00:00:00:00 - 00:00:04:02 Unknown Yeah. Good evening. 00:00:04:02 - 00:00:10:28 Unknown We still have just the last few people signing in. We want to be respectful of your time. 00:00:10:28 - 00:00:37:15 Unknown And it's about that time, right now, but we're just going to give it one more minute. So if you are milling about, if you wouldn't mind finding your seat, we will get started shortly. Additionally, we do have this entire open table here, and I promise it won't be like sitting at the front of the class. I won't call on you, but I don't mean to have my back to you. 00:00:37:15 - 00:01:47:07 Unknown Sorry. Amy, would you please give me the sign as soon as we're done signing people in? Yeah. Excellent. Yeah. No, that's. Yeah, it's bugging me. I'm going to go with Angela. I have Angela. Okay. Excellent. We will go ahead and get started. Welcome, everyone. I want to express our sincere appreciation on behalf of the Community Development Department that you're giving up some of your very valuable evening time to help us with our community visioning process. 00:01:47:09 - 00:02:23:02 Unknown I'm Maria Turner, director of Community Development. I want to also extend thanks to our brand New Bern Big Valley Advisory Committee for hosting us during their very first municipal advisory Committee meeting. So thank you very much. As you look around the room today, they're in Navy shirts. We have a number of AmeriCorps staffers with us this evening. They have gotten a lot of experience in facilitating group tables over the last week and a half. 00:02:23:04 - 00:02:47:28 Unknown And right now, they're they're standing aside waiting for us for me to get my overview done and get you guys started. And then they will help with the facilitation of the small group session. I also want to thank members of our community development staff. If you are a member, please raise your wave your hand, Mary and Janet in the back and our principal planner, Michelle in the front. 00:02:48:01 - 00:03:12:05 Unknown They will also be assisting. Sometimes some of the questions that come up during discussions are very planning related, and our AmeriCorps volunteers, while they are quite capable, are not experienced in planning. So our staff will be wandering around helping to assist with any of those questions. I want to thank Sam Houston for being here tonight to handle our recording of the meeting. 00:03:12:07 - 00:03:49:00 Unknown The Internet connection turned out to be unstable in this location. We were hoping it would last so we won't have participants via Zoom. However, this as well as all of our other community meetings, are recorded and will be posted on the IGTV YouTube channel as well as the Lake County 2050 Dawg website. That website Lake County TV Dawg is the house for the whole process of the general plan and local area plan updates, so I will only repeat that address about nine times tonight. 00:03:49:02 - 00:04:19:21 Unknown I'll try to keep it low. Additionally, I want to thank Gilbert Rangel, who's been attending each of our meetings to provide onsite Spanish translation services if needed. Gilbert will definitely be an expert in planning by the time he's done, and Supervisor Pica is driving here from Sacramento, so she should be here shortly. Oh, and I have a do walkie. 00:04:19:24 - 00:04:38:08 Unknown Okay, so I'll give you a brief overview of what a general plan is if we should keep that window or that door open so we can get air through their mind. Thank you. Try not to sweat you all out before the evening, so I'll give you a brief overview about the general plan and the local area plan. What's in them? 00:04:38:10 - 00:05:07:28 Unknown What's the purpose? Why are you here? We will then break into small groups. Advisory body discussions was appropriate for some where we did have municipal advisory councils that had some input which we took at the end. So if appropriate, will do that this evening. And then we'll talk about next steps and other ways you can get involved. All right. 00:05:08:00 - 00:05:45:14 Unknown Overview of our project, the Lake County TV update. The county, as you can see on this map, is divided into eight different planning areas. Each of those planning areas has their very own local area plan, such as the Upper Lake Nice plan or the Kelsey Ville area plan. We are updating all eight of these local area plans which are community focused visioning plans, and the general plan will include a number of county wide elements. 00:05:45:17 - 00:06:15:19 Unknown The long range planning project that this is will also require environmental analysis according to state law, and that is the that is going to be a full air and environmental impact report that will be prepared alongside with the update. Also not originally part of the Lake County 2050, but added in subsequently is the climate adaptation plan, which is going to consider a number of climate related impacts on our county. 00:06:15:21 - 00:06:44:16 Unknown And we'll start taking a look at ways we can deal with them, mitigate them and become resilient with or about them. And that is also following the same Lake County 2050 timeline. Where am I? I think I'm too forward. Oh, my word. C Don't give me the clicker. I do it and let's keep going. We're missing a slide anyway. 00:06:44:17 - 00:07:15:13 Unknown Okay. The general plan is required by state law. It must be updated no less than every 20 years. It can be amended as needed as we go along. But that full on update is every 20 years. And that's what we're looking at right now. The purpose of the general plan is to make sure that we're capturing the community's vision for what we want to see happen in development in our county and in our communities in the next 20 years. 00:07:15:16 - 00:07:46:21 Unknown It also serves as a framework for a number of other regulations and guidelines. It also informs the zoning code. After we complete this three year project, will then launch an update of the zoning code because the two must coincide, they must be synchronized. It's important to have consistency with the local area plans because everybody needs understanding of what the community vision is and where we're going from there. 