
Board of Supervisors

The five members of the Board of Supervisors have direct authority over land use in unincorporated areas. The Board of Supervisors will hold study sessions to provide input into the Lake County 2050 project at key milestones, and will ultimately adopt the General Plan, Local Area Plans, and Climate Adaptation Plan.


Community Meetings

The County will hold three rounds of community meetings to gather input at key milestones in the Local Area Plans Update process. During each round, the County will hold one meeting in each of the eight Local Area Plan planning areas. These meetings may be held as part of a meeting hosted by the established advisory body for each planning area (e.g., the Cobb Area Council for the Cobb Mountain Area Plan planning area).


Planning Commission

The five-member Planning Commission is the general advisory body to the Board of Supervisors with regard to land use decisions and acts on those matters delegated to it by the Board of Supervisors and State law. The Planning Commission will hold study sessions to provide input into the Lake County 2050 project at key milestones.


Local Area Plan Committees

To advise the Local Area Plans Update process, the Board of Supervisors has formed eight Local Area Plan Advisory Committees (LAPACs), one for each Planning Area representing a cross-section of interests from throughout the county. The LAPACs will meet at key milestones throughout the Lake County 2050 process to provide feedback on project documents and studies.

General Plan Advisory Committee

To advise the General Plan and Local Area Plans Update process, the Board of Supervisors has formed a General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) representing a cross-section of interests from throughout the county. The GPAC will meet at key milestones throughout the Lake County 2050 process to guide community engagement efforts and review and provide feedback on project documents and studies.


Stakeholder Focus Group Meetings

Meetings focused on specific issues, like environmental justice and economic development, will be held during this process.


Current Agendas and Minutes for Boards and Commissions

Use this link to see upcoming and past County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission meetings.

Use this link to see agendas and minutes for other Lake County Boards and Commissions. 

Upcoming Meetings

Event Calendar

March 14, 2025

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