you'll see in the different towns where you're going to find your public water and your public sewer. 01:18:47:14 - 01:19:26:07 Unknown Okay. I asked that specifically because as I follow the map along, there's sort of a northward pointed almost finger shape here as I'm tracing there. I believe that's the PGE substation and the light green residential, rural residential market areas all around that area. And our direct north here, their access to I like to fire roads and I those are probably worthy of some type of other designation that's closer towards less development in some of these areas. 01:19:26:10 - 01:19:55:18 Unknown Only because if I understand the future of the roads development in that area, it would be dependent on larger parcels than much larger than ten being created. I know of a couple of houses that have been built in our hills up here, 35 minute walk on a dirt road, and they've been installed since the mid 2000. And the roads there are still, as they were before they were there. 01:19:55:21 - 01:20:36:11 Unknown And so my concern is that if those areas are open to that development further without graded and or paved road requirements, which I don't want to ask that of the future residents of those potential mountainside developments where is that lead if we are or are those open to designate or at least in smaller chunks? I believe so. So what I what I hear you sort of asking is I'd like to see less development in. 01:20:36:11 - 01:21:02:14 Unknown These areas, the smaller parcel sizes that are allowed through rural residential may not be appropriate due to it's less of more rugged roads, less direct access. And so what you're saying then is, is it possible then for us to tag that area for a likely designation change to go from rural residential to the larger minimum parcel size of rural lands? 01:21:02:18 - 01:21:58:28 Unknown Does that sound about right? Am I hearing you? Yeah. Or even if there was a path to designate certain rural residential plots as I as I know them between the map and actual experience out there, to at least prioritize one or two as potentially say, culturally relevant, There are travel pathways that remain back there, some of which are two routes and at the same time, a lot of those being paths to, I guess, plots that be residences and may belong somebody may have future development residents who are kind of stuck with out knowing if we are to be able to access those publicly. 01:21:59:01 - 01:22:38:25 Unknown Right. Because as of it shows here, rural lands as it's defined most likely like it's in private hands and or a bank. So I guess that's what I'm asking. Is there a route that we could prioritize? Certain spaces of the rural lands in rural residential rather designations to allow for public facilities or public lands use? It's cool. We're going to capture that one because I think that's a yes, but we'd have to drill down to the particular parcel if you were interested in a certain area. 01:22:38:28 - 01:23:09:19 Unknown Additionally, one of the one of the characteristics that affects Shoreline Communities Area plan that may not affect some of our other ones are substandard older subdivision. Those are our paper paper parcels and those parcels were created in the thirties in the forties when the standards were much different. So they don't currently have municipal except for like there's one sewer like on one road that half the parcels are gone anyway because they've eroded into the lake because of the unstable soil. 01:23:09:19 - 01:23:40:12 Unknown And so the Board of Supervisors created the substandard older subdivision specifically to help people understand the extra requirements that would be needed in order to develop a house on one of those parcels. They include building a road that is able to to accommodate fire personnel and an emergency personnel, and that would be a road that would go from a county road all the way up to your parcel. 01:23:40:15 - 01:24:09:23 Unknown So as you can picture these parcel the paper subdivisions in your head, that's like a lot of winding roads which have been bladed but never paved and they're they're not wide enough. So additionally, we would require water storage of enough water help with fire services and a number of other improvements that actually make it very prohibitive to develop. 01:24:09:26 - 01:24:14:05 Unknown So let's keep those in mind as well. 01:24:14:07 - 01:24:34:12 Unknown So just to emphasize what Austin had said and what you just said, if you look at the tax defaulted properties in this area, it actually if you pull up the tax default GIS at all, the majority of the tax defaulted properties are right in that area. And if you look at it, it's probably because nobody can develop. So it's not being utilized for what its originally original purposes. 01:24:34:15 - 01:25:14:16 Unknown So I think that emphasizes the fact that it needs to be re designated to something else because that's where all the tax defaulted properties are located on a lot lost. So about 2000 what was it, 14 or 15. The Board of Supervisors did adopt a substandard or a paper or subdivision management plan and it referred to it created goals and objectives to prioritize merging these parcels into something that could either be used and sold if it was close enough to services or taking a look at using these parcels in the future. 