00:07:46:24 - 00:08:11:09 Unknown Now, these plans are extremely valuable in community development because if you come for a use permit, because you want some type of a business, we're always looking to make sure that what is proposed is consistent with the community's vision for that area. Maybe that's the next slide on the Oh no, I get it. I get it now. Okay. 00:08:11:12 - 00:08:41:05 Unknown Components of our general plan, we have required topics, which is the list on the left and optional elements that are on the right. So on the left, the stuff that's required by law is land use, open space circulation. That includes transportation, the housing element, conservation of resources, safety element, noise element, and what's a new element that is now required, which is environmental justice. 00:08:41:05 - 00:09:09:00 Unknown And we'll talk about that just a little bit in a moment. On the right hand side, you'll see the optional elements. Every jurisdiction, county, city has the opportunity to create their own standalone optional elements, and we do so for the reason that what we're talking about that particular element is something that the jurisdiction feels is so important. We really need to flesh it out further than where it may have been included as a small section in another element. 00:09:09:03 - 00:09:50:04 Unknown And so in Lake County that we have the Aggregate Resources management plan which regulates how we extract resources like the the gravel from the creeks or the quarries, agricultural resources. Because I don't I don't need to explain that one. I mean, we are. AG So that one definitely needs a lot of detail, geothermal resources for the geothermal resources that we have in the South County public facilities and services and water resources, which focuses on Clear Lake specifically the Aggregate Resources Management plan and the housing element are are following a slightly modified timeline. 00:09:50:06 - 00:10:16:10 Unknown Housing element is required to be updated in the state on I think it's a seven year cycle and so that's going to need to be at the state for certification by 2027. Instead of our finishing is anticipated in 2026. The Aggregate Resources Management plan requires a level of specialty and expertise in that industry that we're going to have a separate process to do so. 00:10:16:16 - 00:10:39:03 Unknown Not that you won't have public input. All of these include public input. It's just that the the the staff resources and the the firm that we brought on board, we don't have the expertise that we need to really make the solid updates to the aggregate resource management plan. So we're looking for funding for that one right now. You know what, Sam? 00:10:39:03 - 00:11:10:12 Unknown I recognize this is just lower. We're missing the title part. That's why it's throwing me off. See? Okay, that's awesome. Can everybody see that? Okay, good. So local area plans. Historically, we have updated the general plan is one big project and then we've kind of hit some, you know, local area plans as we could afford it in the county. 00:11:10:12 - 00:11:45:20 Unknown And so a number of them were extremely outdated. So we got to this point where now we're up against a deadline to update the general plan, but we can't do so with seriously outdated local area plans. And so we came up with this sort of shift in the way things are normally done and the update that we're doing with all of them at the same time actually is going to invest more robust focus and input on the local area plans because we intend we need them to carry the exact same weight as the general plan going forward. 00:11:45:22 - 00:12:32:04 Unknown Again, local area plans are community oriented as a community vision. So whereas AG may talk about AG here and you know, in Middletown, the Kelsey Ville area plan talks about issues that are specific to Kelsey Ville. It can also include up to four special areas of special study areas in the North Shore. This looks like a number of commercial community centers that were developed during their last area plan that resulted in the special study areas for like the Promenade, the Strand, different places that that the community envisioned as let's build commercial here because we want to create this as like a community center to help with the fact that, you know, people just drive right 00:12:32:04 - 00:13:00:08 Unknown past right through these communities. It could also be something that we were talking about at the Upper Lake, Nice area plan meeting, which is Blue Lakes feels left out. It's an option then to create a special study area for the community of Blue Lakes so that they feel that their blue lakes specific issues are included in the community visioning and those special study areas can be determined later. 00:13:00:10 - 00:13:30:19 Unknown All right. This is how it's broken up, because we did it a little differently than, as I just explained, the county wide elements. A lot of those are required by law. But look over on the right hand side, the local area plans. We're going to be talking about land use, transportation or circulation, open space conservation and recreation warehousing, the environmental justice element in the local, local area plans, public facilities and services and economic development, as well as those special study areas. 00:13:30:22 - 00:14:06:27 Unknown And another thing about the local area plan is that you can design your community design guidelines in your local area, plan. So if there is a theme of the commercial storefronts that you want to preserve, say, the historic theme that is in Upper Lake Main Street, things like that, you can design guidelines that sort of help people that want to develop in our on our main streets in Kelsea Ville to understand how we want their buildings to look just so it matches with an overall theme land use map. 00:14:07:00 - 00:14:33:14 Unknown This is where you should. This is the part that usually gets the most attention and that is because it illustrates where the community wants to see different types of development on different parcels. So see, as you see the different sort of designations, the land use designations that tell someone who's coming with a project where their project would fit best. 00:14:33:16 - 00:15:17:13 Unknown It also identifies densities, so housing densities or lot coverage in case of commercial. So it helps us to sort of moderate the appearance of what we'd like to see. Is that glaring on you, Huh? Sorry. Can you scooch through that door just a little bit, please? We don't want to blank Mary. All right. Again, this map instructs the zoning map, but the zoning map then has additional details that enforce the community's vision, such as height restrictions, setbacks, at minimum, parcel sizes for further subdivisions, things like that. 00:15:17:15 - 00:15:58:01 Unknown Environmental justice. The new element. Environmental justice basically means its purpose is basically to ensure the basic right of everyone to live, work, go to school, play and worship in a clean and healthy environment. State law has recognized low income communities, Communities of color and tribal communities have experienced a combination of factors with the result that today these communities struggle with both a disproportionate burden of pollution and health impacts, as well as a disproportionate social and economic disadvantages like poverty and housing instability. 00:15:58:04 - 00:16:29:01 Unknown And so this environmental justice element is created then to improve conditions of those communities. Those communities are defined in state law as disadvantaged communities. We have a little more about this one to. So we are able as a jurisdiction to add what we consider in our environmental justice analysis. But the bullet pointed list on the top is the required ones. 00:16:29:01 - 00:17:02:12 Unknown So reduce pollution exposure and improve air quality, promote public facilities. Public facilities could be something like street streets, sidewalks, street lighting, or larger facilities like flood control facilities, access to food that's affordable and nutritionally adequate. This could either be through zoning for new grocery stores or offering healthier options within existing convenient stores. It could be expanding options for farmer's markets or adding new community gardens, things like that. 00:17:02:12 - 00:17:32:18 Unknown Those all impact access to healthy food, safe and sanitary homes that could refer to the regulations we've taken against lead based paint or asbestos and mold, as well as pests and rodents. It could also involve overcrowding, which is when more people, when people are all stuffing into the same house to be able to afford rent or mortgage payment, physical activity, promoting physical activity. 00:17:32:18 - 00:17:58:01 Unknown So this is could could look like ensuring that people have safe places to bike or trails to walk on connecting residential areas to commercial areas, things like that, open spaces connecting to creeks. So enabling people or giving people opportunities to choose something other than jumping in the car to go someplace. While we work on the environmental justice element. 00:17:58:01 - 00:18:24:24 Unknown It's important also to keep in mind that we want to avoid things that can happen when we're improving neighborhoods, which is gentrification and displacement of the existing populace. So we stay aware of that as well. The intention of Lake County 2050 project is to hear the voices of the people that are in these disadvantaged communities so that we can make sure that they're involved in our policy development instead of, you know, we're just making rules. 00:18:24:25 - 00:18:47:02 Unknown I mean, like, okay, there you go. That's the best thing for you. All right. How do general plan and local area plans affect you? The general plan and local area plans actually affect you in ways that touch our lives every day? They could it could be something like, Hey, can I build a high rise on that parcel right over there? 00:18:47:04 - 00:19:10:14 Unknown Know, where can I put a Trader Joe's? Do we how do we want to enhance the look and feel of what we love on our main streets in Kelsey Ville? Are we making space for businesses near folks that will work there? So we don't want to have a commuter, you know, bedroom community. We really like to have communities all sort of workable together. 00:19:10:17 - 00:19:44:18 Unknown So places where people can work within a safe traveling distance neighborhoods. We like walkable access to parks, an open space, and then do we want all single family residences or do we want sort of a mixture of all different types of densities? It kind of it depends on what the community vision is that dictates what we look like in the next 20 years could also affect how the roadways are designed and maintained as well as well. 00:19:44:18 - 00:19:57:19 Unknown I think it covered most of that stuff too. Oh, except for the last one. How our cultural and natural resources are concert conserved. Okay. 00:19:57:21 - 00:20:22:29 Unknown Lake County 2050 Update is a project according to the definition of the state law, so it is subject to sequel, which is environmental review. The purpose of the environmental review, which I already told you about the EIA, the purpose is to disclose and analyze any impacts that this project may have on the environment going forward as well as when then when significant impacts are identified. 00:20:23:06 - 00:20:48:17 Unknown It may have mitigation measures that can limit or lower the significant impacts on the community. Public review is strongly encouraged and the two periods for public review were first, the scoping meeting, which we had in like a month or two ago. And the purpose of that was for people to give us input on what they think. We really need to not forget to analyze different areas in our community that we may not have already been aware of. 00:20:48:19 - 00:21:22:22 Unknown But there is also a 45 day public review period of the draft environmental impact report. And one of the things during these different times of review, we're also going to have meetings so you don't have to go home and read what's going to be a very lengthy document. But we'll have lots of pictures by yourself. Feel free to scan the parts that you find interesting and then join us in a community workshop where we can talk about it. 00:21:22:24 - 00:21:49:24 Unknown This is our overall timeline. It's a three year process we began last fall. We have county wide elements in progress with drafts anticipated this fall. Each local area plan will have three community workshops. This first one is to gather input to the key issues that we're then going to be working on for the next meeting, which is coming this fall, where we're going to work on policy and land use issues. 00:21:49:26 - 00:22:17:03 Unknown The third and final meeting of the lake of the Local Area Plan Community workshops will be to review and discuss and discuss the draft local area plan. We anticipate that will be next spring. Spring 2025. The EIA or Environmental analysis really gets going once we have a draft of our local area plans, because that's when we've got pretty much a rough draft of what the project actually includes. 