01:25:14:16 - 01:25:48:03 Unknown For some of our Trails plans. So perhaps an updating of that paper subdivision management plan might be something this community would like to see. I've got a question on our services here, our fire department and paramedics. I mean, it's inadequate now. So what are your planning to do to We need to get it caught up to now, let alone going forward there. 01:25:48:03 - 01:26:20:09 Unknown The other day here we were, there was six of us taking CPR training. And at that time that we were taking the training our paramedic was cut down by Upper Lake or where we're down there, if something were to happen here, we would have had to keep CPR up for 30 minutes while a paramedic came from Clearlake. And our fire department is only two blocks away. 01:26:20:11 - 01:26:49:05 Unknown That's all I can say to me. All this stuff is let's get caught up and let's get cleaned up where we are. The road, the services looking ahead like this makes no sense if we can't even take care of ourselves now and that that question is awesome or that that suggestion is wonderful because one of the purposes and and values of having general plans and local area plans is that the goals and the implementation plans are listed in there. 01:26:49:05 - 01:27:23:15 Unknown And that gives public jurisdictions like like the county or the fire districts something to stand on when they're applying for grants because the grant funders want to see that any moneys that they're thinking about sending our way would be for projects that are consistent with the community's vision. And so that definitely needs to go in there, even though it's not like like I wish I had a zillion dollars and I could take care of it right now, but unfortunately the pathways that are laid out for us, this is one of them. 01:27:23:15 - 01:28:18:25 Unknown That's a longer term don't oversee the fire districts. And so we had some comments on how get money. All right, scroll back up here. So Betsy Kohn says we need support for the provision of real community center services, especially needed for emergency preparedness and response capacities. Lucerne I know this is the previous question, but Lucerne Alpine Senior Center most likely will be the location of community wide assistance for reducing hazard risks and coordinating evacuation assistance resources, but it does not have the means to add services. 01:28:18:27 - 01:28:49:28 Unknown So then going back to question number three and land use, Kelley says residential development should occur only within incorporated city limits, and new development should not require extension or development on new water and wastewater systems. Eliminate rural residential land use designation. Walkable community focused housing is more affordable, defensible. And then it looks like that's just repeated. Thank you. 01:28:50:01 - 01:29:18:08 Unknown All right. Any final comments from the group on land use map changes? Go ahead, Julia. Yeah, Jessica's got it. Just to spin off on. I just said mixed use, but there's a reason behind that. And it's what you all just talked about, including not having proper services today when you've got commercial and residential together, you are helping the stress on public safety when there are like that. 01:29:18:10 - 01:29:58:05 Unknown And along the Highway 20 corridor, having residential mixed with commercial allows for opportunities of funding that otherwise with only it being commercial doesn't allow for. So there's a and there's other ripple effects from that. But those are just the highlights. So that's why I'm saying more mixed use all the way down Highway 20. Thanks, Julia. Hello. I'm looking at this map and it it looks like there's only a on the avenues that run up. 01:29:58:05 - 01:30:27:00 Unknown It looks like I'm pretty sure that this is 13th Avenue and they have this listed as community commercial. But there is. But there's only one business, and that's a behavioral health business. There's only one business on there. There's just homes. There's there's there's no businesses. I mean, I know there's the Lucerne Hotel, the castle, but on the Hotel street. 01:30:27:02 - 01:30:50:18 Unknown Yeah. So in that situation, those are those, those lots that have homes on them could be redeveloped for a commercial use if we leave it as commercial. Or we could change the land use designation to reflect what's there on the ground. If we want to see that, say so. Do you have a thought about whether it should be changed to a residential designation, or should we leave more options for more commercial development in that area? 01:30:50:21 - 01:31:11:25 Unknown Well, I'm not sure on that. I don't think it should be a group. Everybody The homeowners need to get together on that. Yeah, and decide on that. But I did notice that when I purchased my property, I think and I believe it's halfway up the street, it stops halfway. Okay, it's commercial. But I did notice it's it's marked on here commercial. 