00:22:17:05 - 00:22:44:26 Unknown It's going to take a good year to do that, to do that draft. EIA We anticipate that by the spring of 2026, public review of the local area plans and county wide elements and the EIA are in the spring of 2026 with anticipated or hoped for, really, really hoped for adoption by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors by fall of 2026. 00:22:44:29 - 00:23:13:03 Unknown Next slide, we're going to talk about all the opportunities for community engagement and there are a of them because again, this is a community visioning plan, not merely as idea for the world opportunities participate Local area planning community workshop just like now. Thank you so much for coming. If you know anybody who couldn't make it, they can still enter comments at our Lake County 20 2050 Dawg website. 00:23:13:06 - 00:23:34:01 Unknown We've got the stakeholder focus group meetings now. We don't have that arranged yet and we don't know what they're going to look like yet. We're doing these first series of the local area plan workshops so that we can get a feel for what are the priority issues, and then we're going to gather stakeholders that are directly connected and can advise on those issues to sort of dig down deep into those. 00:23:34:03 - 00:24:00:07 Unknown We have a JPAC General Plan Advisory Committee team of 15 and they have a number of meetings throughout the process. They're all public. They will also be an opportunity for you to come after you've read, you know, maybe five pages of the EIA that interests you. Great time to tune in to that Geopark meeting and have your say Planning Commission meetings and Board of Supervisors meetings a little later. 00:24:00:09 - 00:24:17:25 Unknown But one thing also, yeah, a project website and surveys. We do have the survey that you may have seen on your tables on the website as well. So we want to have every opportunity. We also have business cards on the table that have a QR code. Feel free to take one and share it with 50 of your closest friends. 00:24:17:27 - 00:24:41:14 Unknown So they can go on and take the survey just in their own time, at their own convenience. And then one thing that didn't make the slide because the board created it later are the lake packs, the local area plan advisory committees. The board established one LPAC for each planning area. So we now have eight more advisory committees each LPAC has. 00:24:41:14 - 00:25:09:27 Unknown Yeah. Thank you, Tam. He's playing Vanna right now. She's got applications for this awesome committee, but each committee will have nine positions available. One is reserved for tribal membership, one is for environmental representative, and then they sort of change a little bit depending on which which group it is. So for Kelsey Ville, it is one member of the Municipal Advisory Council, a business owner, an agricultural and four at large. 00:25:09:27 - 00:25:36:02 Unknown So anybody that lives within the planning area is welcome to apply and we'll make sure we only have neat meetings for the apex as needed. Some of our local area plans may have entire consensus and they don't feel like any further discussion is required. However, we want to make sure that if further discussion is required because in our local area plans is really important stuff like where are the community growth boundaries going to go? 00:25:36:03 - 00:25:59:23 Unknown So that the county knows where our infrastructure is going to move in the next 20 years? What are we really sure about these design guidelines? I don't know. We might need a little more time and so we will plan LPAC meetings as needed to make sure that the details get ironed out to the to the level that we all need as a community so that we can buy into these plans. 00:25:59:26 - 00:26:31:23 Unknown Yes. What about. Oh, thank you. We will collect applications through the month of May with anticipated appointments by the Board of Supervisors at maybe the first or second June meeting. Okay. So I want to give you an opportunity to ask any questions, because I know I went through it really quick. But before that, let me just give you an overview of what's next small group discussions. 00:26:31:28 - 00:26:54:21 Unknown So this is the main reason why you're having dinner late tonight. We will break into while we're kind of already broken into groups by table and we'll have 45 minutes to go over the four questions that are there. Basically, the four questions are what do you really love and want to see preserved in Kelsey ville? What do you want? 00:26:54:26 - 00:27:13:13 Unknown And by that I mean the whole Kelsey Ville plan. What would you like to see changed in the future? Then we're going to take a look at the land use designation map. And do you think do you are you aware of any changes that you'd like to see in the future? So this could be additional commercial area, higher density housing? 00:27:13:18 - 00:27:39:07 Unknown I think that project should go over there or something like that, things like that, that would would necessitate a change in the way we currently have the land use designations. And then the last one is looking at the boundaries of the Kelsey Ville area plan planning area. Do you feel that those boundaries still reflect the community as it stands today? 00:27:39:10 - 00:28:01:27 Unknown The facilitators will be scribbling madly to capture all of your ideas. Please feel free to share everyone that you have. We want to hear everything. Don't think Oh, I shouldn't say that because, you know, everybody laugh at me. Don't worry about that. We want your idea. Every idea is really important. Additionally, again, we will have planning staff wandering the room, including me. 00:28:02:00 - 00:28:25:27 Unknown If somebody's got a planning question, let your facilitator know, they're going to wave us down. Then after that, 45 minutes, a representative to speak for the table, which will be selected by table and it will not be staff will stand up and report back to the larger group. The highlights of what was discussed during your small group session. 00:28:26:00 - 00:28:55:04 Unknown We want to respect your time, so we'll keep these summarization or reports back too limited to 1 to 2 minutes. All right. Go to Q&A. Does anybody have questions of what I just talked about, Rick? Is there a wait? We need a microphone. I don't Well, we. Oh, because we don't have Zoom. And actually also additionally, we are recording the meeting. 00:28:55:04 - 00:29:31:21 Unknown So if we can get people on microphone, then the people watching it later will go, what was he saying? Okay, so how do certain state mandates come into play goals right now on sustainable energy? Some states just like that, they want, you know, and then the most recent was in our last election, we had the passage by a slim margin of the what was that? 00:29:31:21 - 00:29:57:07 Unknown The the plan to help with the homeless problem that we have throughout the state. How does all that come into play with this planning process? So the state will not certify a general plan that is not consistent with state law. So we're keeping those laws that are existing in mind. I got to give you the disclaimer, though. Sometimes the state makes up stuff after we get everything all settled and we think we're good to go. 00:29:57:09 - 00:30:29:15 Unknown And so we just deal with those as they come up, just as we have done in the past with the the new laws for accessory dwelling units, you know, reduce setbacks, flexibility, things like that. So we deal with those as they come up. Anybody else? Yes, ma'am. Oh, I don't like microphones. My question is, our area plan extends into Lakeport, obviously, and I know this was done 20, 40 years ago, whatever it was. 00:30:29:18 - 00:30:54:25 Unknown So I'm just curious why we can't stay within the nine five, four, five one area code when we have three. It's all these little small area plans. The river is blue lakes now. Everybody has these small groups that can say what they want. We have just like gotten thrown out into the water and. I'm asking why that happened. 00:30:54:25 - 00:31:15:21 Unknown I guess because I think that's a serious issue. I feel like our voice might not be heard. Those of us that live right in Kelsey don't have businesses. So that's my question. I think you make a very good point that should definitely be expressed when you get to question number four, Do the boundaries of our planning area reflect our community still today? 00:31:15:23 - 00:31:47:08 Unknown Yeah, make sure that gets recorded. Anybody else? Oh, okay. Because you guys know I can talk about this all day, so I'll get us moving. All right. So we will go ahead and break into our tables. Facilitators, grab your easels. You should have a number of markers. Also, if anybody is crowded and wants to move to this table, it is like all wide open elbow room, a plenty. 00:31:47:11 - 00:31:53:19 Unknown And the maps that are on the table, feel free to mark them up. All right. And we're off. 00:31:53:19 - 00:32:05:07 Unknown we have just a few more minutes, so make sure that your facilitator has taken down your ideas. 00:32:05:07 - 00:32:17:24 Unknown I hope that the volume in the room was a good indicator of a robust discussion. 00:32:17:27 - 00:32:42:07 Unknown Thanks for coming back to the big group, if you wouldn't mind. If you're facing that way, if you wouldn't mind turning your chair, it helps with the esthetics. It was Sam's recommendation. So for our recording, we are just going to now do some reporting out and let's go let's start with this table and go around in a circle. 00:32:42:07 - 00:33:09:21 Unknown So we'll start over at Joy's table. Oh, oh, we forgot to pick facilitators. Hopefully every table that I was not at picked a facilitator. And hey, Rachel, you want to be facilitator? Greg? Yes. Okay, good. They're done. Thank you. Somebody hold it. You have a lot of ideas. Okay, so our assets, the view of the mountain. We want to keep that right. 00:33:09:23 - 00:33:40:05 Unknown Oh, course. There you go. Excellent. Yeah. Okay. So, view of the mountain, downtown, Main street, small town feel, live music and events. I feel an asset is diversity because the whole business association in public trails. We want to preserve and enhance them. Parks Highland Springs Recreation Area, the County Park State Parks Access to the lake. We want to keep the airport we want to keep and small farms AG farmers market. 00:33:40:07 - 00:34:51:15 Unknown We want to keep challenges limited business and housing growth, speeding and pedestrian safety on Main Street. Something to slow things down. Lack of community pool, swimming lessons, safety, local jobs, school yard maintenance, cleanup costs. Being a food desert, no grocery store, local area shopping, No hotels for growing tourism challenges with growth by community members. So when people kind of push back about wanting the community to grow a lack of medical professionals, lack of road access, the cost of the upgrades to the town, cost of fire mitigation, putting power lines underground, walkable sidewalks and bike lanes, event centers for large parties bigger than us, like 200 people homeless and help for the homeless and illegal cannabis 00:34:51:15 - 00:35:27:24 Unknown grows. Those are our challenges. All right, so changes to planned land use. We kind of lumped these two questions into one, but we said downtown needs more commercial mixed use. So with businesses and then apartments above more high density, low income for ag workers and non ag workers, we want to see the creek area have a little bit more commercial and mixed use and less industrial. 00:35:27:26 - 00:36:14:25 Unknown Maybe use Lampson Field or something spread out where we can have some more industrial areas outside of swish downtown and then yeah, making more space downtown for local businesses and to also increase recreation pool for the community. So on that and review areas for possible changes. Yeah, not being used for AG. So if there's defunct AG or if there's AG that isn't being used right now, maybe those are places that we could kind of expand the community and then EV charging stations, we could use more of those and then the local area plan land use boundaries. 00:36:14:27 - 00:36:57:09 Unknown We like them. They're big. I think we like the inclusion of Lampson Field, we like the inclusion of Highland Springs, and I think it covers the community that we're in today. Yeah, very good. Very good. All right. Rachel. Oh, my God. Well, okay. So, huh? Oh, well, I guess I'll stand across from you then. So kind of in a similar vein, we love our main Street businesses cause we like that we don't have the big box stores right downtown. 