01:31:11:25 - 01:31:49:15 Unknown But then the highways that labeled as commercial, I don't know why anyway. Okay. Any other thoughts on that and the commercial designations and the town along Highway 20 and the side streets that connect. So Question, make it easy for you. This is obviously hard to see the details. So if we go online with the county and then we can actually see the detailed designation, where do we where do we find this easily on the on the county website? 01:31:49:17 - 01:32:13:02 Unknown Thank you. So the easiest way to get there is Google Lake County Key. So you don't get Lake County, Florida, Lake County. See a guys that'll take you to the county website and then to access the GIS, which has a number of different maps with layers, you'll have like a disclaimer that you click okay and then it comes up on this panel. 01:32:13:02 - 01:32:41:24 Unknown On the left hand side, you'll see what looks like a satellite map. Click on that one. That's the parcel viewer. And then then if you go when it opens to parcel viewer, you'll see something that looks like three sheets of paper, the layers icon at the top right click that and create a dropdown menu where you would click on general plan and it would show it would then color the whole county with the general plan does land use designations, and that's where we can get those. 01:32:41:24 - 01:33:05:27 Unknown So that's where you can zoom in and see each parcel. Mm hmm. Yeah. So yeah, a good, good direction mirror, though. All right. We have about we have a little bit less than 15 minutes left and I appreciate all of this great input, but I do want to move us on to the last question, so we have time for that in a couple of minutes at the end for some next steps. 01:33:06:00 - 01:33:32:14 Unknown So the last question is to take a look at the the map. Sorry, excuse my reach. You all have this map around the space. This is the map of the local area plan boundaries across the entire county. And so as a last question, we want to ask for your input on whether you think changes are needed to those local area plan boundaries is. 01:33:32:16 - 01:33:55:20 Unknown Tanya. I want to make sure we can. I'm sure that she reword the various areas. Yeah, that might help with the question that we had the right place. Yeah. Let's make sure we capture Betsy's comment about the areas of special study or interest, because I think that might actually relate to Greg's comment about housing, where it's zoned commercial. 01:33:55:23 - 01:34:19:19 Unknown Some of our areas like the Strand and other, I think we have two or three in the shoreline communities that are they were created during the time of redevelopment back in 2008 two because this is what the community was thinking. They wanted to develop. And so some of those areas are zoned like plan development, commercial or just C-2 or commercial, because that's what the community at that time thought. 01:34:19:25 - 01:35:13:09 Unknown We wanted to see there. And so so let's make sure we Michelle, can we capture Betsy's comment regarding the special areas? Yes, thank you. We scroll back up to it. Yeah. She said, asking about the specification of special study areas subordinate to the shoreline communities areas plan for those communities defined by municipal advisory councils. Question mark. Also mapping changes that have been asked about by the advisory committee. 01:35:13:12 - 01:35:37:09 Unknown I didn't guys. We have been receiving some questions and comments from the pack, but yeah, I think it's a good it's a good thing to bring up these special study areas when we're talking the boundaries. So I think yeah, if you have ideas about whether we should identify new special study areas for this shoreline Communities Plan, we also welcome those comments. 01:35:37:09 - 01:36:07:00 Unknown As a reminder, as I mentioned earlier, the current areas that are highlighted as special study areas are the promenade and the strand in Lucerne, the Plaza and Clearlake Oaks and the East Clearlake Oaks Commercial District. So those so so I think part of your answers here tonight can also tell us if you think we need to have some specialized policy and design guidance for other parts, individual communities or parts of communities in the shoreline areas. 01:36:07:03 - 01:36:26:25 Unknown Plan Is there anything you wanted to add to that? In response to Betsy's comment? No, but just to just to sort of color it a little bit, we did have an instance where one of the parcels was vacant because the house had burned down a number of years ago. And so somebody bought that parcel thinking, I'm just going to rebuild the house. 01:36:26:28 - 01:36:52:12 Unknown However, that parcel was in an area special study and it was zoned commercial and we were unable. It was soon plan development commercial and we weren't able to issue a permit to build a house because of the the communities sort of declaration of what they wanted there, which was professional services like surveyors or, you know, the offices, the office type of commercial to go there. 