00:36:57:09 - 00:37:39:23 Unknown We love our community and the people, the small town feel country, feel access to agriculture, to our great local events and our ability to have those events without having to get a lot of, you know, approval. The natural beauty, clean air, um, pretty good schools, great water quality and quantity and drive for tourism. Okay. Okay. Again, similar vein. 00:37:39:26 - 00:38:05:04 Unknown There is a drive for tourism, but we have a lack of lodging for tourism. More middle class housing because we were talking about development of kind of lower class housing. But, you know, we kind of need, you know, kind of first time home buyer type categories, adjustment to the floodplain so that we can improve development on some of that land. 00:38:05:06 - 00:38:36:01 Unknown Mm. I don't remember the comment about homeowner's insurance. We need better homeowner's insurance and more access to it. Yeah, Yeah. This fire is preventing a lot of that. Okay? Fixing our roads and creating more roads, improving access to the schools, eliminating that sort of commuter traffic jam in the morning when you're dropping your kids off. Um, better Wi-Fi for the community internet access sidewalks. 00:38:36:03 - 00:38:59:11 Unknown Um, so pedestrian safety, um, access to minutes municipal water should your well dry up or if you're in the sort of the town limits grocery store options again the food desert sort of thing and improving farmers markets. We also would like to see a rec center. There's really no place for our kids to go. I'd say our kids. 00:38:59:11 - 00:39:47:15 Unknown I don't really have them, but kids that go like that, you know, when it's raining a community pool, uh, continue to improve our schools and make sure that we have enough space for the continued growth and we're bringing in more housing. We're going to have more families. We need more room in our schools. Teacher recruitment and child care image emergency centers that could also be could double as rec centers, you know, sort of multi-use centers, senior focused options, events, health care, education, access to health care, um, streamlining process for economic development, incentives for new business. 00:39:47:17 - 00:40:34:05 Unknown Um, finish our highway improvements, um, bus options sort of, you know, travel for medical travel and improve our airport. Okay. Kind of, um, okay, so land this is our land use changes get more high density housing closer to the schools. Um, and then spaces for service commercial like out by the old granite property, um, perhaps on the north side of Gary Industrial Development. 00:40:34:08 - 00:41:10:23 Unknown Um, well, oh, yeah. For like 5000 to 20000 foot square or um, 20,000 square foot buildings. Um, increase land use is like bringing industry into like sort of older areas, like old packing houses that aren't being used, the Grange property that's going to be essentially abandoned. Um oh, flexibility and reuse of pair sheds. I'm like, I can't, right. 00:41:10:23 - 00:41:55:18 Unknown But um, identification of corridors and um, alternate uses of what is it let's that's Exxon land zoned for oak so for alternate uses. Okay and our boundaries we also like okay Susan Excellent. Thank you. I'm very glad you could read my scribble. All right. Uh, so I think one of our assets is a remoteness, the natural beauty and the lake. 00:41:55:21 - 00:42:25:14 Unknown Everybody here. Good? Mm hmm. Okay. Um, the small farms are food trees, the nut trees, olive trees, pear trees. Of course. The clean air, the lack of light pollution. Uh, our small population, less traffic. Uh, not as developed. Public service fire stations are great. Uh, the locally owned stores. So all of our stores are, are different local. And that's a real asset to us. 00:42:25:16 - 00:42:51:08 Unknown It's inexpensive to live here. We get good entertainment. Hold the mic just a little closer. Good entertainment, plenty of community events going on. Beautiful airfield, tribal influences within the county. Also, we've got Lake Family Resource Center where they're domestic violence shelter and Echo helps and though we didn't put it down, the Gleaners is here as well and they're a fabulous program. 00:42:51:10 - 00:43:33:03 Unknown And the Kelsey Ville Senior Center, we're now doing yoga twice a week. Um, the challenge is challenges with diversity among the community upgrade. We need to upgrade the schools, need more funding support treatment centers where we could use some treatment centers and some rehab centers here, um, especially mental health. I can't see what this says here. Includes businesses that can't read it. 00:43:33:05 - 00:44:04:05 Unknown Okay, um, there's no library. We need more art in our in our community. Definitely. Grocery stores, you know, a large grocery store here. Lomonaco is a real asset. But we could use something, you know, place that you can afford the staples as well. Um, a big problem at 29 and Live Oak where the children are crossing that floods any time there's a decent rain and the kids have to choose whether they're going to walk out in the street or walk through the water. 00:44:04:08 - 00:44:40:15 Unknown Um, there's no swimming pool. There's not enough transportation and services for the seniors. We could use a little better medical care, maybe a hospital in the area. Uh, public transportation can use improvement. Organic gardening is a community garden of any type would be appreciated. And if we could get the creeks cleaned up and increase access to the creeks, it's an asset that we have that we're not taking advantage of. 00:44:40:17 - 00:45:34:27 Unknown What you see. It's okay. We can keep going on. Okay. So are there any changes that we think need are needed to the plan? Um, again, a designated area for a community garden to allow for food for us, more activities for youth to support their dreams. I'll revamp some of the old buildings. Uh, since it's about something about light industry, more open spaces. 00:45:35:00 - 00:46:12:14 Unknown Uh, the county park and other county park would be nice. And more trees in the Kelsey Vale County Park. And there was just a little concern about if there's a difference between the area planning, the area planning committee and the advisory committee just kind of tighten those boundaries up so that they reflect one another and a more in-depth map which includes the road. 00:46:12:14 - 00:46:35:18 Unknown So people, you know, at the edges know where they stand, which committee they're which area they're in. Thank you. All right, Helen, who's there for your table? You got it. 00:46:35:20 - 00:46:45:25 Unknown Hi, Francis. Francis. Nice to see you. All. 00:46:45:28 - 00:47:14:22 Unknown Okay, where would you have us? Maybe. Okay, so what we love about our area, like most of you, we really appreciate our friendly country town and the cohesiveness of our community, our strong business association we have. We love our dances and our events. Our farmers market is close. It's on our regions or it's in our area. So we get to brag about that. 00:47:14:22 - 00:47:39:20 Unknown We appreciate that a lot. We, of course, love all of our wineries and, the wonderful agricultural field and agriculture in general. All that goes with agriculture. You know, we love seeing tractor out in the middle of the highway every once in a while and pear trees that drop all those beautiful petals just bring such a wonderful feel to our community. 00:47:39:22 - 00:48:08:27 Unknown Having an observatory here is a wonderful standout. The general beauty public spaces. We've got great parks. Too many is never a problem, but we sure appreciate the ones we have. We'd really like to hold on to our dark skies next and slip it over on your hand up to Terry. Ah, yeah. Make it go away. Things, of course, that need a little improvement would be our roads. 00:48:09:00 - 00:48:55:29 Unknown A little economic development. I think by that we are speaking of small businesses and or industry. Obviously nobody wants an over abundance of that, but clearly we could use a little broadband improvement would be wonderful. Some workforce development again back to our dark skies. There are some particular issues that are high school. Excuse me, I guess it's the elementary schools that could use a little attention, more affordable housing, all those sort of givens, traffic on Main Street, of course, could stand a lot of attention, improving airport activity in that area, some perhaps industry. 00:48:56:05 - 00:49:20:02 Unknown There's there's a lot of open space there. It could probably be put to better use. We could use a stronger teacher pool. We have great teachers. I don't not to take that away from the ones we have, but but we could sure use a few more effective teachers, homeowners insurance. Of course, everybody knows this just wants to make you want to shoot yourself. 00:49:20:04 - 00:49:59:01 Unknown Increased fire department and and sheriff we clearly would benefit from that fire abatement. Sure. More lodging for tourists. Everybody knows we need a hotel or two. And of course, if we have more hotels, we'll need more restaurants. I think we can. Um, so basically, as we talked about it, we're kind of living the general plan. We didn't have anything to truly compare to, but things that we thought would be nice. 00:49:59:01 - 00:50:26:16 Unknown Again, back to enhancing the airport, you know, kind of improving and working on things that we've already got going on. Our we'd like a big park, which I think was mentioned by most of you recreation Pickleball. We have the shared tennis courts, but that's not the same as a big area that the whole family is something for. Bocce ball pickleball a pool would be wonderful. 00:50:26:16 - 00:50:54:04 Unknown Of course, the sort of, oh gosh, you know, those activities that they have where you walk down the road and you can do some push ups here and some pull ups there, that kind of thing, you know, all in one place. And if it led to some trails that took you down to the creek or something like that, you know, just to think about our people downtown being able to walk out the door and go encounter counter this sort of thing would really be something. 00:50:54:07 - 00:51:12:17 Unknown So of course, more hotels and restaurants, hiking trails at Highland Springs. It would be really nice if we had a map. Be really nice if those trailers were trails. Excuse me, we're user friendly for someone besides Kim and all our friends. Gosh, you know, we'd all like to be out there, but, you know, it's. They're just not well marked. 00:51:12:17 - 00:51:33:25 Unknown And I'll tell you, I've been out there with Kim, and it's still challenging. They're there, really. There's a lot of guesswork going on. Little strings tied to the trees. It's just not you know, that's not hiking trails, better trail signage. Got it. Thank you. More office space, a grocery store. Everybody wants a grocery store. We'd like to do away with the empty lots. 00:51:33:25 - 00:51:52:25 Unknown You know, we've got them. And it'd be really nice, I think. And I kind of push every chance I get with the Kels People Business Association to put our own heads together and think about what we could do with those empty lots. What do we want in our town? And let's make it happen. You don't. You can't just wait for some of those things to happen, you know, come to you. 00:51:52:27 - 00:52:19:08 Unknown We need to figure out what we want and look for it. We'd like to do something about empty lots, dilapidated housing, so on and so forth around downtown, less speeders. We'd like to really. And I know we are all doing our best to do something about those people flying through town and causing problems. Bike trails would be really nice. 00:52:19:08 - 00:53:03:20 Unknown A few more bike trails. Main Street as a walking mall has been discussed. All of the traffic, you know, kind of see if we can't take it around the downtown area. I traffic. Yeah so I think that that covers all of that. So the only changes we saw looking at our boundaries that we thought was kind of awkward is that the Canada Vista Ranch area should perhaps be in one district or the other and as near as any of us were able to tell, there's a kind of a line down the road. 00:53:03:20 - 00:53:28:17 Unknown And I think the casino maybe is on one side of the project and something else is on the other side. So if there was any adjustment there, I think that would be probably clear some things up. So I think look at zoning for housing and plan for expansion because it's it's needs to happen, what's going to happen and we might as well kind of pick and choose. 00:53:28:20 - 00:54:05:05 Unknown So I think that's everything. Thank you. Okay. A lot of similarities here. So what we like the most, low density population agriculture, open space, natural beauty, the small town, Main Street, community, spirit and support the weather in the dark skies. Greg Yeah. Oh, thank you. Look this way. Oh, okay. Gary Okay. Supported uses biking, walking trails along the creek. 