01:36:52:15 - 01:37:12:06 Unknown So it does have your vision for what you want going forward has meaning that we consult in planning like for the next 20 years to make sure before we can say, Yeah, go ahead and build this or yeah, you can have that. We have to, we have to check to make sure that the community's vision has said that it's okay. 01:37:12:07 - 01:37:48:22 Unknown There. Thank you. So let's open it up. Ideas on comments on local area plan boundary changes that are needed or special study area comments. It's like and ready. So it's just a question. To be honest, I was actually surprised when looking at this. Not that we don't love Bruno and the Clearlake area, but I'm surprised to see that were combined here with the Clearlake because the population density is so different between, you know, let's say lucerne versus Clearlake and the needs and requirements are significantly different. 01:37:48:22 - 01:38:19:07 Unknown So I'm just I want to ask why is Clear Lake Area, you know, everything east of that part of the Shoreline Communities section, the city of Clearlake, is there just show on the map. It is not part of our community visioning process. Each jurisdiction has its own visioning process and this one is only for the unincorporated areas of the county city of Clearlake and the city of Lakeport. 01:38:19:07 - 01:38:36:06 Unknown They go through their own visioning processes and have their own general plans and really have an SAT session as well as some the areas surrounding where they would have environmental analysis. 01:38:36:09 - 01:38:58:14 Unknown And that's on the part of the city of little yeah, unincorporated. So I get that. But with the lake port has this area separate because you have the unincorporated areas of lake Port which has separate needs than say Upper Lake Lakes area. And I feel like the same thing goes for Clear Lake in the area surrounding Clear Lake would have to have its own designation as well. 01:38:58:15 - 01:39:33:04 Unknown Personally, that's just my opinion because there's so many areas in the unincorporated area outside of Clear Lake that I think would need its own area. Thank you. Just talking with Pam, and I know that at one of the previous meetings at Earth and then some comments that came to the to the board, I think when we were talking about the apex and other things like that, they talked about the group wanting Clearlake Oaks to have its own plan. 01:39:33:04 - 01:39:57:26 Unknown And then bunching nice and Lucerne somewhat together because of the somewhat similarities. I'm only noting that because it's been stated before and it probably will be stated on May 1st of the next one. So I'm just mentioning that and also so that the surf group hears it so that, you know, you have your your idea as well of what you how you want if you wanted your area to be different or however that's I think that's the question right. 01:39:57:27 - 01:40:17:23 Unknown That you're asking. Yeah. If there are we need to make boundary changes and I'm it sounds like there's suggestions for maybe creating a new area plan for that goes kind of between upper lake needs and shoreline communities as well as Jake's comment about maybe a new area plan for the unincorporated area around Clearlake Oaks. Right? Yeah, go ahead, supervisors. 01:40:17:29 - 01:41:04:16 Unknown See, my guess is that Clearlake, being in the shoreline communities, is a relic of. The past, because Clearlake has only been a city since 1980 and these area plans have existed prior to that. So I'm pretty certain that that's the case. But I'm kind of going to piggyback on what Jake was saying, which is like Landrum Ranch area down Highway 20 on the way out towards Colusa is a vastly area, and I know that we just saw the demolition of the Paradise area as well, and not sure if the area plan can provide the same level of detail for what's needed in 600 acre lots and other areas that could potentially become something that that 01:41:04:16 - 01:41:40:20 Unknown can attract folks. In the past, Paradise definitely did, but in comparison to the level of detail that's for more, in my opinion, area plans are definitely highly appropriate for community growth boundaries, but not necessarily for those offshoot areas which east of the city of Clearlake all the way to the Blue Saline is definitely a vastly different detail of what would be appropriate and what would not be appropriate versus the community growth boundaries that typically the area plan would seem to engage in. 01:41:40:20 - 01:42:31:06 Unknown And maybe Maria can correct me if I'm wrong, that that level of detail is possible in an area plan for something so drastically different or if it would need to be kind of segregated out in sense of saying these are more the mountainous areas, not the shoreline areas type of thing, How interesting thought. So what it sounds like is that there could be some interest in altering the boundaries to create the Upper Lake nice lucerne planting area or even possibly further, including Glen Haven, but then Clearlake Oaks, Double Eagle, Spring Valley, that sort of and that heading out towards five would then be a separate area. 01:42:31:08 - 01:43:02:10 Unknown I wouldn't be opposed to being a part of this area. So I think that's an intriguing thought because these were established thematically. So they were trying to draw the around similar characteristics of communities. It may no longer be