00:54:05:07 - 00:54:32:26 Unknown So exploring the idea of maybe, you know, in the summer months for when people are visiting you have walking trails through the creek there day use only therefore people can't camp out overnight and code can force it different approach enhancing the roads. I don't think much needs to be said on that roadway maintenance, pedestrian facilities on primary roads, enhanced code enforcement to the environment. 00:54:32:27 - 00:55:13:29 Unknown Okay. Okay. What we like the most ag land ag use right to farm and some ag soils. So apparently we had all the potheads at this table because under current challenges it has we have cannabis growers, large scale commercial growers, odor dispensaries on Main Street. It's basically all cannabis stuff, not like abandoned, grows, dilapidated hoop houses blown in the wind, changes, no increased setbacks in certain areas. 00:55:13:29 - 00:55:48:10 Unknown It's all cannabis related to keep cannabis compliant changes. Homelessness on House Populations Cannabis Ordinance Update required bond for cannabis sites for remediation moratorium on cannabis permits. So so changes that we would like to see to the planned land uses. So what we were kind of thinking was there's going to be a grocery store that's going to want to come to town with all this high density housing. 00:55:48:10 - 00:56:10:14 Unknown And so how do we try to drive that in a way we like, possibly with esthetic requirements to downtown so you don't get some big cookie cutter dollar general in here. It's going to have to be some small town feel something other than a big box store. But like, where are the tools where you could actually do that because you can't discriminate, but if it doesn't meet the esthetic requirements, height requirements. 00:56:10:14 - 00:56:36:23 Unknown So maybe these heavy residential go in with less height, maybe two storeys instead of three. So we're not blocking the view of the mountain. And then possibly so the reason there's dispensaries on Main Street, we're not like a city with our own ordinance. Therefore it was a commercial site. A dispensary qualifies. There's no extra permit required since we're unincorporated. 00:56:36:25 - 00:57:04:22 Unknown So mainly making part of that somewhere GROANING okay, boundary changes. So it is somewhat strange that there's Lakeport, Finlay and Kelsey Ville. It does make it a big area that is going to have a lot of different opinions. So maybe we want to at least discuss the possibility of shrinking down somewhat and essentially having Finley and Kelsey go as area. 00:57:04:24 - 00:57:35:08 Unknown Lakeport is his own area, its own city council zone, all sorts of things. So maybe keep separate, open to discussion. Well done. It is super exciting when the input that we get from community, from multiple people, from multiple areas of expertise and experience come together in groups. And we have these strong themes that resonate from table to table. 00:57:35:10 - 00:58:12:25 Unknown So what I'm hearing tonight is we love our views, we love our clean air, we love the country culture of our community, the water. We want to preserve what we've got in a number of areas. The the awesome events that we have going on in Main Street and. A lot of the changes are similar as well. And as we think about ways for development, well as as staff is going to work between now and in the fall to do some drafts of land use and policy issues, things to really start to and on and our next community workshop. 00:58:12:28 - 00:58:31:15 Unknown Having a consensus like this is super helpful with us. So thank you. You guys are amazing. This was great. This was a really, really good input. Not only did we get a lot of different ideas, but we got a lot of the same ideas from table to table. So this is awesome. Yeah, I'm totally geeking out on the screen. 00:58:31:18 - 00:59:01:01 Unknown All right. So next steps, what I want to leave you with because people always remember the last thing they hear ways to stay involves. Let's just I would strongly, strongly recommend anyone who has interest in in seeing this through really getting to to talk about the community growth boundaries, the fine details of the design guidelines. Please volunteer for the local Area Plan Advisory Committee. 00:59:01:01 - 00:59:27:15 Unknown It's going to be fun, I promise. Lots of fun. Encourage people to check out the website Lake County 2050 dawg. This again is the housing of all of aspects of our project are our upcoming events will be there. These videos from all our meetings will be there like the surveys when you wake up tonight or in the morning, it like two and we're like, Oh, I totally forgot to say this, that the other no problem. 00:59:27:21 - 00:59:48:07 Unknown Go to Lake County 2050 dot org and click the thing that has the comment section and just type it right in there. You'll feel better, you'll sleep better, it'll be good. Let's see. Oh, okay. Just looking forward, our next community workshop. The second one will be sometime in the fall. If you haven't signed up for our notification list. 00:59:48:07 - 01:00:09:08 Unknown But you really want to make sure you know what's going on. You can do that. On which website? Lake County 2050 dot org. It's right there and we promise not to completely you know firehose you with emails but it would be a great way to make sure that you don't get out of the loop. That concludes our presentation. 01:00:09:08 - 01:00:30:22 Unknown I want to extend another thank you to Sam Houston, to Gilbert Rangel, to our AmeriCorps personnel. Tammy does have the applications in the back. Good luck getting by her without her giving you one. And we do have one last announcement of a volunteer fair That's coming up. So I'll hand it over here. You go to me. Oh, no, you can't talk on that. 01:00:30:22 - 01:00:59:22 Unknown Yeah, that's. Hi. So in your area at Kelsey, Bill Presbyterian Church on April 30th will be a volunteer fair for volunteers to find places to volunteer and for people looking for volunteers to find volunteers. If you're interested in going, it's going to be on April 30th from 4 to 6. We hope to see you there. You can grab a flier on the way out if you would like, and any more information you can ask Tammy in the back. 01:00:59:25 - 01:01:10:24 Unknown And the biggest thank you is to everybody who came tonight. Thank you so much for giving us your time. And have a great evening