appropriate in today's, you know, county. So we've experienced a lot of changes in the last couple of decades. So we're going to record that one. 01:43:02:12 - 01:43:23:11 Unknown We're going to hash that out a little more in the second community meeting. Right. Or is that something that the apex would look at next? Probably will, Yeah, more in the next round. Alternatively, we could keep them the same and establish special study areas too. So we have a couple options. That's why I'd like to hear from the representation from that area. 01:43:23:11 - 01:43:42:12 Unknown Hopefully on May 1st at that meeting about any kind of boundary changes rather than me speaking on everyone's behalf. Well, I appreciate you mentioning it. And since we have 800 property owners in the Association of the Keys, I hope they all show up and we overflow in the parking lot and we need to put it on a Jumbotron. 01:43:42:15 - 01:44:05:06 Unknown That would be, unfortunately only one fourth of them may live there full time. Well, sort of a robust thing on a couple of hundred. A robust input is always very helpful. Yeah. All right. I am just pointing out it's just about 8:00 and I want to be respectful of folks. TIME Is there any final Zoom comments to share on this question or. 01:44:05:09 - 01:44:36:14 Unknown Yes, okay. We'll do that last and then we'll have Maria wrap up there. This is from Kelly. She specifically mentions the Middletown area plan. But She also notes some comments that I think could be applicable to this area plan. She says, I have not seen each loop, but auto body shops, heavy equipment, rental storage facilities in general, Industrial should not be permitted along Highway 29. 01:44:36:14 - 01:45:05:16 Unknown This should be a scenic corridor gateway, not an industrial bleu. And I'm spacing on whether or not this one goes all the way down, incorporates 29 or not, but could also be applicable to Highway 20. Okay, thank you Michelle. So I just want to remind everybody that this is not your only opportunity to share your thoughts. If you have more thoughts to share that we didn't have time to cover or something comes to you as you're driving home, please do continue to share. 01:45:05:16 - 01:45:29:18 Unknown Share your thoughts with us. You can email them to the county or go on our website and submit a comment. And it's the Lake County 2050 at Lake where you you say it and we read our email is Lake County 2050 at Lake County Scapegoat. Additionally, you can also just go to the Lake County 2050 Dawg website and there's a link there for an email. 01:45:29:18 - 01:45:55:27 Unknown You can you can send us emails through that as well. All right. Since I have the microphone, the last thing, if you have not seen our one page survey, really you want to fill out, please, if you have a minute after we're done, if you don't need to run off, let's have you fill that out, because not only does it capture your input too, but you also get a snazzy please model Tammy where it is. 01:45:56:00 - 01:46:17:14 Unknown We get a snazzy. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Pamela. Pamela has panelist is Vanna right now. Oh, there it goes. There you go. Snazzy license plate holder, which is our way of getting the word out even further as you drive around the county. It has our website on it. So we won't make you. But doesn't it look nice? 01:46:17:14 - 01:46:42:10 Unknown It's all right. It does. And it has our website on it. And additionally, just want to leave you with encouragement to apply for the local Area Plan Advisory Committee. This is where this is the group of people that's going to get down to that nitty gritty, decide some recommendations for any changes that they'd like to see or anything they'd like to see, preserve going forward. 01:46:42:12 - 01:47:02:08 Unknown And those recommendations from that lake pack are going to go then to the General Planning Advisory Committee and also to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration. Thank you very much. What we're going to talk about how the committee, which you do, they just send one representative from this earth or earth? I don't think we talked about that, right, Bruno? 01:47:02:08 - 01:47:25:00 Unknown We just put a just an application and then but I mean, like for the this where the municipal advisory committees do they just send a rep each time or do they designate one? There's not a board member, just be a surf member or serve the Earth member or there's a position for for each town hall like a wirth earth and then like math. 01:47:25:05 - 01:47:46:16 Unknown Yeah, yeah. I'm just mentioning it because I don't think we formed that yet, but there is a position for the actual town hall members in each area plan just so that the actual appointments at the Board of Supervisors meeting go more smoothly is if the board would prefer to have it interchangeable. Let's just make sure everybody fills out that application and signs that code of ethics. 01:47:46:18 - 01:48:07:15 Unknown Then we got it covered. That'd be awesome. All right. And thank you again to also, did we have any last suggestions? I think we pretty much covered it as a group. Jamie has volunteer opportunity flier for you also, if you're interested. And I wanted to extend our thanks again to the the Central Regional Town Hall for hosting this special meeting tonight. 01:48:07:17 - 01:48:44:02 Unknown Thank you for anything you guys can do. Anything I close with. Yes. Okay. We'll do a quick close with the town hall or an area here. All right. So the last item on our agenda is public comment. So anybody that has something to I don't have the. But anyways, if you want to make a comment about something that's not on the agenda, you have 3 minutes to do it. 01:48:44:06 - 01:49:15:27 Unknown And is there anybody that would like to make a public comment? I would. And as Maria mentioned, we are having a volunteer faire on April 30th. It's called Love, where You Live or Love, Love, Love Unites volunteers. We are looking for people that want to table at our event so agencies, organizations and even though that use volunteers, this is a perfect opportunity to be their volunteer table. 01:49:16:04 - 01:49:48:24 Unknown And then hopefully we need volunteers. There also are people that want those opportunities. So I have fliers for both. We do ask that you register if you want to table and please talk to me if you have any questions. Thank you. Thank you. Anybody else married? The North Shore Fire Fund is holding their third annual North Shore Ready Fest, which is for fire protection and preparedness. 01:49:48:24 - 01:50:12:05 Unknown It's a free event, runs from 10 to 2. It will be at Lucerne Elementary. So we have plenty of room. There'll be lots of fire equipment there. And contaminant is there's going to be a I guess, an inflatable obstacle course for kids free barbecue. Yeah, we're doing what we call the fire drill. We did it at the park in Clearlake Oaks on Saturday. 01:50:12:08 - 01:50:40:26 Unknown And so basically what we do is we have the kids or we could have adults do it too. There will have a cot simulating that you're sleeping, and then we actually sound a fire alarm, smoke alarm, and then have them through the obstacle course and meet their parents at the meeting spot. Getting the idea that you're you know, when that goes off in the middle of the night, you've got to wake up, scramble through your house or wherever you go and to have a meeting spot. 01:50:41:03 - 01:50:58:05 Unknown And it's a great learning experience for the parents to get them to to practices at home, because we tell the kids, make sure your mom and dad do this at home so that you know where your meeting spot is, you know, and kids as young as two, the second time you do it, they're there before you can even ring the fire alarm. 01:50:58:07 - 01:51:25:05 Unknown Sorry, I don't know if I missed the date. Saturday, April 27. Between ten and two Lucerne Elementary school free event, family friendly hands on CPR training right there. Red Cross will be there. Cal Fire will be there. It's a it's a perfect timing to do this before we hit the fire season. So I hope everybody comes out. Thank you. 01:51:25:10 - 01:52:05:15 Unknown Anyone else working during that week? Members and applications can be found at the fire department office seventh Avenue during the day. And if you happen to contact any fire department employees, they can also assist you with that. And when is your when's our regular meeting? The second Monday of every month. And location changes from time to time. So you might be able to get the information from the office. 01:52:05:17 - 01:52:35:20 Unknown And then also for those of you that are interested in what's going on in your community and, what about your fire services here? And if you like to attend meetings, we have the North Shore Fire Protection District Board meeting is tomorrow the 10th, and it's at 2 p.m. at the district office on seventh Avenue. I was just going to thank you on behalf of District three. 01:52:35:22 - 01:53:03:04 Unknown I want to thank all of you for coming and doing this. This is very important. And, you know, most importantly, Maria, this is one thing you wanted to tackle right away when you got into the position. And I appreciate that. I really, really do. I was on the planning commission and I and that's when I first started working with Maria and I even back then, we would go through some of the area plans because of course, like I mentioned before, Dollar General, all these other different agencies were wanting to put things up and we referred to the area plan in the general plan. 01:53:03:07 - 01:53:36:01 Unknown And so just it's it's something that's going to carry us into the future. I'll be 74 in 2050, so I just highlight that. But again, thank you. This is very important, especially talking about the different insights that we have that as compared to when this all was established in the beginning. You know, when we're talking about Clear Lake was barely incorporated in the eighties and it's still on you know, So it's just making these simple changes to get us to a better spot. 01:53:36:03 - 01:53:40:12 Unknown Thank you. Anybody else? 01:53:40:15 - 01:53:58:24 Unknown All right. Hearing on the meetings adjourned at 808. Thank you, everybody for coming. And thank you very much to the Lucerne Alpine Senior Center for allowing us to host our meetings here.